My incall situation

Next Best Thing's Avatar
So what's the upside?

I guess it means you don't have to hustle trying to accumulate new customers? And you don't have thirty or forty random slobs smushing themselves into you every month or so?

I don't know. Why not try to find a sucker the regular way and get married? I would imagine at least 75% of non welfare recipients could shower you with 6 grand a month, no?
bustybabygirl's Avatar
It's kind of a long story. I joined the sugar sites last September. Before then I had never dated casually before. Never had casual sex. From ages 18-24 I was all about commitment, monogamy, LTR, ready to settle down, get married, and have kids. Last year I decided to try casual dating and started sugaring. I expected to tire of it after a few months and go back to my old and traditional ways. Now, a year later, I'm still doing the same thing. I'll settle down at some point, I'm just not sure when.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Not hard to imagine. And really, I have always been curious how much cash a hooker typically rakes in on a monthly basis. $6000 really doesn't sound unattainable.

I know many girls will bullshit/exaggerate their income or potential income. I am curious if you can pull a living wage hooking full or near-full time.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I escort and sugar part time and make enough doing that to support myself. I also have a vanilla job which gives me a little extra.
generalbob's Avatar
Multi purpose threAD. We learned that op cleaned up her incall(50 posts ago). Sugar baby= long term hook. Provider = short term hook.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Sugar baby= long term hook. Provider = short term hook. Originally Posted by generalbob
cowboy8055's Avatar
You are a hooker.
Not a sugar baby.
Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Not much difference to me. Both are basically escorts. They just employ a different strategy.
generalbob's Avatar
From what I've learned in this treAD, I'm an hourly sugar daddy!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Tax free 1500.00 a week.

Still laughing my ass off

Tell the oil tycoon I said hi lol.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Whatever you say. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
I still havent seen you quote what you were saying to what I said.

Oh, thats right, you cant 1500 a week sugar baby.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I choose not to respond to most of the things that you said because I prefer to have conversations with adults who don't lose their temper over trivial matters. Also what's the point? We are two seperate people with seperate lives, so no surprise that we have different experiences. What's the point in arguing about it?
Gotyour6's Avatar
Thats what I thought.

Not an argument.

You got nothing. As I knew... NOTHING

Enjoy those 1500.00 pay checks Hahahahahahha
bustybabygirl's Avatar
You're completely right. Because I am uninterested in arguing with a stranger in a public forum it must mean that I have nothing and I am a complete fake and just fabricate everything I say. Spot on.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
If I'm not mistaken I believe I've seen hookers on here claim they could pull upward of $7500 a week if they wanted to (I believe this is essentially an overstated bullshit claim).

I don't think $1500 is very much at all if you do the math. Figure $200 an hour, that's 8 dicks a week. Most of the hooks on here can do that standing on their heads.

Is the $1500 from one victim that's unbelievable? Some people don't think much of $1500. Or is it $1500 for this particular hook that's difficult to believe?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
This is what I could very easily foresee, and actually I would be surprised if things like this end up evolving any differently.

The arrangement is good for the victim customer because he believes he's getting all the upside of a girlfriend, without having to become involved in cumbersome relationship activities like meeting family and acquaintances, being guilted into acknowledging the importance of the hook's emotional ups and downs, etc. That shit is great, especially when there's a physically compatible hook who is obligated to allow unlimited access to her pussy, mouth, and whatever else, involved.

I would be stunned if the hook were able to keep this up for any length of time without ultimately becoming a possessive, exhausting, nagging girlfriend/wife type.

At this point, the victim is probably willing to pay the $1500 a week to make the hook go away.

Which is exactly what $200 an hour, pay-as-you-go hooks are best for.
