Is Wakeup a Mod?

jokacz's Avatar
rooster's Avatar
...Go back to Texas...troll.
You're proving rooster correct. Not a mod. Just an ass. Originally Posted by trojantide
Okay now, I wouldn't go into the unprovoked rudeness territory if I were you, that leads to you getting ponits...just a warning...control yourself a little better and you will be fine. Originally Posted by Wakeup
I'm sure you'll be "fine" no matter what, troj. Wakey is again implying that he can do things to peeps, but he can't. Cuz he ain't a Mod. But this is what he does. Acts all self-righteous and important. Gets off on it. As JennerJammer said.....sad...

rooster's Avatar
Wait...are you saying that rooster didn't get points or a warning, or are you just asking me to prove that he did? Originally Posted by Wakeup
This is actually pretty interesting, folks. Do you see how he has to say "points OR a warning"? The reason is because he doesn't know! That's cuz he ain't a Mod.

Hey wakey... why don't you post a screenshot of my infractions page? That would "prove" it. Oh....wait....YOU CAN'T. Cuz you don't have access to it. Cuz you ain't a Mod.

It is truly amazing how ridiculous and petty you are. That was my main point in this whole ordeal. You have helped immensely. The fact that you would lamely bait me into this and then come here and gloat about it says more about you than I ever could. You are the cheapest fuck on this board, fer sure.

The other point....that you are not a Moderator....was slam-dunked. The slap on the wrist that I got for it was soooo worth it. Please, can I have another....

Let me 'splain this to the rest of the audience...if they care.

First and foremost, understand that Wakeup did not give me the "points or a warning." That's because only Moderators can do that.

Wakeup is gloating over the fact that he got me to post a screenshot of a list of Moderators that is not viewable by those with general access. I did not realize this at the time. This was contained in Post #2, that has since been edited.

A "REAL" Moderator then reached out to me. He explained the issue in a very professional and courteous way. And then gave me a "Warning" and politely asked that I be more careful next time. I thanked him and apologized for taking up his time. Case closed.

So the basic summary is that wakey pulled a lame-ass trick not worthy of a 3rd-grader to try to "get me in trouble." make himself look worse than I ever could....he comes here to publicly brag about it. Yer lookin like a real badass there, wakey...

But the funniest part is his "trick" only proved what I said...and what he lied about. He is not a Moderator. Just a blowhard cuck.

We're all done with this.

ben dover's Avatar
Well played Rooster! .. Well played...
rooster's Avatar
Thanks bd....but he always makes it so easy...a fastball, low and slightly outside....that just kinda hung there...

ya can't make this shit up

rooster's Avatar
Hey those points/warnings taste? You're welcome, by the way...

Does that answer your question yet, or should we continue? Originally Posted by Wakeup
Hey! Wait a minute! What IS this???? Are you publicly discussing disciplinary actions that the staff took against me? Wow. That ain't cool. Not at all. At the very least, staff NEVER behaves that unprofessionally. just a violation all on its own. I gotta look into this. Seriously.

Wakeup's Avatar
This is actually pretty interesting, folks. Do you see how he has to say "points OR a warning"? The reason is because he doesn't know! That's cuz he ain't a Mod. Originally Posted by rooster
Are you publicly discussing disciplinary actions that the staff took against me? At the very least, staff NEVER behaves that unprofessionally. just a violation all on its own. I gotta look into this. Seriously. Originally Posted by rooster
So, which am I? Am I not a mod, or am I a staff member discussing infractions of the membership? You can't have it both ways buddy...I can have it both ways, but you can't.

Which path do you think will inflict the most "damage" to me?
Wakeup's Avatar
Here ya go, big guy...have fun.

P.S.-I didn't give myself the mod title above my owner put it there, way back in December 2014...I wasn't even asked, before I was made a mod! It was awesome.

jokacz's Avatar
edited by dh

They invented the position so fast that they didn't have time to spell it correctly.

BTW not giving the actual link to a sub forum of a place that doesn't exist. Some other pseudo-mod might get bent out of shape.
Whispers's Avatar
Impressive post to review ratio! Originally Posted by Notuagain
You like that huh?
Whispers's Avatar
.... not giving the actual link to a sub forum of a place that doesn't exist. Originally Posted by jokacz
Without going into specifics....

Why do you claim a place does not exist?

If you did not have premium access would you know that a Men's Locker Room existed? The Sugar Baby Forum?

There are many forums that exist on most websites of this nature that require additional membership access above what most members have. If you are not invited or provided access to them you simply never know they exist. Some of the best information, pictures, notices of private parties and discounts can be found by those with the added privileges.

Ask your MODs. Maybe they will share.

Oh... Wait.... LMAO! Your MODs might not have access to some of those places... So they wouldn't know....

Never mind!

You will just have to wait till someone deems you worthy of knowing I guess.
jokacz's Avatar
Without going into specifics....

Why do you claim a place does not exist?

If you did not have premium access would you know that a Men's Locker Room existed? The Sugar Baby Forum?

There are many forums that exist on most websites of this nature that require additional membership access above what most members have. If you are not invited or provided access to them you simply never know they exist. Some of the best information, pictures, notices of private parties and discounts can be found by those with the added privileges.

Ask your MODs. Maybe they will share.

Oh... Wait.... LMAO! Your MODs might not have access to some of those places... So they wouldn't know....

Never mind!

You will just have to wait till someone deems you worthy of knowing I guess. Originally Posted by Whispers
I have access to it, but it's like the first rule of Fight Club....
dearhunter's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar

Wow...some of you are idiots...
jokacz's Avatar

This link is totally open and free for any member to access.

Now a couple of ass covering dumb fucks are trying to say it's privileged information.

Get a life, Trolls!