"High" Volume - Contributing to a probem? Applying some semblance of Consience to your Hobby?

Mature Companion's Avatar
I have no reason to calm down, don't need a drink and certainly will not be told to shut up by the likes of you.

Calm down, have a drink and shut up....

The Wicked Witch is back apparently. Fucking eh!

Sorry Vyt, this is how I talk. I guess Wicked Milf and I have something in common...

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Whispers's Avatar
I have no reason to calm down, don't need a drink and certainly will not be told to shut up by the likes of you. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
But Honey.... Darlin... Dear........

He DID tell you to shut up....

So you certainly cannot tell him what he won't do after he has already done it....

You could ask that he not do it in the future.......

or to edit his post so as to not have done it here.....

but like it or not baby,.... he already done DONE it!
  • Laz
  • 01-13-2012, 10:50 PM
Damn straight!
It's NONE of his fucking business where the lady's money is going to.
He needs to heed his own damn advice that he puts in his signature line.
*this is a business!* And as with any business. What she does with the money SHE makes, Is none of his damn business and he has NO right to know jack shit about it! Period.

Makes me livid just reading his high & mighty statement of how he feels entitled to know her business and more about who she is just because she may see x amount of men. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
You may want to live in a world where providers are holes to stick my dick in and nothing else but I don't. He is simply asking a question that any human that cares about those they get to know would ask. If she was spending the money in a way that was not self destructive he would agree with you but the subject is about self destructive behavior and if we have the ability to make a difference. What can be done? Will it make a difference?

While you are getting all righteous and livid you should think about how life would be for all providers if hobbyists treated them as masturbation tools and not as human beings.
Whispers's Avatar
You may want to live in a world where providers are holes to stick my dick in and nothing else but I don't. He is simply asking a question that any human that cares about those they get to know would ask. If she was spending the money in a way that was not self destructive he would agree with you but the subject is about self destructive behavior and if we have the ability to make a difference. What can be done? Will it make a difference?

While you are getting all righteous and livid you should think about how life would be for all providers if hobbyists treated them as masturbation tools and not as human beings. Originally Posted by Laz

I gotta RTM this post and send it up to the owners and Admins..... I love this shit!
LovingKayla's Avatar

Wimpers you sure do know how to make a girl laugh. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is the funniest shit I've seen in months.

Wait, wait... Ready... Quote me PLEASE!!! I can't wait to see what you say... probably next week though. I'm booked solid.... and then I'm going to give my money to save gay baby whales for the muslim brotherhood.
pyramider's Avatar
Damn hippies . . .
Mature Companion's Avatar
Quite frankly I don't live in that type of world, thank you very much.
And FYI I'm not all self righteous as you so accuse me of.

No hobbyist has any right to KNOW anything about where a lady in this hobby is spending her money nor does he have the right to KNOW anything more about her. JUST because she see's X amount of clients.
It's NONE of any hobbyists damn business what a lady does in her personal life. Period. And FYI, trying to delve into her personal affairs doesn't even come close to HIM not using her as a masturbation tool.

I find your statement pretty funny, when it has ZERO to do with anything regarding what I've expressed. (regarding Whispers wanting to KNOW where a lady is spending HER $$, IF she see's X amount of men in a WEEK).

If you want to talk about how men treat women as masturbation tools etc. Then that's for a whole other topic.

You may want to live in a world where providers are holes to stick my dick in and nothing else but I don't. He is simply asking a question that any human that cares about those they get to know would ask. If she was spending the money in a way that was not self destructive he would agree with you but the subject is about self destructive behavior and if we have the ability to make a difference. What can be done? Will it make a difference?

While you are getting all righteous and livid you should think about how life would be for all providers if hobbyists treated them as masturbation tools and not as human beings. Originally Posted by Laz
sixxbach's Avatar
Quite frankly I don't live in that type of world, thank you very much.
And FYI I'm not all self righteous as you so accuse me of.

No hobbyist has any right to KNOW anything about where a lady in this hobby is spending her money nor does he have the right to KNOW anything more about her. JUST because she see's X amount of clients.
It's NONE of any hobbyists damn business what a lady does in her personal life. Period. And FYI, trying to delve into her personal affairs doesn't even come close to HIM not using her as a masturbation tool.

I find yoru statement pretty funny, when it has ZERO to do with anything regarding what Whispers posted. (The quote of his in my other posts).

If you want to talk about how men treat women as masturbation tools etc. Then that's for a whole other topic. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Ah Wicky, is that all that you got?

Wicky? Hmmmmmmmm I like that

budman33's Avatar
well she's right.

Everything else is playing a guessing game. Even as a regular you couldn't for certain tell where the money goes most of the time.

