New Private Forum Proposal

Papacorn's Avatar
Nice idea THN...I look forward to contributing, if you will have me . This was a cool, low key board when it began, maybe we can get some of that back? Fun to try
littlepickle's Avatar
I think its a sound logical thought. It would help not only locals in the DFW area, but out of towners as well. Granted it would somewhat narrow the selection down a bit, but it still has great intentions behind it. Nice thought THT.
Thanks falconbueller! I hope this saves you guys a lot of time and headache! )

Thanks bored@home! Great questions! My main focus at this point is getting it up and running and making it a success! How much time and money do you have? After that, I imagine there will be some general interest in keeping it active so perhaps like-minded ladies and gents will offer to help in that regard. Arbitrary rule enforcement by moderators? What if there is a difference of opinion?I do not agree with trying to profit off the forum. Now that's silly, how you gonna keep it up and running?

I'm not sure how site pop-ups work in the private areas. Private areas where? Here? Go Daddy? Somewhere else? Advertising pays the bills, so you have to charge or hope for page hits on ads. Don't tie your site to external advertisers. I'm sure we will find out very shortly after it goes live. I'm not sure there would anything I could do about it either. Depends on where you do this. You piggyback server space you're stuck with their policies.

I agree about the short notice availability thread issues in the past who is going to police it? You? Self police with a one strike vacay policy? You got all day to sit around and wait for some ho to double post? which is one of the primary motivators behind this forum along with location and fbsm.

Thanks, Sweet McCoy! Looking forward to making it a reality! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I'm really not being the devil's advocate here. But even the most altruistic propositions and intentions ultimately require hard work, time and financing. Who is that going to fall to? Once the work starts the "What do you mean 'we', Paleface?" sets in. Good luck with that!
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-07-2014, 02:05 PM
I like the idea of it being a private forum on THIS site and not another website. Too many of those have come and mostly gone. I've been an advocate of being able to post daily ads (short notice or otherwise). Hopefully I'll have access!
Maybe not alone, but incredibly naïve. That isn't an insult. Every internet venue is going to require constant maintenance, be under constant observation by one or a group of people who will arbitrarily enforce "good conduct" because difference of opinion will always be misconstrued in a black and white world. I was once a mod for a forum where passionate opinions ran much deeper than they do about sex or pansy butt heads, and the only way in was to be a vetted industry professional that had to acknowledge the rules AND there was a one strike and you're on vacation policy. Still, people would get wound up and spew like a drunk in Gilley's on Friday night. over some belief they held valuable or the belief of another they found lacking. You find Utopia, draw any of us old cynics a map, I wanna go there.

The only real way would be to run it as a mutual admiration fan club where a bunch of like minded people kissed each others ass for being wonderful members of the same self adulation society reinforcing their specialness, which is pretty much how society runs anyway, peer retention boxes and all that.

That being said, good luck! Originally Posted by phildo
I'm really not being the devil's advocate here. But even the most altruistic propositions and intentions ultimately require hard work, time and financing. Who is that going to fall to? Once the work starts the "What do you mean 'we', Paleface?" sets in. Good luck with that! Originally Posted by phildo
I encourage you to join the forum, phildo. Your experience and insight in these matters *could be* of great benefit to other members who don't see things from your perspective.

I respectfully disagree with the premise of where you are coming from (which I find to be increasingly cynical and somewhat 'projectionary' especially with regard to the "mutual admiration fan club", but - like many others - I can respect your comments for what they are: a respectfully presented statement of what you think about this subject). Luckily for me, the forum will have many other OPs to respectfully discuss your opinions with and this won't be the only opportunity to play (or not play) devil's advocate.

Thank you for your efforts at maintaining a respectful posture in this thread. It has not gone unnoticed. Again, hope to see you in there.

Nice idea THN...I look forward to contributing, if you will have me . This was a cool, low key board when it began, maybe we can get some of that back? Fun to try Originally Posted by Papacorn
Thank you Papacorn! I would love it if you were a member. It is gonna be interesting to see what happens that's for sure!

I think its a sound logical thought. It would help not only locals in the DFW area, but out of towners as well. Granted it would somewhat narrow the selection down a bit, but it still has great intentions behind it. Nice thought THT. Originally Posted by littlepickle
Thanks littlepickle! I'm hoping to get a great group of established ladies in there to start posting ads!

