"one of the greatest frauds this country has ever seen"

lickidyclit's Avatar
And the ignorant keep on believing the trump lies. That is fkn amusing to me Originally Posted by Tsmokies
What he said
people cant put aside their political animus toward trump

to acknowledge the simple truth of the harm to America and the wickedness and the falsity of this trump/Russia collusion/conspiracy investigation
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah major waste of OUR money , This made up /Russia collusion/conspiracy investigation
people cant put aside their political animus toward trump

to acknowledge the simple truth of the harm to America and the wickedness and the falsity of this trump/Russia collusion/conspiracy investigation Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
All because the Left cannot get by the fact that President Trump got more Electoral College Votes than Hillary.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
people cant put aside their political animus toward trump

to acknowledge the simple truth of the harm to America and the wickedness and the falsity of this trump/Russia collusion/conspiracy investigation Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I think it’s more than merely political animus. In fact, It’s probably less political animus than any other kind.

Politically, he’s a novice, fighting, kicking and screaming his way up to neophyte status. He doesn’t know shit about running our country. And his much ballyhooed business skills have been proven to be little more than puffery and bullshit.

But people don’t like Trump because he’s just a fucking asshole. Everything he does is at the expense of his fellow person. He can’t say anything nice about anybody but himself. He mocks, bullies and attacks everybody who voice a slight disagreement with him.

We’ve had idiots in the White House before, We’ve had Inexperienced people lead our country. But we’ve never seen an asshole like this before.

Don’t pretend it’s OK.
so you don't like trump for whatever reason you feel

doesn't change the fact of the vileness of the fraud
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  • WTF
  • 02-14-2019, 10:16 AM
so you don't like trump for whatever reason you feel

doesn't change the fact of the vileness of the fraud Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Jesus anyone crying about Trump neing investigated who cheered on years of the Benghazi investigations...is a hypocritical idiot.

Quit crying and out your big boy pants on, this is politics of today.
Jesus anyone crying about Trump neing investigated who cheered on years of the Benghazi investigations...is a hypocritical idiot.

Quit crying and out your big boy pants on, this is politics of today. Originally Posted by WTF
Benghazi is certainly a poor illustration of your claim
bambino's Avatar
Jesus anyone crying about Trump neing investigated who cheered on years of the Benghazi investigations...is a hypocritical idiot.

Quit crying and out your big boy pants on, this is politics of today. Originally Posted by WTF
Put your thinking cap on because you and YR have been duped since day one.

the headline says it all

"You may be disappointed by the Mueller report" so says NBC

who the hell should be disappointed that an American, yea an American president, wasn't everything the dims and their compliant media claimed him to be

bought off by Russia

a traitor


and people are to be disappointed that an American president isn't a traitor?

that says a lot about the left and the news media

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Benghazi is certainly a poor illustration of your claim Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Apples and oranges.
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  • 02-14-2019, 02:22 PM
Put your thinking cap on because you and YR have been duped since day one.

https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/40...re-mueller?amp Originally Posted by bambino
You do not understand the difference between Trump's campaign and Trump.

There is plenty of evidence connecting his campaign.
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  • 02-14-2019, 02:23 PM
Benghazi is certainly a poor illustration of your claim Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
4 years of investigations and not one indictment

In that regard, it is a poor stepchild to Muellers.
Blame a corrupt DOJ for Obozo and the Hildabeast not getting jailed. So when will The Mule actually show up in court to face that "Russian" company that's beating him 6 ways to Sunday? And still not ONE thing connecting the Trump campaign to any of your collusion fantasies. The whole crew is so worried they have nothing that they're turning on each other already.
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  • WTF
  • 02-14-2019, 03:47 PM
Blame a corrupt DOJ for Obozo and the Hildabeast not getting jailed. So when will The Mule actually show up in court to face that "Russian" company that's beating him 6 ways to Sunday? And still not ONE thing connecting the Trump campaign to any of your collusion fantasies. The whole crew is so worried they have nothing that they're turning on each other already. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
You'd make a great Jim Jones kool-aid drinker.