Drug use doesn't automatically and inevitably lead to death. that's some 54 year old blinders there.

Money management issues are a problem for lots of people. Slinging a renewable resource like pussy makes for some easily disposable income.

Where this thread/thought experiment makes me shake my head is that if a provider sees too many clients(insert arbitrary number) and wastes her money then that's a matter to be seriously considered and concerned about, but being known as the guy on speed dial to help keep the lights on when strippers can't manage their money is OK because they are lower volume.

really? turning a waitress/stripper into a whore vs. weighing judgement on a provider. Which weighs heavier on ones conscience?
Perhaps I will throw this thought out....yea a guy does not have "the right" to know about a given provider's use of $$$ or other activities

But how about those times when the provider shares that type of info...and more. Wouldn't that change some of the thinking...i.e. Wicked???

BTW, Whispers, first time I have checked this thread out in a couple of days....some how I missed your lengthy post back when I was posting. (Guess I somehow skipped over that when I saw Sixx's last response to mine....guess the blinding light from Sixx's response had me missed yours, thks Sixx!!!.)

Some great points, which at least got me to do some thinking!!!! Thanks again for sharing, as well as the PM's we exhanged.

Whispers is solid guy. I used to be on the "hate Whispers group" about a year ago...even accumulated a few points, THKS,Austin mods,lol
But I tell ya guys and gals....there is alot more to him than some of his more controversial threads that he posts.

And no, I don't live or hang in Austin anymore....so I'm not just sucking up to him so I can meet some Austin gals....very likely I'll never have any more business dealings that will bring me to Austin.

Not to say I agree with everything....but the dude has some real substance to him!!!
budman33's Avatar
But how about those times when the provider shares that type of info...and more. Wouldn't that change some of the thinking...i.e. Wicked??? Originally Posted by vkmaster
I agree, I think she as well as others only sticking point that's he asserts he is entitled to such information. Or maybe he typed it wrong.

but the dude has some real substance to him!!! Originally Posted by vkmaster
No argument here, just we may disagree on what substance that may be
Whispers's Avatar
I agree, I think she as well as others only sticking point that's he asserts he is entitled to such information. Or maybe he typed it wrong.

No argument here, just we may disagree on what substance that may be Originally Posted by budman33

You are the one ASSERTING that I am entitled to something....

Every time you post the same old shit trying to make something there that wasn't you lose a little more credibility.....

I've never said I am entitled to know anything.

I said that before I spend money on a girl that I WANT to know more about her....

I'm beginning to think that you lack rudimentary reading and comprehension skills.

Then again... I guess it is easier to stir shit reading into it what you want to....

Like your earlier comment that I care about whether or not a lady wastes her money or not.....

I could give a fuck about 98% of what anyone does with her money.....

But if I become aware that the majority of her money is going up her nose, down her throat r into her veins......well... that is going to color my decision about seeing her....

You also read a lot more into this and try to make it about providers and that I show some favoritism towards Strippers.....

This is just as much about strippers.....

I provided two examples early in the thread... One a Provider... the other a Stripper....

I'm equal opportunity in where I have seen problems.....
  • Vyt
  • 01-14-2012, 01:59 PM
It's hard agreeing with what WM says (because I do, providers are grown women, not children, how they spend their money is entirely their own affair) when she says it so... angrily.
  • Laz
  • 01-14-2012, 03:21 PM
Do I have the "right" to know? Absolutely not. I do not have the right to know what anyone does with their money. If I do know, do I have the obligation to try to help? If I knew I could make a difference then probably yes. However, as has been stated, these are adults and it is unlikely that I can change them.

Should I consider this when choosing a provider to see? Hell yes. Drug and alcohol abuse lead to bad decision making. High volume and poor decision making adds health risks that I could be exposed to. Screening works both ways. I have to believe that a provider considers more than if I have the funds when deciding to see me.
I don't think any patron of an adult entertainer should make it his business to try to judge an entertainer/provider's mental health or lifestyle.

BUT, I will not willfully and knowingly participate in and enable (by paying for) someone's self destructive behavior if it becomes obvious in the normal course of affairs that such is occurring. In fact that would be true for any business, not just "adult entertainment". No lecturing or saving...but I'm not going to fuel it...that makes me an active part of the problem.

I've waved off even of strippers that fall into the "guilt ridden about sex, feel like they are selling their soul for a buck, need to get drunk to do lap dances" category because I've seen how fast they tend to implode over the years. This business is not for women with sexual hangups just like people with asthma shouldn't be firemen, epileptics shouldn't be pilots and closeted gay men shouldn't be GOP congressmen or Televangelists.