This is for the liberals out there...

For those of you who think conservatives are in the minority, a recently updated Gallup poll (not known as a right-leaning group - far from it, actually):
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 06-25-2010, 02:19 PM
For those that have chosen to start making this discussion personal.....knock it off!

For those that are staying on topic and conducting themselves like civil adults....carry on.

Have a nice day!
john_galt's Avatar
Exactly how many times were you dropped on your head as a baby? Or at least how many do they admit to?
dirty dog's Avatar
Exactly how many times were you dropped on your head as a baby? Or at least how many do they admit to? Originally Posted by john_galt
Dude, not sure I would talk to Bubba that way.
john_galt's Avatar
Who's Bubba? Bigpapa is the one acting out. Sorry about the blunt force trauma.
dirty dog's Avatar
Bubba is the MOD and the one who warned people to stop attacking.
Starry69's Avatar
It's a good thing Bubba is a kind and gentle servant of the people, eh?
john_galt's Avatar
I'm just concerned about his health. Is that a problem?
dirty dog's Avatar
Might be ask him, Bubba is that a problem