Most Americans want War with ISIS.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I didn't attack veterans, I attacked you, Assup. I have enormous respect for real veterans. The fact that you are an anti-American statist who lied when you took your oath, if you ever truly did, kind of diminishes the amount of respect you deserve. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So says the cowardly LYIN!

We ALL are grateful for your contribution to America, Chickenshit Old Draft Dodger.
lustylad's Avatar
You say those countries should take care of it and I don't disagree...but what if they don't?
What if Iraq and Syria fall? In a practical sense, don't their borders become the borders of ISIS and a de facto government is then in place? Much the way the Taliban controlled Afghanistan? Some country somewhere will end up giving them diplomatic recognition if for no other reason than to defy us. Originally Posted by boardman

Afghanistan under the taliban was a dirt poor country with very little wealth or revenues. As much as we tried to ignore it, we couldn't after it became an incubator of terror attacks against us culminating in 9/11. Iraq earned $90 billion in oil revenues in 2013. Now imagine how much terrorist destruction could be financed if that kind of revenue stream fell into the hands of an ISIS government. There is NO FUCKING WAY we can let that happen. Are you people blind to this threat? We can't bury our heads in the sand like ostriches. Despite what Susan Rice says, ISIS and the other terrorist minded jihadist groups flocking to its banner are a very serious existential threat to the US, Western Europe and our Middle East allies.
lustylad's Avatar
9/11 was justified in OBL's mind because of what happened in Afghanistan. We supported the Mujaheddin against the Russians, and OBL saw that as a way for the great satin to infect and cause the deaths of true Afghan believers. In his mind the US caused the death of good, religious Muslims and supported the secular strongmen in Afghanistan when the Russians left.

That line of thought lead to AQ seeing 9/11 as retribution, not a first strike. Originally Posted by Old-T

Your explanation is nonsense. Yes, we supported the mujaheddin against the Russians during the 1980s, inter alia by supplying stinger missiles to shoot down Russian helicopters. But our covert assistance caused the deaths of Russian soldiers, not "good, religious Muslims". Once the Soviets left in 1989, we quickly lost interest in the region. Pakistan (who worked closely with us to channel aid to the mujaheddin) complained bitterly about how quickly we packed up and left after our strategic objective of evicting the Russians was accomplished.

OBL was a pipsqueak POS who exaggerated his own mujaheddin contributions (which were minimal) during the 1980s and downplayed the importance of US assistance in defeating the Russians. He started plotting terrorism against the US after the First Persian Gulf War (1991) because he didn't like the fact that the Saudi regime let Westerners launch Desert Storm and liberate Kuwait from military bases on Saudi soil.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A recent poll by CNN stated that 3 out of 4 Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of ISIS. I would like to get the conservatives on this site explain what they think Obama should do- because I think most of you will flip flop on this subject.

I for one think that the Islamic nations in the middle east should put a coalition and fight ISIS- after all isn't this a muslim issue? This would be a great opportunity for muslims to gain some credibility and wipe out these scum bags. I am 100 percent against sending our troops to fight ISIS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The mind is overwhelmed by this strange paradox. Most of the American people understand that threat of ISIS except in Washington DC where there is a small group of people that don't get it. They work in the West Wing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I've answered that before. We have been meddling in their affairs and pushing them around since the end of WWII. I think we lit the fuse when we deposed the legitimate, elected government in Iran, and instituted the Shah. History didn't begin on 9/11/2001. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Here is the problem. They hate us because we are not them. We are not Muslim. We are not Middle Eastern and we are not radicals. In 2001 it cost OBL about 1 million dollars and a couple of years of planning to destroy the World Trade Center and kill 3,000 Americans. ISIS has billions of dollars, recruits, and time to plot something even bigger and more wide spread. They have said that they are coming for us. So why should we doubt them? The FBI says that they have ISIS cells in 49 of the 50 states. What are they here for? To have a parade someday? The enemy is in our midst, they mean us harm, they mean to kill as many of us as they can. They will not back down, they cannot be reasoned with, they will not bargain. The only sure way to protect this country and our citizens is to kill as many of them as we can as far away from this country as possible.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So says the cowardly LYIN!

We ALL are grateful for your contribution to America, Chickenshit Old Draft Dodger. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Dodged the draft? Want to make a wager on that? You'll run like your butt buddy did. My draft number was 12. I went to enlist. I was rejected because of childhood illnesses. 4F. But I didn't wait to be drafted.

What have you done for America, besides lying? You disrespect the Constitution, you argue for more government and less liberty. You detest our founding principles. If you did serve, 2 years cleaning latrines and peeling potatoes was appreciated, for sure. But let's face it, it was a better job than you could have gotten in the private sector.

So put up or STFU. We already know you lied when you took your oath. It's easy for you to lie.
I was rejected because of childhood illnesses. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There you have it folks:

COIdiot had diarrhea of the mouth, even as a weeee young laddie.

