The murder on Jan. 6th...will there be any justice??

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don’t count on those questions being understood.
  • oeb11
  • 10-20-2021, 09:43 AM
elitist cultist liberals!
Brainwashed dead Trumptards
  • oeb11
  • 10-20-2021, 10:16 AM
Thank You - valued poster

you must truly be 'out of this world'
Keep up the hateful labelling, namecalling, and attacks of your posts.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The "Race Lady" on MSNBC said "She was in the military ( the Air Force ) and therefore a "trained killer". Funny, I don't remember hearing about hand to hand combat being taught to Air Force graduates.

I have to admit, I'm of two minds on this but the fact is, they should never have been there in the first place. I think a warning shot at the very least was called for. Since no one was in "immediate danger", I think the shooting was premature but I could see it if the situation had escalated beyond where it was at the time of the shooting. If she was about to do bodily harm, had a weapon, sure, that would be justification but to suggest that the cop "knew" she would do bodily harm even if she got through the door, is a stretch for me.
  • oeb11
  • 10-20-2021, 10:21 AM
The hateful response on this thread of teh liberal cultist contingent - shows their mindset
republicans and Conservatives are not Human beings to these indoctrinated 'liberals ' (in reality racist , marxist cultists)

They make clear there is no Equality under the rule of law for opposing viewpoints
Only bloody walls and concentration camps smokestacks
Or, as ashli babbit was treated - a quick bullet in teh Head!
The hateful response on this thread of teh liberal cultist contingent - shows their mindset
republicans and Conservatives are not Human beings to these indoctrinated 'liberals ' (in reality racist , marxist cultists)

They make clear there is no Equality under the rule of law for opposing viewpoints
Only bloody walls and concentration camps smokestacks
Or, as ashli babbit was treated - a quick bullet in teh Head! Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 10-20-2021, 10:31 AM
typical response of teh non- earth bound liberal cultists contingent. .
Nothing cogent, relevant.or constructive.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Oh and less I forget to say, YES every single one of those so called protesters attempting to enter/ destroy a Federal Building, assaulting police, should have been shot dead and if the shooting of Babbitt was justified on the grounds of "illegally entering", then YES shooting someone breaking into a store to steal, should be shot the second they enter illegally.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-20-2021, 10:37 AM
The "Race Lady" on MSNBC said "She was in the military ( the Air Force ) and therefore a "trained killer". Funny, I don't remember hearing about hand to hand combat being taught to Air Force graduates.

I have to admit, I'm of two minds on this but the fact is, they should never have been there in the first place. I think a warning shot at the very least was called for. Since no one was in "immediate danger", I think the shooting was premature but I could see it if the situation had escalated beyond where it was at the time of the shooting. If she was about to do bodily harm, had a weapon, sure, that would be justification but to suggest that the cop "knew" she would do bodily harm even if she got through the door, is a stretch for me. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Wtf? you would not have shot if that mob was at your door chanting to Hang you?
  • oeb11
  • 10-20-2021, 10:44 AM
wtf - is liberal elitist cultist 'Justice' - nothing more than a bullet in teh head?
And - do you endorse the Hypocrisy of a two tier system of justice of teh DPST party DOJ???
is that the WTF idea of American 'Equality for all Under the law" And Constitution.???

Or - wtf - is their only One standard for those not of your DPST party agenda and ideology - a Bullet in teh head?

i won't regret missing your response as U are on ignore.
A few things.
She was the first to come through the opening. Many would have followed.
The Capital policeman's job was to protect members of Congress. Job number 1.
"A second clip, recorded approximately three minutes before the shooting, appears to show lawmakers and officials in the Speaker’s Lobby, just yards from Babbitt and others trying to get through. Rep. James P. McGovern (D-Mass.), the chairman of the House Rules Committee, was one of those present, a spokesperson confirmed."

Of course the "teh" guy ignores the circumstances and tries to deflect the fact that she was breaking the law, had ample warning to not enter the room (barricades and police officers trying to keep the door closed is a good warning), and trying to argue castle doctrine with many police officers is a bad idea.
It's regrettable the woman was killed. It's a joke to label her as one of hundreds of simple trespassers.

Too bad the Trumpys only want the shooting investigated and not the overall event..
That's the most telling fact in this thread.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-20-2021, 12:48 PM
wtf - is liberal elitist cultist 'Justice' - nothing more than a bullet in teh head?
And - do you endorse the Hypocrisy of a two tier system of justice of teh DPST party DOJ???
is that the WTF idea of American 'Equality for all Under the law" And Constitution.???

Or - wtf - is their only One standard for those not of your DPST party agenda and ideology - a Bullet in teh head?

i won't regret missing your response as U are on ignore. Originally Posted by oeb11
All these posters responding to WTF who say they have him on ignore!

Just in case you peek...we have a two tiered layered system of justice. Jesus son. Those with money and connections and those without.

But in this you know how those BLM protester feel when one of your own get shot by the police!

Look it sucks...but the silly bitch put herself in a tight spot. Sometimes you lose those battles.
  • oeb11
  • 10-20-2021, 01:20 PM
A few things.
She was the first to come through the opening. Many would have followed.
The Capital policeman's job was to protect members of Congress. Job number 1.
"A second clip, recorded approximately three minutes before the shooting, appears to show lawmakers and officials in the Speaker’s Lobby, just yards from Babbitt and others trying to get through. Rep. James P. McGovern (D-Mass.), the chairman of the House Rules Committee, was one of those present, a spokesperson confirmed."

Of course the "teh" guy ignores the circumstances and tries to deflect the fact that she was breaking the law, had ample warning to not enter the room (barricades and police officers trying to keep the door closed is a good warning), and trying to argue castle doctrine with many police officers is a bad idea.
It's regrettable the woman was killed. It's a joke to label her as one of hundreds of simple trespassers.

Too bad the Trumpys only want the shooting investigated and not the overall event..
That's the most telling fact in this thread.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

Thank you vs - since you know exactly what 'Trumpy's 'want - why are you not a DPST party investigator for the prosecution of Conservatives /Republicans in teh DPST party suborned DOJ???
you - have no regrets.

Please - cease the insulting, demeaning insults!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Some of these responses are batshit crazy. In three wars not once has an officer set ROEs as loose as some here are advocating. That’s in wars, if the American left wants to start normalizing slinging lead over domestic disturbances they’re making a HUGE mistake.