The Intolerant Left

JohnnyCap's Avatar
Okay, then all that has to be done is for someone on the left to put together some credible arguments based on current events. Go for it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How current, and why does it have to be current at all? What is your tolerance on oppression?

I'm not going to provide examples as my viewpoint would be humans oppress each other regardless of race, nation, creed, sexuality, religion. If you want an example turn on the TV, read, go outside. If you don't see it, close your eyes, shake your head, and open them back up. Be patient, it won't be long.
IB does get you but let me wade in...they are not political but that is not the issue. Those that are attacking them are both political and racist. To make the point, there are some who don't want to fight Islamic terrorists but guess what? They do want to fight us. Tamera and her husband may not want to get into politics but their detractors do. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
isn't that what i said? and I was addressing JC
JCM800's Avatar
they are not political but that is not the issue. Those that are attacking them are both political and racist. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
the issue isn't that Mowry or her husband is or is not political.... they may very well be non political people living their lives..

its the intolerance and or racism of those attacking them and THEIR left/ may be, ever so slightly, that his point is lost to zealous stances Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
So it is very safe to say that it came for a likely Obama voter. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I just don't think all of the racist comments thrown at them were politically motivated. some people are just racists and don't have left/right opinions. they just see an interracial couple and that alone will set them off.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How recent? Lets just say we're not going to let you blame Bush. So how about 2009 and forward?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
isn't that what i said? and I was addressing JC Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Huh, what?

How recent? Lets just say we're not going to let you blame Bush. So how about 2009 and forward? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Okay, so conservative oppression from the Ming Dynasty(and before) to Obama's inauguration is to be overlooked? Sounds like a way to tilt blame.
not you the other guy
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You sound defensive. Haven't see an example yet. In the meantime conservatives are expected to leave NY and a theater almost got burned by leftists in San Fransisco.
heres a story on point...Hollywood conservatives needing secrecy..why because of intolerance they fear
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
did you notice that when I limited the blame game to post Bush, the left just shut up. So sad to be that limited in ideas.

The communist mayor of New York City is backing the governor with more intolerance.

I found out something interesting. If New York City were separated from the rest of the state it would turn red and go republican. Kind of the same thing for Los Angeles. How fragile is their domination. One natural disastor (earthquake, hurricane) or a civil unrest in either major city....That is why they talked about delaying the election vote last year. They knew that if people were digging out in NYC and didn't vote then Obama might lose the state.