This Dead Young Man Was Marked From Birth... Did He Have a Real Chance?

see, you just identified yourself as a Money-grubby Right-Winger. your definition of "everything in life" is being born with a pot full of cash, or Parent's who have the same to bestow on you.

I think the Kid was born behind the 8-Ball, and no amount of money would make a difference. you and me see the World through different lenses. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So that's the political message then. Had he been born into a nice socialist communal type life where his path in life would have been directed by the government as opposed to rich parents all would have been cool. Got it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
So that's the political message then. Had he been born into a nice socialist communal type life where his path in life would have been directed by the government as opposed to rich parents all would have been cool. Got it. Originally Posted by eccielover
laugh all you want.. you know I said 2 Heterosexual parents, Man and Woman. you made up the Socialist Commune shit. I'm far more to the right on this issue than the turds that pick and prod, including yourself.
laugh all you want.. you know I said 2 Heterosexual parents, Man and Woman. you made up the Socialist Commune shit. I'm far more to the right on this issue than the turds that pick and prod, including yourself. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So politically you want to "ban" the rights of a non heterosexual couple from raising children?

If that's your stance, then yes you are beyond "right" on this issue and into as I said earlier alt-right, which I don't take seriously in the least.
Chung Tran's Avatar
So politically you want to "ban" the rights of a non heterosexual couple from raising children?

If that's your stance, then yes you are beyond "right" on this issue and into as I said earlier alt-right, which I don't take seriously in the least. Originally Posted by eccielover
I didn't say "ban".. you can't keep from ascribing falsehood toward my position.. take me at face value, are you afraid that won't work for you?

it is BEST AND BIBLICAL for a Man and Woman who are MARRIED to each other, to raise a child. if that is alt-right, sign me up!
Danielle Silver's Avatar
Cut it out.
Add something productive.
Stay on topic.
Don't Be a Bully...
it's the whole thing. I don't believe you are confused, you're just playing like you are. "famous" and "celebrities" is interchangeable. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'm not playing, but I did write a confusing response. What I meant was that you first mentioned 2 Dykes & a drug abuser (famous or not) as being the issue, then it was because they're famous (straight/gay/sober) it wouldn't matter. That's what I was referring to.
Redhot1960's Avatar

I don't recall that many spoke out against this "arrangement".. Crosby's Sire-identity was withheld for years, until he fessed up on 20/20 or some show, he and Etheridge and the Lesbian wife were one big grinning group, proud of their "accomplishment".

now dead at 21.. Opioids. poor guy must have been struggling for an identity.. I can't blame him. he couldn't even answer a simple question like, "who's your parents"?

he has a sister, allegedly conceived the same way.. I wonder what her life is like? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why didn't you 0zombies lie and say he committed suicide like you did on Eric Bollings son?
Is it because his parents are famous, or because two are famous Dykes, & one is/was a famous drug abuser?

I'm confused because you started with the Dyke/art insem angle, and now you're ending with the "child of celebrities" angle. Originally Posted by papadee
he's the one confused, not you
I didn't say "ban".. you can't keep from ascribing falsehood toward my position.. take me at face value, are you afraid that won't work for you?

it is BEST AND BIBLICAL for a Man and Woman who are MARRIED to each other, to raise a child. if that is alt-right, sign me up! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yes it is.

It is also biblical that having sex with a married woman who is not your wife is adultery.

I read that to mean I can fuck all the single girls I want, but if anyone fucks my wife, that adulterous mother fucker needs to suffer.
I'm not playing, but I did write a confusing response. What I meant was that you first mentioned 2 Dykes & a drug abuser (famous or not) as being the issue, then it was because they're famous (straight/gay/sober) it wouldn't matter. That's what I was referring to. Originally Posted by papadee
Don't sweat it. It's a pattern among several posters here. They come up with an off the wall or even directly adversarial premise, then when challenged, walk it back, then when challenged again, walk it back further, until their stance isn't even recognizable to the original statement. Then scream bloody murder that they are being the reasonable one in the discussion.

You will get used to it.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
it is BEST AND BIBLICAL for a Man and Woman who are MARRIED to each other, to raise a child. if that is alt-right, sign me up! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Quite funnny coming from someone who visits prostitutes. Great moral example, you are.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I couldn’t care less about biblical, but two parents (one of each sex) in the home has been proven time and time again to be what’s best for kids, and society at large by extension.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Quite funnny coming from someone who visits prostitutes. Great moral example, you are. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

it appears to be a paradox, doesn't it? what can I say, I'm a Renaissance Man, LOL

I couldn’t care less about biblical, but two parents (one of each sex) in the home has been proven time and time again to be what’s best for kids, and society at large by extension. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
exactly.. and something I saw on CNN some 2 hours ago chapped the Hell out of me.. they ran a story on Surrogate Mothers from the Ukraine, apparently there are 100 babies born there, from Ukraine Moms, who bore the child of a European or American family.. the sob story is that the babies are STUCK in the Ukraine because of travel restrictions from the virus, and the POOR RICH FILTHY people who paid these Ukraine women to bear a child for them are shit out of luck for now.. filthy animal slobs. that would be my slant to the story, how these wealthy Beasts pay poor women to incubate a child for them. adopt a kid if you are so giving! these people are so narcissistic they need their "own" child.. well guess what? that child belongs to the Ukraine mom, fuck your 21st Century Bourgeoise attitude, filthy Pigs!

there.. no, I have no involvement in this parental structure, nor David Crosby's.. I was raised in a 2-Parent home, born from their sexual expression, like it should be, LOL.. I do have strong beliefs on this bullshit, however, and I express it freely and colorfully.