What ever happened to "The Operator?"

lustylad's Avatar
You must have a low bar for coolness. Originally Posted by bambino
Whaddaya mean? I learned from Joe Camel...

bambino's Avatar
Yeah, I learned from Joe Camel...

Originally Posted by lustylad
Mebbe Big Daddy’s next handle will be Camel Joe?
lustylad's Avatar
Mebbe Big Daddy’s next handle will be Camel Joe? Originally Posted by bambino
Not bad. But I kinda like Connor Joe better.

Oops! Let's stay on topic.

Sorry Doc! Feel free to move this post over to the "How about them buccos!" thread.
You didn't even notice! Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
... Well, mate - I just mentioned - maybe I
surely need to get me eyes checked.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Not bad. But I kinda like Connor Joe better.

Oops! Let's stay on topic.

Sorry Doc! Feel free to move this post over to the "How about them buccos!" thread. Originally Posted by lustylad
I doubt Big Daddy knows who Connor Joe is. I doubt Big Daddy is all that “Big”. Hes no Tats.
Dr-epg's Avatar

Gentlemen were just asked to stop the bickering

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