Princess Ashlee Summers -> Another Let Down

Hmmm. Dannie's got one half and Lisa has the other, huh? Well then, I think that qualifies as an offer I can't refuse. And we have it in writing, no less.

Is there a time limit on when to cash this in? Reason I ask is because I'm very tied up in work at the moment, and it might be a while before I can return to Dallas.

Oh, man. Jules is so beautiful. I'm a little intimidated. I have to train up for this and go on a no junk food diet.

Once again, I don't have an NBA policy. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Never mind
Number one

Nobody was asking you why you don't see AA men.

Number Two

The Ladies who posted in this thread had no harsh words toward you or your decision.

Number Three

Some people do not care for threads like this anyway, actually some of the ladies such as myself had a tiny bit of fun posting on it. We convinced a gent who rants all the time to stop.

Number four

Until the OP asked for this damn thread to be closed or a really nice mod comes to close it. Its stuck here, and most likely people will continue to post on it.

it is not anyones place to ask why i choose what i choose.
questioning why i do not see black men is like questioning
a gay individual why they dont like opposite sex.
to who i turned down, i hope you find what you are looking for
here and i wish you nothing but the best
i would appreciate no more replys on this thread.
this is rediculous,
you all have me mistaken for something that im not.
and i will still be around farther down the road.
hope you girls and guys all have fun here and good luck to you all Originally Posted by Princess Ashlee Summers
Guys, Let’s not forget she is only 19. She is a SP, ok get over it. She has told us far more than most anyone would. Does anyone know that her pimp was black, (I will assume so based on current statistics)? She seems to have been traumatized and has fought through a lot to be where she is. My heart goes out to her, and I wish her the best.

I am sure her pimp and co have tried to get her back. Could any of the guys imagine what it would be like? You get used by a pimp and whoever he decides. You give him the money and he gives you some of it back. He only has these young desperate girls as a source of income. Along the way you meet some decent people that respect you. Then after you break free and start a new life while wanting to disconnect from the past, you have a bunch of crying guys wanting to know why you have a NBA policy. One of them has turned down a free session with a very nice lady... Makes me wonder who is who here....
Just talk to her pimp and see if he'll overrule and give you the 'green light'.

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

This was said after her confession about her past.

Ramwhatever, What is your point here? You are right on the spot behind the original post, as usual. Why have you guys made such a big deal about her? Is there other info about yourself you would care to share? Why are you turning down a free offer from a lady you speak highly of? Can any SP here vouch for you that you have seen?

I did suspect Rambro as a whining person that just hated peeps that did not see things his way. Now I wonder what kind of person he really is.
OK, do we have anything that even indirectly addresses the original post? If now, go find another playground... If we cannot stay on topic, we can close the thread...

Good choice PPE. It seems as if it was scam from the start.
BlackJedi's Avatar
RoundPound you seem to love/hate you some RambroCreed--lol.
Again, Topic is not Rambo Creed, or Roundpound...

SweetAterPie's Avatar
OK, do we have anything that even indirectly addresses the original post? If now, go find another playground... If we cannot stay on topic, we can close the thread...

PPE Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater

LazurusLong's Avatar
I'm gonna go out on a limb and compare this to a reply to a review and call this a reply to a wambulance post. (He said)

The OP whined about Ashlee not seeing AA men.

After a bazillion posts, including some making wild ass accusations about her current situation, Ashlee responded. (She said)

A very (non) classic he said/she said.

And with that, I move that this thread be locked.

Can I get a second?

(The proper response is a simple: I second the motion)
I think Ashlee replied with class, and maturity...I wish I had My shit together as well as her at 19, She maybe a real Princess!!! And I think this thread should be closed.....IMHO
I'm gonna go out on a limb and compare this to a reply to a review and call this a reply to a wambulance post. (He said)

The OP whined about Ashlee not seeing AA men.

After a bazillion posts, including some making wild ass accusations about her current situation, Ashlee responded. (She said)

A very (non) classic he said/she said.

And with that, I move that this thread be locked.

Can I get a second? Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Plus one Laz!
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Only if you have some dirt on someone else, hell its only Monday and ass Destroyer died in his sleep.
Yes, she is the definition of class, LMAO

Close it, puh-leeeeeze!
Yes, she is the definition of class. LOL

Close it, puh-leeeeeze! Originally Posted by Dannie

Dannie even though You kinda intimadate Me, You rock here!...close it I agree!!.....sayin