1 PM EST: Obama warns Putin, 2 PM EST: Putin invades Crimea

Yes, the very same Dud errrr Dub, who failed (miserably) to deliver the corpse of OBL (thanks BO) but did manage to share with us a sense of Putin's soul, Tora Bora, the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq (as well as it's deadly and costly aftermath), The Great Recession and Heck of a job, Brownie. Just to mention a few of the Dubya Administration lowlights!

None other than George 'Dubya' Bush, AKA The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in Modern US History.

Thanks Dud errrr Dub!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes, the same Dud errrr Dub, who failed to deliver the corpse of OBL but brought us a sense of Putin's soul, Tora Bora, the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq, The Great Recession and Heck of a job, Brownie. Just to mention a few of the highlights!

None other than George 'Dubya' Bush, AKA The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in Modern US History.

Thanks Dud errrr Dub! Originally Posted by bigtex
No matter how you deflect, BigKoTex, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's fingerprints are all over your Great Recession and he also miserably failed to deal with UBL after UBL declared war on the U.S. in 1996; plus, his military strike -- war -- against Iraq (Operation Desert Fox in 1998) likewise failed to force Hussein to abode by the provisions of the armistice.

Further, BigKoTex, you completely ignore how the incompetence and mismanagement of assets and resources by a dimretard governor and dimretard city mayor (now a convicted felon for his *role* in the recovery) during Katrina contributed to the misery and deaths of thousands in Louisiana. Plus, Odumbo's performance during the Gulf Oil Spill was ignorantly unspectacular as he refused help from countries that had the equipment to help control the spill.

BTW, Odumbo's approval rating is below Nixon's; thus, making Odumbo the most "unpopular president" in modern history. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_...pproval_rating

Odumbo's incompetency is on record at Benghazi.

Just to mention a few of the Dubya Administration lowlights! Originally Posted by bigtex
I would also have mentioned the Dubya Administration highlights but I was unable to locate any.

BTW, Odumbo's approval rating is below Nixon's; thus, making Odumbo the most "unpopular president" in modern history. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_...pproval_rating Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Apparently JD Idiot's identical twin brother IB is more of an Idiot that JD. According to his very own source, the lowest Obama's "approval rating" has been was in 2011 at 38%. Nixon's lowest mark was 24% and Dudya's was 25%.

Of special note, Obama's lowest point 38% in 2011 was higher than any other President's lowest point since Nixon, including Reagan's 35% in 1983.

Obama 38 (October 16 2011)

Bush (G.W.) 25 (October 31, 2008)

Clinton 37 (May 26, 1993)

Bush (G.H.W.) 29 (July 31, 1992)

Reagan 35 (January 28, 1983)

Carter 28 (June 29, 1979)

Ford 37 (March 28, 1975)

Nixon 24 (August 2, 1974)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Apparently JD Idiot's identical twin brother IB is more of an Idiot that JD. According to his very own source, the lowest Obama's "approval rating" has been was in 2011 at 38%. Nixon's lowest mark was 24% and Dudya's was 25%.

Of special note, Obama's lowest point 38% in 2011 was higher than any other President's lowest point listed, including Reagan's 35% in 1983.

44[15] Obama 38 (October 16 2011)

43[17] Bush (G.W.) 25 (October 31, 2008)

42[18] Clinton 37 (May 26, 1993)

41[19] Bush (G.H.W.) 29 (July 31, 1992)

40[20] Reagan 35 (January 28, 1983)

39[21] Carter 28 (June 29, 1979)

38[22] Ford 37 (March 28, 1975)

37[23] Nixon 24 (August 2, 1974) Originally Posted by bigtex
Try again, BigKoTex, Odumbo's average overall approval rating is lower than Nixon's making Odumbo the MOST unpopular president in modern history:

Try again, BigKoTex, Odumbo's average overall approval rating is lower than Nixon's making Odumbo the MOST unpopular president in modern history: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Give us a shout when Obama's approvals dip down into the mid 20's, as did the 2 most incompetent President's of the modern era, Dudya (25%) and Nixon (24%).

