I'm Starting To Like Rand Paul

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Solicitation alone -- in person, by text, by Twitter, by email or by telephone -- is illegal, WE. Now, WE, can you genuinely claim you're not violating that law when you set up your dates?

Are you still comfortable with the government recording those transactions, WE?

A burner phone is still your best defense, but the laws are changing and making it more difficult to utilize burners, e.g., if you use a credit card at Walmart to buy one, the phone's number is matched to your purchase, and you're videotaped at the register buying it. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sir what does eavesdropping to prevent a Terrorist attack have anything to do with ECCIE? Are you fucking kidding me? Where in Patriot Act does it say we are going to spy on citizens to see if they are hiring escorts? You are making up these Rosie O'Donnell like scandals on these bullshits scenarios that are not even related to the Patriot Act- I DEMAND YOU STOP WTH THESE LIES AND FALSE ACCUSATIONS!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sir what does eavesdropping to prevent a Terrorist attack have anything to do with ECCIE? Are you fucking kidding me? Where in Patriot Act does it say we are going to spy on citizens to see if they are hiring escorts? You are making up these Rosie O'Donnell like scandals on these bullshits scenarios that are not even related to the Patriot Act- I DEMAND YOU STOP WTH THESE LIES AND FALSE ACCUSATIONS!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You're the one who doesn't understand WTF is going on, WE.

"For now, know that every border you cross, every purchase you make, every call you dial, every cell phone tower you pass, friend you keep, site you visit and subject line you type is in the hands of the system whose reach is unlimited, but whose safe guards are not ..." Citizenfour.
  • shanm
  • 06-01-2015, 09:27 PM
As usual, IBhalf-wit tries to derail the thread by posting absolutely irrelevant BULLSHIT.

The government can not accuse or try you of crimes based on intelligence gleaned off of NSA wiretaps (unless of course, they're related to a terrorist plot). Do you really think they've employed actual people to listen to every single conversation in America? No. It's most likely automated, with programs listening for flagged key words. Probably Allah akbar is pretty high on that list.

It all comes down to whether you trust your government. Of course, they've never given us a reason to trust them, so my gut says to shut it down. But, at the same time, I don't want this country to suffer another attack like 911. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I B Hankering's Avatar
As usual, IBhalf-wit tries to derail the thread by posting absolutely irrelevant BULLSHIT.

The government can not accuse or try you of crimes based on intelligence gleaned off of NSA wiretaps (unless of course, they're related to a terrorist plot). Do you really think they've employed actual people to listen to every single conversation in America? No. It's most likely automated, with programs listening for flagged key words. Probably Allah akbar is pretty high on that list.

It all comes down to whether you trust your government. Of course, they've never given us a reason to trust them, so my gut says to shut it down. But, at the same time, I don't want this country to suffer another attack like 911. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Originally Posted by shanm
There is no limit to your imbecility, shamman.

Dallas police and FBI agents on Monday broke up multiple suspected brothels and arrested numerous people as part of an investigation that dates back at least two years, according to police documents....

“From surveillance, trash runs, pen registers and trap/trace coverage and conversations with accomplice Ha, [the detective] knows that this business is part of a larger criminal enterprise and that every employee is part of the criminal enterprise,” said the documents tied to an arrest at one of the locations. (Dallas Morning News)
  • shanm
  • 06-01-2015, 09:54 PM
There is no limit to your imbecility, shamman. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

How fucking stupid are you? Nowhere does the article mention NSA wire surveillance. The FBI has been able to wiretap phones and video surveillance (provided that they obtain the appropriate warrants) since way before the patriot act.

Another piece of irrelevant bullshit, but I suppose that is 99% of what you post.
They have probably documented all the anti- American shit chicken dick hankering has posted on this forum.
I B Hankering's Avatar
How fucking stupid are you? Nowhere does the article mention NSA wire surveillance. The FBI is allowed to wiretap phones and video surveillance (provided that they obtain the appropriate warrants) since way before the patriot act.

