I love how this is all about how I should get points or banned when the fact is a photo that is in police evidence for an assault and robbery case was posted and I told mods that that was not good for eccies reputation months ago . . .. ugh yes wake up this is a battle I will never win with people here who have no common sense.
Back then my point was make fun of me all you want just stay safe (post a different photo and make fun of me in other ways), now my point is STOP! PLEASE STOP HARASSING ME!
I am sure none of you are set up military style at your front door ready to defend your home tonight like I am.
Originally Posted by chloegiggles
Common sense? OK.....
Making this as simple as possible,
you must know who posted those pictures that no one is supposed to know got posted in all those double super secret places that don't exist.....so why are you carrying on and ruining your business in a public format? Your issue is with your supposed "Friend", whom, I presume, you gave the pictures to and who then made them public. Take your fight private, and to that person.
Oh....And....To make sure you know where I am on this.......I don't think you should be banned, or pointed, drawn, quartered or whatever-ed....just take your issue where it belongs....not like this. Although entertaining for a while, it is now like watching a train wreck about to occur. For your own sake, stop......
Based on what I have read about you, I doubt that I would ever ask to meet you. BUT......I do believe that you were wronged when those pics were released without your permission. However, there is a way to handle it that preserves your business.
I think you've harmed yourself.
Common sense, right?
Peace, sister....and good luck.
PS.....listen to me...double super secret places that don't exist....I'm getting as whacked out as everyone else!!!
Good grief folks, were acting like a bunch of seventh graders passing notes around behind the teachers back.......WTF!!!!
We are all here for one reason....TO GET LAID and GET PAID!!!!!! Now, let's get back to what we are here for!!!!!