That is the textbook definition of a lifetime affliction!
LexusLover's Avatar
There you have it folks:

COIdiot had diarrhea of the mouth, even as a weeee young laddie.

That is the textbook definition of a lifetime affliction! Originally Posted by bigtex
If you served, as you claim, it is crystal clear "diarrhea of the mouth" was not disqualification for enlistment or the drafted.

The man went to enlist, and you make fun of him for doing it. You loud-mouth piece of shit have hit a new low in your childish ignorance. You are dispicable.


I HAVE NO HUMOR WHAT SO EVER! Originally Posted by LexusLover
We already knew that you have no humor but thanks for your critical self-analysis.
LexusLover's Avatar
We already knew that you have no humor but thanks for your critical self-analysis. Originally Posted by bigtex
More bullshit from the bullshit gallery ... despicable fits you perfectly.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Your explanation is nonsense. Yes, we supported the mujaheddin against the Russians during the 1980s, inter alia by supplying stinger missiles to shoot down Russian helicopters. But our covert assistance caused the deaths of Russian soldiers, not "good, religious Muslims". Once the Soviets left in 1989, we quickly lost interest in the region. Pakistan (who worked closely with us to channel aid to the mujaheddin) complained bitterly about how quickly we packed up and left after our strategic objective of evicting the Russians was accomplished.

OBL was a pipsqueak POS who exaggerated his own mujaheddin contributions (which were minimal) during the 1980s and downplayed the importance of US assistance in defeating the Russians. He started plotting terrorism against the US after the First Persian Gulf War (1991) because he didn't like the fact that the Saudi regime let Westerners launch Desert Storm and liberate Kuwait from military bases on Saudi soil.

. Originally Posted by lustylad

[A] CIA study reported on by Mark Mazzetti in The New York Times last year underscores just how difficult it [intervention] can be: The study looked at the CIA's 67-year history of dealing with insurgencies and, according to The Times, "concluded that many past attempts by the agency to arm foreign forces covertly had a minimal impact on the long-term outcome of a conflict. They were even less effective, the report found, when the militias fought without any direct American support on the ground." The Times piece went on to say that "one exception, the report found, was when the CIA helped arm and train mujahedeen rebels fighting Soviet troops in Afghanistan during the 1980s, an operation that slowly bled the Soviet war effort and led to a full military withdrawal in 1989. The covert war was successful without CIA officers in Afghanistan, the report found, largely because there were Pakistani intelligence officers working with the rebels in Afghanistan." The article also noted that the example served as something of a cautionary tale, as many of those mujahedeen later became the nucleus for al-Qaida and planned the September 11 attacks from Afghanistan.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What year did you draw Number 12 Whiny?

I suspect that's a lie based on other things you've posted over the years. And, if you are as anti-war as you've also posted in the past, why did you try to enlist ito fight most unpopular war in US History? Could it be because you were 14?

And ... Nice meltdown, hero!

I suppose you'll hide in your bunker now, Mr. Gu-u-ump!
LexusLover's Avatar
...why did you try to enlist ito fight most unpopular war in US History? Could it be because you were 14? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He posted his number was "12"!

What was your number?
He posted his number was "12"!

What was your number? Originally Posted by LexusLover
There was no draft "lottery" until 1969. Before that, you were simply "1-A", and odds were pretty good you would get drafted.

I know several guys that went and enlisted when they were sure they were going to get drafted. They actually believed that old bullshit the Army told them about....."enlist, take that 3d year, and you will get treated much better and have a much better chance of staying out of 'Nam.

Yeh, and I won't come in your mouth, either.

We draftees had a service number that started with US, instead of RA. And as time went on, we grew proud of it. I particularilly liked it when I made E-5. Just knowing you weren't even20 years old, a draftee, and an NCO just pissed all the old "Lifers" off to no end.

How many of you fellow draftees got the "six for six" speech as your time got short. That meant if you would re-enlist for 6 years, (go RA), they would give a $6000 bonus, plus a bump in grade to E-6 within a year. A lot of guys didn't read the fine print. That also made you eligible for another tour in Vietnam.

In my age group, those that were 18 to 21 between 1965 and 1969, you could get a deferment for marriage or being a full time student in college, as well as any medical condition that the Military felt like disqualified you from serving.If I remember correctly, the Lottery was instituted so as to make the system seem more "fair".

How "fair" it was probably depended on how high, or low, your number was.

I was already out when the Lottery came into being, but my younger brother was in it. His number never came up.
LexusLover's Avatar
There was no draft "lottery" until 1969. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Thank you. I was asking "YouRong" ... who was ridiculing a MAN with a disability, which was sufficiently debilitating for an exemption...accusing him of being a draft dodger.... Even though "YouRong" had voted for ...

no doubt!!!!!