Another piece of irrelevant bullshit, but I suppose that is 99% of what you post.
Originally Posted by shanm
You voted for Odumbo, shamman; thus, you'e already shown how gullible and "#Grubered" you are, shamman. The Feds are finding their targets using illegal techniques, and then they apply for the warrants. Then they share that info with local authorities, shamman.


A LEGAL FIGHT over the government’s use of a secret surveillance tool has provided new insight into how the controversial tool works and the extent to which Verizon Wireless aided federal agents in using it to track a suspect.

Court documents in a case involving accused identity thief Daniel David Rigmaiden describe how the wireless provider reached out remotely to reprogram an air card the suspect was using in order to make it communicate with the government’s surveillance tool so that he could be located.

Rigmaiden, who is accused of being the ringleader of a $4 million tax fraud operation, asserts in court documents that in July 2008 Verizon surreptitiously reprogrammed his air card to make it respond to incoming voice calls from the FBI and also reconfigured it so that it would connect to a fake cell site, or stingray, that the FBI was using to track his location.

Air cards are devices that plug into a computer and use the wireless cellular networks of phone providers to connect the computer to the internet. The devices are not phones and therefore don’t have the ability to receive incoming calls, but in this case Rigmaiden asserts that Verizon reconfigured his air card to respond to surreptitious voice calls from a landline controlled by the FBI.

The FBI calls, which contacted the air card silently in the background, operated as pings to force the air card into revealing its location.

In order to do this, Verizon reprogrammed the device so that when an incoming voice call arrived, the card would disconnect from any legitimate cell tower to which it was already connected, and send real-time cell-site location data to Verizon, which forwarded the data to the FBI. This allowed the FBI to position its stingray in the neighborhood where Rigmaiden resided. The stingray then “broadcast a very strong signal” to force the air card into connecting to it, instead of reconnecting to a legitimate cell tower, so that agents could then triangulate signals coming from the air card and zoom-in on Rigmaiden’s location.

To make sure the air card connected to the FBI’s simulator, Rigmaiden says that Verizon altered his air card’s Preferred Roaming List so that it would accept the FBI’s stingray as a legitimate cell site and not a rogue site, and also changed a data table on the air card designating the priority of cell sites so that the FBI’s fake site was at the top of the list.

Rigmaiden makes the assertions in a 369-page document he filed in support of a motion to suppress evidence gathered through the stingray. Rigmaiden collected information about how the stingray worked from documents obtained from the government, as well as from records obtained through FOIA requests filed by civil liberties groups and from open-source literature.

During a hearing in a U.S. District Court in Arizona on March 28 to discuss the motion, the government did not dispute Rigmaiden’s assertions about Verizon’s activities.

The actions described by Rigmaiden are much more intrusive than previously known information about how the government uses stingrays, which are generally employed for tracking cell phones and are widely used in drug and other criminal investigations.

The government has long asserted that it doesn’t need to obtain a probable-cause warrant to use the devices because they don’t collect the content of phone calls and text messages and operate like pen-registers and trap-and-traces, collecting the equivalent of header information.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, who have filed an amicus brief in support of Rigmaiden’s motion, maintain that the order does not qualify as a warrant and that the government withheld crucial information from the magistrate — such as identifying that the tracking device they planned to use was a stingray and that its use involved intrusive measures — thus preventing the court from properly fulfilling its oversight function. (Wired)

They have probably documented all the anti- American shit chicken dick hankering has posted on this forum. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
They have you under surveillance as a foreign agent, Ekim the Inbred. They can't believe a native born American could possibly fuck-up the English language the way you do, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
  • shanm
  • 06-01-2015, 10:35 PM
You voted for Odumbo, shamman; thus, you'e already shown how gullible and "#Grubered" you are, shamman. The Feds are finding their targets using illegal techniques, and then they apply for the warrants. Then they share that info with local authorities, shamman. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I am not playing another one of your circle jerk "games", chicken-dick. Go fuck yourself.