Ladies feel free to voice your desire to post ads in the new private forum on this thread or privately via pm. I suggest P411 to make screening easier and avoid mailbox overload. Please give me some time to respond as the interest has been high. Thanks!
  • Rehke
  • 01-07-2014, 02:47 PM
LMK if you need any help, I'll consider what I can commit to.

It will be some work and there will be issues. The idea is that we agree to a slightly higher "code of conduct" and when a discussion is intense, maintain a civil and healthy discourse.

It's one thing to offer a pointed and direct comment and I'm the first to jump up in support of those who have offered such in attempts to get to the point and break through some ways of thinking about a topic. I think we can have some tolerance for all viewpoints as long as they offer something constructive.

THN, thanks for taking the lead.
whitechocolate's Avatar
THN, super great idea!! I am looking forward to participating and it will be a great way to start the new year
DarthDVader's Avatar
I strongly agree with you Rehke ...
You mentioned 3 words that are key: Agreement, Tolerance and Constructiveness ...
If we agree to a higher "code of conduct" be "tolerant" and focus on being "constructive", all is possible ... Its my experience ...

I know that there is a vast amount of people that is wanting to discuss topics without being insulted ... as a proof the thread I started about Hobby experiences after some Years that has been going so far without insults ... people privately have expressed their need to have more discussions like this without the hassle of being ridiculed or downgraded ...

I have a RW friend that we discuss subjects youre not supossed to discuss: Politics and Religion: We both are very opinionated and have different points of view ...
We passionately discuss our beliefs and points of view, many times opposite, but always respecting each other as an individual ...

THN again, go for it!!! ... You have my full support

It will be some work and there will be issues. The idea is that we agree to a slightly higher "code of conduct" and when a discussion is intense, maintain a civil and healthy discourse.

It's one thing to offer a pointed and direct comment and I'm the first to jump up in support of those who have offered such in attempts to get to the point and break through some ways of thinking about a topic. I think we can have some tolerance for all viewpoints as long as they offer something constructive.

THN, thanks for taking the lead. Originally Posted by Rehke
Just do it... (no Nike pun intended).

Pretty simple formula: People who want it to work will help the new forum be successful, those that don't won't.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Well Congratulations THN I think your forum is going to be a big hit!
I hope I can get clearance too! hehe
Well Congratulations THN I think your forum is going to be a big hit! Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
I agree!
Great effort! Looking forward to it.
100% agree with the concept. Make it happen THN!! As a limited time and location oriented guy, this would be perfect. If I can help, let me know. I'm in.
I respectfully disagree with the premise of where you are coming from (which I find to be increasingly cynical and somewhat 'projectionary' especially with regard to the "mutual admiration fan club", but - like many others - I can respect your comments for what they are: a respectfully presented statement of what you think about this subject). Luckily for me, the forum will have many other OPs to respectfully discuss your opinions with and this won't be the only opportunity to play (or not play) devil's advocate. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
The sociologist in me doesn't see an issue. Isn't any voluntary group of people a "mutual admiration fan club" of sorts? A church, gun club, golf club, fraternity, sorority, neighborhood watch, etc comprised of like minded individuals who congregate because of similar views, opinions, and values? What's the SH or any other "sub group" that already exists around here?

I'm a big fan of THN and her intelligence, values, and perspectives. I'd very much like a group where the participants actually meet ladies, respect them, and share like-minded conversations. I've talked more with THN in the real world than any lady here and if you've spent time with her you'll see she's the type that can do anything she'd like to do.

I feel trolls that never even meet providers often hurt this site. I actually think you should either have to pay or contribute (in reviews or some other method) to be here - anyone can just join and have semi-restricted access and get their jollies that way. There is no way some of the guys here ever meet ladies and they're some of the most vocal. I hate when providers have to defend themselves to people that will never even meet a lady...takes time away from me who wants to get to know a lady to see if we connect for a possible meeting.

Fuck the naysayers - they're often the ones that never do anything with their lives and because that this they like to see others fail. One thing to give constructive criticism, another to list all problems. They say devil's advocate to disguise criticism as being positive. As I say to my employees - are you part of the problem or part of the answer.
Little Caesar's Avatar
I would love the FBSM specific ads and the short notice. Great idea!!