Disaster Without Trump

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Pssstt... Hey #SALTY: Don't tell anyone else. But uhhmmm - Here's the thing I don't get: Why are the TDS, TDS, Orange Man Bad, TDS, TDS crowd so dead set against GEPOTUS running in 2024?!? I mean, in their minds (sic) there is no way on God's green earth he could possibly win, especially given that F Joe O'Bidan is the all time world record holder at 81 MILLION votes and is doing a stellar job of what ever the fugg he is doing. Plus they have the leading diversity hire as VP for back up.Logic would dictate that they should quietly and consistently either ignore it or even encourage it.

One would think they should be a happy bunch dancing with their Unicorns and unisex goblins - patiently waiting for Trump to loose in a massive land slide. Instead, they seem a might bit grumpy about the prospect. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Precious_b's Avatar
... Hmmmmm... but no money for me IF and WHEN Biden
and Hunter are found to be making money $$$$ from China?
Selling influence and what-not??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

They say the first million is the hardest.
It's being soft-pitched to you.
Why haven't you grabbed it?
... There's wagers to be made on the national circuit
with things, mate. ... Caesars and what-not prolly
taking odds right now over the Bidens being owned
by China. ... $$$$

But dont sound so deflated... The balloon is still
flying-about the US airspace. ... Thanks to Sleepy Joe.

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar

But dont sound so deflated... The balloon is still
flying-about the US airspace. ...
Originally Posted by Salty Again
Thanks to the wind the balloon will be over the Atlantic ocean in the next day or two. There is no need for the U.S. Air force to practice their Top Gun moves.
... Can't defend the borders - and can't defend the sky! ...

.... China LOVES Biden...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
... There's wagers to be made on the national circuit
with things, mate. ... Caesars and what-not prolly
taking odds right now over the Bidens being owned
by China. ... $$$$

But dont sound so deflated... The balloon is still
flying-about the US airspace. ... Thanks to Sleepy Joe.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
No wagers needed. $1,000,000 is there for you when you can back up your mouth with facts. LtGov of Texas says so. He's already signed a check for such. Plenty left.

Thanks to the wind the balloon will be over the Atlantic ocean in the next day or two. There is no need for the U.S. Air force to practice their Top Gun moves. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Opps. Spoke a bit soon

... Can't defend the borders - and can't defend the sky! ...

.... China LOVES Biden...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Nope. Just ask the Russkies that when we were flying over their country.

China been launching satellites since 1970. Why haven't you demanded something be done about that?
... Wasn't here back in the 1970s, mate.

... IF I was - I'd have surely pointed out that I think
yer President Nixon did a summit or something with China,
didn't he?? ... And I would have been watching all the
football championships... ya know... Cosmos and what-not.

But you allow a Chinese balloon fly over yer country, it's
surely a great indicatour that you're COMPROMISED by China.

But Trump can correct this once He's back-on.

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Now we know the limit of your knowledge.
Open a book or something.
But I guess google is the extent of your knowledge base.
What explains how they get those maps ALL OVER THE WORLD?
Hint. They ain't the only one that does that.

Hopefully Philly wins SB
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Thanks to the wind the balloon will be over the Atlantic ocean in the next day or two. There is no need for the U.S. Air force to practice their Top Gun moves. Originally Posted by adav8s28
When seconds matter, F Joe Biden's U.S. Air force is only a week away and now Chyyyyna knows it..
  • Tiny
  • 02-05-2023, 09:08 PM
I just hope he doesnt run as a third party candidate. Which would be a mega disaster Originally Posted by winn dixie
No kidding! That's his Trump card, pun intended. He threatened to run as a 3rd party candidate back in 2016, after signing a pledge in 2015 that he wouldn't.