The patriot act has little to no relevance with how or why the FBI obtains its wiretaps for suspected criminal activities other than national security threats. Go load off your gruber gruber bullshit somewhere else.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I am not playing another one of your circle jerk "games", chicken-dick. Go fuck yourself.

The patriot act has little to no relevance with how or why the FBI obtains its wiretaps for suspected criminal activities other than national security threats. Go load off your gruber gruber bullshit somewhere else.
Originally Posted by shanm
You confirm you're an imbecile with your each and every post, shamman. The Feds are increasingly involved in routine prostitution busts all over the country, shamman, and you're just too damn stupid to read about it in the papers.
You confirm you're an imbecile with your each and every post, shamman. The Feds are increasingly involved in routine prostitution busts all over the country, shamman, and you're just too damn stupid to read about it in the papers.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Your retardation is cemented with every odumbo minion you post.

The busts they're involved in are not 'routine', you idiot. And prostitution is not a federal crime except when extenuating circumstances are present. You're just too goddamn stupid to read about it in the papers.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Your retardation is cemented with every odumbo minion you post.

The busts they're involved in are not 'routine', you idiot. And prostitution is not a federal crime except when extenuating circumstances are present. You're just too goddamn stupid to read about it in the papers.

Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you say, and yet, the Feds are increasingly involved in routine prostitution busts all over the country, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

A four-day crackdown on human trafficking by a federal law enforcement task force netted 15 prostitution-related arrests and three drug arrests in Denton County.

Deputies arrested nine people on attempted prostitution charges and six on solicitation of prostitution charges throughout the county from Thursday through Sunday in conjunction with the FBI’s ***** Exploitation Task Force.

Three other people were arrested on drug charges during the sting operation, according to a news release from the Denton County Sheriff’s Office. One of the 18 people arrested in Denton County was a registered sex offender, officials said.

No ***** victims were found in Denton County .... according to Katherine Chaumont, spokeswoman for the Dallas FBI office.

Chaumont said the Denton County arrests were not related to ***** sex trafficking but were cases that surfaced during the sting. (DentonRC).
So you say, and yet, the Feds are increasingly involved in routine prostitution busts all over the country, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Because they get tipped off about things that are federal crimes, dumbass. Prostitution in and of itself is not a federal crime. Other things have to be at play for the FBI to get involved. Which is exactly what the fuck I said, bitch boy.
Budman's Avatar
Sir you are missing the point- if Al-Queada no longer existed or there were no iSIS hell bent on destroying American than we would have no purpose for the act. The act is only for protecting American lives- where do you get this bullshit conspiracy theory that they will use it for political reasons? You are sounding a lot like Alex Jones. I honestly had no idea Obama was supporting the patriot act.
For the millionth freaking time- if you are not saying anything wrong over the phone why would it bother you? If you know you are not committing a crime than if they eavesdrop on you it's all moot.
I take it that guys like you , Budman and COG would have a problem if you were leaving work and a police car followed directly behind you all the way home. You would start bitching and asking ."why is that police office following me.. or if you were in a department store and the security guard followed you on aisle just watching you- you would feel your rights have been violated right?
Well I got news for you- if the same police officer followed me home- I could give a rats ass- I have nothing illegal in my car and if I obeying all the traffic laws why would I care? If I am not stealing any items - why should I care if the security officer followed me on every aisle.
The difference between you and I dirty dog is that you have skeletons in your closet- I don't!!! You and guys like Budman, and COG are paranoid POS that know if people found out what you really did behind close doors - everyone's perception of you would change. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
1. The IRS wasn't supposed to be used for political reasons either.

2. The security guard following me wouldn't be a problem but I can guarantee you and your ilk would be screaming racism and profiling.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, I guess I'm in-American then. Like Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Patrick Henry, JFK, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and many others. While you, WE, stand with such true Americans like Dick Cheney, George W Bush, Don Rumsfeld, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, and many others. I believe the Constitution, until repealed by real God Fearing Americans like you, is still the law of the land,

I believe in Liberty, privacy, personal responsibility, free speech, due process. If that makes me un-American, I will wear that label with pride, and weep for how far my country has fallen.