Of special note, both of the most incompetent, mid 20's President's were Republicant's!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Try again, BigKoTex, Odumbo's average overall approval rating is lower than Nixon's making Odumbo the MOST unpopular president in modern history:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_...pproval_rating Originally Posted by I B Hankering
when at first you don't succeed, change the parameters of the discussion.

Typical Coprophiliac Blather from our resident Golgathan!

Your HUFF is waiting for you DIPSHIT!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Give us a shout when Obama's approvals dip down into the mid 20's, as did the 2 most incompetent President's of the modern era, Dudya (25%) and Nixon (24%).

Of special note, both of the most incompetent, mid 20's President's were Republicant's! Originally Posted by bigtex
Odumbo's incompetence was documented and underscored at Benghazi, BigKoTex! Further, if you only want to compare single-instance highs and lows, what say you STFU until Odumbo's "high" reaches 92%. Meanwhile, like in baseball, the *player's* highs and lows are more commonly averaged, and that makes Odumbo the MOST unpopular president in modern history, BigKoTex!

when at first you don't succeed, change the parameters of the discussion.

Typical Coprophiliac Blather from our resident Golgathan!

Your HUFF is waiting for you DIPSHIT! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Odumbo's incompetence was documented and underscored at Benghazi, BigKoTex! Further, if you only want to compare single-instance highs and lows, what say you STFU until Odumbo's "high" reaches 92%. Meanwhile, like in baseball, the *player's* highs and lows are more commonly averaged, and that makes Odumbo the MOST unpopular president in modern history, BigKoTex!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_...pproval_rating Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Leave it to one of the Idiot (Identical) Twins (JD and/or IB) to try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit!
JCM800's Avatar
Odumbo's incompetency is on record at Benghazi.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Odumbo's incompetence was documented and underscored at Benghazi Originally Posted by I B Hankering
is this the beginning of today's repeat?
is this the beginning of today's repeat? Originally Posted by JCM800
Don't pay any attention to JD Idiot's identical twin brother IB. They are both of the opinion the 4 unfortunate American deaths that occurred at Benghazi were more important than the 4000 + unfortunate deaths that occurred in Iraq under their hero Dudya's watch.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Leave it up to Tex to attempt a thread hijack using misunderstood information. It seems clear to me from the link (and common sense) that we are talking about an average. You want to change the parameters but that doesn't change the facts.

You should be more honest with your facts. Bush didn't get OBL but he made it possible for someone else to issue the orders to kill him (which was a strategic blunder by BO). If not for the ground work by Bush BO would not have gotten OBL. Bush also laid the groundwork for TARP and the bailout which Obama totally screwed up (where are those shovel ready jobs?). Two people tried to audit Fanny and Freddie back in 2005. Bush and McCain thought that something was wrong but there were stopped by the democrats in the Senate and Congress. Of course the bubble can be traced back to policies started by Jimmy Carter and increased by Bill Clinton. Speaking of Jimmy Carter, who was it that forced Khomeini back into Iran? Yep, that Jimmy Carter by selling out an unpopular ally. It was also Jimmy Carter who made Yassar Arafat an international figure by treating him like a head of state rather a cockroach. Jimmy Carter also mishandled the Afghan invasion allowing the formation of the Taliban. I give you Jimmy Carter, the Godfather of Modern Terrorism. By their fruits you shall know them.

Its a tie! Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama, the most incompetent presidents in American history (and there have been a couple of losers).
There you have it folks, IB's identical Twin JD jumps to the defense of his Idiot sibling. We all knew it was just a matter of time.

Maw & Paw Idiot must be beaming with joy! JD & IB are a couple of chips off of the old Idiot block!
LexusLover's Avatar
I guess I will have to read this entire thread to find the relevance of a prior President's approval ratings to the invasion by the Russians of another sovereign nation. Unless there is some argument that the prior President also obtained approval to do so by the legislative body of his country.

Let's see .. is Putin looking for WMD's? Economic advantages? Strategic posturing?

Here BT ... grab some more material ....


This is good news ... btw .... if we don't downsize too much ... it's a green light for us to invade Mexico!!!!
lustylad's Avatar
JD & IB are a couple of chips off of the old Idiot block! Originally Posted by bigtex
Like the kind of idiot who slept through 5th grade English class and says "off of" instead of "off"?