Ever Have A Bad Experience With A Client?

Dam interesting responses. Thanks ladies. I like to watch the woman or feel how she is, the way she moves, towards me or away from me. Is she shifting in the bed to get into a better position. Suck the clit lightly, swirling your tongue around it, the try to flick your tongue fast for a second to see her reaction. I always start light and then get faster until I can tell I'm at just the right pressure, speed and suction. MOST women that I've been with like it fairly light. Kinda like a BJ, some guys like it hard and fast but I like things slow and tender. Slower and more tender, the better. OK and a little tease back there hehe
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I want to know what it is with guys sucking a girls clit like a dick and sucking it hard. I mean I don't know if you other ladies like that but it makes me want to slap the crap out of someone. Originally Posted by Monica13
I love having my clit sucked. Not super hard though and no teeth. A guy flicking his tongue over my clit and sucking on it drives me crazy.
Danielle Reid's Avatar

MB, everybody has bad experiences, both providers and gentlemen. Fortunately, this was pretty minor as far as "bad" goes. Sometimes these stories can be related with humor or pathos, made very entertaining or thought-provoking. However, I'm not so sure ladies should be telling tales of tail with such specifics and derision in the open forums. You gave enough detail to embarrass and pinpoint this fellow, especially if he writes a review. You could have phrased this in a more nebulous and tactful manner, as some of the other ladies have.

You may have decided not to see this particular client again, but how many gentlemen have now been turned off from seeing you? Same concept for all the alerts providers post publicly. Much of that would be best kept in the ladies only Infoshare area. Bear in mind that EVERY word we write on ECCIE is an advertisement representing our personalities.

I am not chastising you, just warning you to be more cautious. I speak from experience. I lost a very good client, someone I also considered a friend, from an offhand remark I once made. I meant nothing derogatory or personal, but suffered from a poor choice of words in a forum that was widely read.

Perish the thought that I agree with Fast Gunn (GASP!), but incidents like this ARE good teaching opportunities. Instead of "suffering through" or being passive-agressive by letting "...
the guy go ahead and then proceed to snack his hand out of the way if he fucks up," perhaps you might be assertive and tell him up front that you like oral done a certain way because of your extreme sensitivity, and gently explain that every woman is different and therefore the same technique won't work all the time. (Obviously his past partners have not shared that truth with him before, nor given him any pointers.) Guide his hand and tongue. Make it into a game. Also, dare I say it? Often the point is not to get YOU off, so having that be a criteria is as much a failure of logic in this profession as his "failure" to properly give you DATY as you would have licked, er, liked.

Terribly sorry, but this won't be your first "horrible pussy licking" or your last, trust me.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Actually this thread and many other of my posts have caught the attention of a lot of guys. The more I post, the more my inbox fills up.

Have many have turned away from me? I don't know and won't know unless someone comes to me and say I scared them away. But honestly, my inbox is getting more attention than normal so I'm not worried. If my posts ruin my business here ten there are other sites for me to post on. And honestly, this site isn't my main source of income. It's just the only site with a forum. So thanks for your concern but its not needed
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... So thanks for your concern but its not needed Originally Posted by MaryBeth
Actually, my suggestion is after reading some thoughtful advice from another, is to smack the face of the person doing so.

It feels about the same as your sentence above.

So glad that your inbox is running over with men just flocking to you. That's always such a joy!

Have a super 4th. I'm sure that you will from men who wish to spoil you with their talented tongues!

As far as the above advice goes from Fancy, I need to heed it more. I actually write too much and tend towards being too open and that's not always a good thing (reread THIS post for proof!)

Danielle Reid's Avatar
Yeah I know sometimes I can be too open about things. I scared off one guy before by telling him about my outside relationship. I'm just stubborn and bitchy and need my hair pulled back and a firm hand on my bottom. "Sorry daddy, I'll be a good girl". I get out of hand when my submissive side isn't treated right.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well, your last post won me over!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Well, your last post won me over! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
*happy Dance*
Ya'll are to funny LOL
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
I had a bad experience with a client today, he forgot to wipe the last time he took a shit.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I had a bad experience with a client today, he forgot to wipe the last time he took a shit. Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo

Dealing with this kind of crap (some pun intended) is why you ladies bring in the big bucks!
ToBeOrNotToBe's Avatar
I know the op is addressed to the ladies and their bad experience but as a hobbyist, I'd like to share a piece of advice with the ladies too: please for the love of Kitty God, before you start a session, PLEASE ask yourself these 2 questions: "Did I just pee after I took a shower? Did I WASH 'it'?" If the answer to first question is yes but to second is no, please excuse yourself, go wash the area (or at least use a completely wet wipe to completely clean the area) before the start of the session. In the heat of the moment, he reaches down there for some kitty petting and few seconds later the fingers come up and the smell can kill the mood severely--DATY is definitely off the menu. It has happened to me (not with anybody whom I have reviewed here or will review based on my previous encounters), and believe me, it may not be as bad as Raquel de Milo's experience above but it's really somewhere up there. Sorry for grossing you out, but we've gotta stop this!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Some guys pay extra for golden showers...js
  • loboy
  • 07-03-2013, 02:16 AM
I had a bad experience with a client today, he forgot to wipe the last time he took a shit. Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo
Oh wow
If you have any class what so ever, you don't forget that

I had a bad experience with a client today, he forgot to wipe the last time he took a shit. Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo
I had a bad experience with a client today, he forgot to wipe the last time he took a shit. Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo

Wow. Wow. Just wow. So sorry! Wow. :jawd rop::mfr _omg:

Sorry. Wow.

Ps. You are freaking fine, btw. Too fine for someone not to take the time wipe the booty area before a session with you. However, way to go on remaking calm, cool, and polite, and casually mentioning it. Classy too! Wow.

I'm in awe....