Are You for 100% Public Funding of Presidential Elections?

lustylad's Avatar
We should punts some of those threadses, as a classic flashbacks or some such thing, don’t ya think? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Sure, why not?

Start with all those DOTY voting threads you used to win so handily year in and year out.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Only a ignurnt jagoff who slurps allergayney whitefish for breffiss would make such a cucky analogy!! Originally Posted by lustylad
rexdutchman's Avatar
keep going maybe some one will "believe"
Give your balls a tug, all of yous. You got something? Fucking brings it. But you’d better be right, eh! And none of yous are.

Maybe yous should find a good lawyer to help yous in this quest! Got any suggestions, fredsy??? I know yous do, you basic.

Sorry boys. One things I can’t abides is a personal threat of violence. So now I’ll waits for your retractions and apologies, fredsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You are not going to get an apology from me.

I'm the injured party. You need to apologize to me.

Your words would be considered the offense of disorderly conduct, to wit:

Disorderly Conduct

In Texas, the crime of disorderly conduct can be committed by

using obscene or abusive language or making an offensive gesture or display that tends to provoke a violent reaction or upset the community's peace and quiet (“fighting words”)
HoeHummer's Avatar
Kiss my arse fredsy.

Basic searches reveal your history of threats of violence, bigotrys and hatreds.

You want a tilly, pussy? Be sure to ask your mum. Hang on, I’ve got her right here. Wes are waiting for yours uncle to have a 3somes. He’s an interesting characters, you uncles, fredsy.

LOLLING all of yous!

You need to deal with your anger, homosexual, and racist tendencies. If you don't want to treat black people fairly, then just take responsibility for your actions, unlike the dumbfuck who wrote your sig line to give himself, and faggots like you, an excuse to break the law.

I'll be down for Austin City Limits, I'd be happy to meet up and smash your face in a fair fight.

To you and Assup:

FUCK OFF AND DIE!!! Originally Posted by DSK
Fair enough, I'm not JL. I'll just call you asshole, or faggot, or moron, or shithead, or dicksucker, or shitlicker, or freelance faggot, or get the picture? Originally Posted by DSK

This DSK seems to have joined a long line of people who dislike you Yssup Rider.
HoeHummer's Avatar
We had a marvellous three ways last night, fredsy... me, your mum and your uncle... there was lots of screaming sand laughing, but I was somewhat put off by the smells of hot dog waters. What’s up with that, fredsy?

You remembers your uncle HAN, don’t yous? A long winded chap. He even used to argues with a “ British chap” to divert attention from the fact that they were both clients of the aforementioneds Lawyer.

So you are saying you are dumb and iva big cunt is dumber.

What is a neocon?

My excuse? Well, "neocon" can mean different things to different people. Of course, YOU already knew that! *snick* I was wondering what definition that guy was using, especially since he's a limey bastard.

. Originally Posted by Uncle Han

What's that Uncle Cunt? You talking rubbish again? You have nothing clever to say so you must refer to me as being a "Limey bastard"??? Grow up infant. If you must (name call) at least get it right eh. I'm a dirty Jewish limey bastard. Feel better mate? That way you can throw in some antisemitism whilst insulting my country. What a daft twat;-) Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!

Yous started this game, bud. And yous threatened violence against me In a most graphic manner. One doesn’t need to be Donald Trump to hits back, eh?

After a few months, it’s been pretty easy to takes a walk down memory road, an DOESNT takes much effort to connect the dots.

Granteds, I’ve only spent an hour or so researchings, but what I wants to know is why Jewish Lawyer disappeared but his account is still alive and well.

FYI, you basic, I don’t takes kindly to anybody’s who threatens me, and yous crossed the line when you did, fredsy. If I posted a this in the wrong forum, please forgive me, ECCIE, but fredsy wants to smash in my face.

Now back to that smell of hotdog water....
bambino's Avatar
We had a marvellous three ways last night, fredsy... me, your mum and your uncle... there was lots of screaming sand laughing, but I was somewhat put off by the smells of hot dog waters. What’s up with that, fredsy?

