Leftists think Biden’s a racist!!!

  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 06:51 PM
That's the way it should be. Everyone gets a fair shot to go as as far as your talent and work ethic will take you. It's not everyone will have the same outcome. Which is what oeb111 keeps alluding to. Originally Posted by adav8s28
little 'a' - I take issue with being flagrantly mis-quoted.
I have posted several times my position.

It is the DPST party and its' socialism that wants everyone with an equal outcome - Your party stance.

I disagree with your socialism.


That written - i am surprised and stunned you would agree with republican and Conservative values in the First sentencesof your post. You are directly contradicting your Party Narrative - and risk your position in the DPST party.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
My ass, no subsidies.

They don't have to "make" six figures to live in your subdivision. If the government subsidizes their investments, then that's good enough for the ones keeping the books.

You don't "work" if all you do is license your name to another's brand. Or have the "right" investments.

After Elon Musk criticized Bernie Sanders' brand of socialism, Sanders took him to task for taking billions of dollars in government support


Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

not interested in yer ass even if you are one. not one person in my neighborhood gets any government assistance to live here. your statement is completely false.

do you think someone making 50k could get a loan for 350k house? they wouldn't qualify. i'll bet you don't own a house or condo, you have an apartment. have you ever owned a house? doesn't sound like it as you seem to think low income people buy 350k houses.

you can't compare Musk getting funds from the Government for a business venture to some guy making too low of an income to qualify for a house that is clearly too expensive for them.

explain this statement without dragging that asshole Bernie into it with a false comparison to business ..

They don't have to "make" six figures to live in your subdivision. If the government subsidizes their investments, then that's good enough for the ones keeping the books.

we'll wait.
lustylad's Avatar
After Elon Musk criticized Bernie Sanders' brand of socialism, Sanders took him to task for taking billions of dollars in government support

https://www.businessinsider.com/bern...welfare-2020-8 Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Now that's rich!

Lemme see if I get this straight...

1. Bolshevik Bernie favors legislation lowering taxes and extending "subsidies" to companies that produce electric vehicles and solar energy. This will help to save the planet from fossil fuels.

2. Along comes a brilliant engineering visionary and enterpreneur named Elon Musk. Elon does exactly what Bolshevik Bernie wanted - he designs, creates and launches wonderful new greenie products and projects like Tesla and Solar City.

3. As a "reward" for doing exactly what they wanted, Bolshevik Bernie and his far-left greenies seek to confiscate the wealth created by Elon on the grounds that it was all due to those tax incentives and "subsidies" they wisely voted for.

Bottom Line - Bolshevik Bernie is an ungrateful jackass, an ECONOMIC LEECH and a power-hungry far-left ideologue who has never added an ounce of value to anything he has touched in his entire pathetic life. He only understands how to confiscate the wealth created by others. His goal is to plunder and destroy every economic growth engine developed by capitalism.

The morale of the story - NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED by the Bolshevik Bernies of the world!

Fuckers need to be stopped at all costs!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Identity socialism runin lose