Hottest providers / Hottest Clients

Forfwb's Avatar
Ah dang! Ari need to get her in the mix for me too. She’s fuckin awesome.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
So, ladies, it may be damning with faint praise, but who are the hottest clients? Originally Posted by Crazy Bob
ben dover's Avatar
...................and Eli knew all of them. He was THE MAN!!!!!! (I was lucky enough to be his wingman once in a while.) Originally Posted by Micton
Were you in charge of taking care of the wheel chair?
Favorites POST boyfriend

1. The Rolls Royce ...Mahrissaaaahhhhhh
Turned into an absolute


2 Becky ,went from everything covered to


3 Krystal Curves right outta the blue,wow



Pays to stick through the closed menu times

Wanda from Sylvia's place
That tanned italian at Jessica's place on 104 ontario

September at gems

Mandy the sweetheart

Andrea at elite

What's her names daughter at cloud 9

PLD on a good day ,not too many though but when it hit
It hit
rooster's Avatar
It is interesting how many times Lahna Love got mentioned. I saw her once. It was a creepy setup, one I would never go back to. But damn....she was crazy hot. Ridiculous body, beautiful face. But she was very high volume too. Guys used to always post things like "when I got there, she was still undressed from the shower." No. She was still undressed from the last appointment. You were hot-bunking with the cuck before ya...


PLD. Her body made up for the BSC!!
My best experiences were with:

Naughty Nikki - simply a beautiful woman, super nice incall, great tcb, fun to talk with, good sexually and reasonable donation. The best $ I have ever spent in this hobby!

Lahna Love - beautiful woman, good incall, good tcb, reasonable donation. Her tits and pussy are exquisite!!!!
rooster's Avatar
Lahna Love - beautiful woman, good incall... Originally Posted by CantStopyet
I dunno where your Incall was. Mine was in a shit-hole apartment in a bedroom that had a playpen that still had a music box toy playing in it when I got there. Baby daddy had just taken Jr fer a walk, I guess. I went through with it cuz she was hot AF. Did not go back.

Incall was in Churchville. No crib or baby daddy present
No one has nominated a client yet I believe. I nominate niqker who caused all the lovely ladies to marvel at his nice size.
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 12-07-2021, 08:26 AM

I retired the

I will chime in real fast:

Hunter - always was reliable
Lahna Love - backside was incredible.
Nikki - wish I could see her with the new assets
Amy - great natural boobs. Havent heard from her in a while. Originally Posted by BlackJedi

Amie in Rochester has retired....was always a great time and had the best incall studio apartment in my opinion...very cozy.
alphonse1948's Avatar
Eli, shake out the cobwebs. HANNA.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Eli, shake out the cobwebs. HANNA. Originally Posted by alphonse1948
he dose not want ta piss of the current icky Que... ah never mind Eh