You remembers your uncle HAN, don’t yous? A long winded chap. He even used to argues with a “ British chap” to divert attention from the fact that they were both clients of the aforementioneds Lawyer.

Yous started this game, bud. And yous threatened violence against me In a most graphic manner. One doesn’t need to be Donald Trump to hits back, eh?

After a few months, it’s been pretty easy to takes a walk down memory road, an DOESNT takes much effort to connect the dots.

Granteds, I’ve only spent an hour or so researchings, but what I wants to know is why Jewish Lawyer disappeared but his account is still alive and well.

FYI, you basic, I don’t takes kindly to anybody’s who threatens me, and yous crossed the line when you did, fredsy. If I posted a this in the wrong forum, please forgive me, ECCIE, but fredsy wants to smash in my face.

Now back to that smell of hotdog water.... Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Hotdog water? Is that the by product after your weekly bath?
  • oeb11
  • 01-04-2020, 09:03 AM
Back on topic - and away from the DPST usual nonsense.

I have posted elsewhere that I agree with CT on the issue of public election financing.

I still do - the huge amounts of money funneled into candidates and parties are inherently corrupting of the political process. While the current system has been allowed as "free speech" by the SC - we could change if chose as a nation.

I am fed up with the continual campaigning from the end of an election all the way to the next one. it changes the focus from Governance of the nation to re-election is the most important thing to politicians. Will campaign restrictions change that focus - not completely - but I support a change to take funding to a central non-partisan source and eliminate the corrupting influence of PAC's and huge donations.
Back on topic - and away from the DPST usual nonsense.

I have posted elsewhere that I agree with CT on the issue of public election financing.

I still do - the huge amounts of money funneled into candidates and parties are inherently corrupting of the political process. While the current system has been allowed as "free speech" by the SC - we could change if chose as a nation.

I am fed up with the continual campaigning from the end of an election all the way to the next one. it changes the focus from Governance of the nation to re-election is the most important thing to politicians. Will campaign restrictions change that focus - not completely - but I support a change to take funding to a central non-partisan source and eliminate the corrupting influence of PAC's and huge donations. Originally Posted by oeb11
So first, which elections and offices does this apply to?

And second, how do you qualify as a candidate to receive the funds from this "central non-partisan source". I'll be first in line for the "free campaign" money and let me introduce my family and friends, er, I mean my paid campaign staff, to you as well.

I've not seen anyone who complains about the current campaign financing rules and want some kind of massive reform actually come up with a workable solution.
  • oeb11
  • 01-04-2020, 09:13 AM
you have a valid point - EL.

How to construct the system in a way the SC will approve is difficult.

Difficult tasks are something Americans are good at accomplishing.
HoeHummer's Avatar
It shoulds all be equally funded by the government. Spending shoulda be limited and the playing field level. Too many bad actors get elected by money. We have pretty strict financing rules. Other nations do too. Ot the USEh, because corporations are people, right?
It shoulds all be equally funded by the government. Spending shoulda be limited and the playing field level. Too many bad actors get elected by money. We have pretty strict financing rules. Other nations do too. Ot the USEh, because corporations are people, right? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Do you mean the government kicks in equal amounts as the candidates fund raising or that the government simply equally funds all candidates without any personal fundraising?

And if it's the latter, where do I sign up as a candidate?
bambino's Avatar
Do you mean the government kicks in equal amounts as the candidates fund raising or that the government simply equally funds all candidates without any personal fundraising?

And if it's the latter, where do I sign up as a candidate? Originally Posted by eccielover
HoeDummer won 5 straight DOTY awards without soliciting a penny. He did it the old fashion way. He earned the votes.
LexusLover's Avatar
Next thing you know you guys will be advocating the government pay for your pussy.....may be I should be a little more specific so YR won't be confused .... pay for the pussy you want to fuck.