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The GOP faces an uphill battle to win national elections because of the flood of illegal and legal immigrants (and their children who are becoming voters). These immigrants, largely hispanic and working poor, vote Democrat. They have permanently changed the cultural landscape of America. They vote Democrat, not Republican. It has nothing to do with the economy and everything to do with cultural changes.

WTF wrongly thinks that if we had a good economy, then these voters would turn Republican ???

WTF thinks asking questions about events that happened during a sitting president's term is "living in the past."

What a fucking dummy !!!!!!!!!!!!

And you stupid SOB will keep losing national election if you do not understand that it is the economy stupid.

Nobody gives a fuck about the stupid living in the past questions Bill asked. Well the far right does but you guys are losing national elections for the GOP , not winning them.

Fox News has to tell you knuckle draggers wtf you want to hear. That is why you dipshits thought Mitt was going to win in 2012. If they told you the truth , you'd have turned on them! Originally Posted by WTF
Now you're lying. You ALWAYS support Obama, no matter what. Then you claim to be "independent" which is ludicrous on it's face. You are 100% Obama, all the time. Sad little man, you are, thinking we'd believe you.

But my question to those of you who insist "So what if Obama lied? They all do. Get over it" is this: Why do you consider those of us who expect honesty from our elected officials to be "idiots" or whatever epithet you may choose? Aren't our elected representatives supposed to reflect the collective will of our country? If they all lie, and we don't call them on it, or hold them accountable, do we still have representative government? No. It's impossible. We elect people based on what they tell us. If they lied, then we were mislead, and government doesn't represent us. When we re-elect them, knowing they are lying, we are giving free rein to do whatever the hell they want.

I just don't get this. Obama lies, and people support him. Bush lied, Clinton lied, McConnell lies, Pelosi, Boehner, . . . The list goes on. All proven liars. Yet people support these clowns like they are the Apostles of the Christ. It's insane, and it's why we are becoming a police state.

If Gary Johnson or Ron Paul were elected President, and didn't try to keep their campaign promises, and lied about activities in their administration, and covered up wrongdoing and corruption instead of rooting it out, I'd be first in line to demand their removal from office. I wouldn't defend them no matter what they did.

In fact, I was very impressed with Obama in early 2009. The goals he established and the standards he espoused were terrific. But as it turns out, it was all lies. Why am I the only one pissed off about that?

But it does feel strange to be criticized for demanding honesty from government. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

They all attended law school any tie in there?
two things about Obama

these two constants remain unlike any president in my memory

1. his public blaming of others be it bush or fox news or the tea party or the house republicans or the supreme court or some white person

his public whining is unbecoming to say the least

Nixon is the only one who even remotely did this but without specifics, and just limited to the news media in general

I tend to think Nixon had a valid reason for the entire news media was covertly liberal back then

2. his direct full face lying and then extreme evasiveness coupled with a haughty dismissive manner.

now other presidents may have been evasive, but the extent he is creates alarm.

the only president I can remember that comes close and could look you directly in the face and lie other than obama was bill Clinton but we know what he was covering up

other presidents may have been proved wrong about something and then that has been called lying by some but just total knowingly lying without any basis what so ever?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, you're all ok with public officials lying to the people they represent. And then you think I'm the problem. Go figure.
So, you're all ok with public officials lying to the people they represent. And then you think I'm the problem. Go figure. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
who said that? are you feeling persecuted?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Lol! Read the thread, NGIAT. And if this place didn't make me laugh, I wouldn't be here.
Lol! Read the thread, NGIAT. And if this place didn't make me laugh, I wouldn't be here. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
you said "you all"
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  • WTF
  • 02-04-2014, 08:42 AM

But it does feel strange to be criticized for demanding honesty from government. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Your expectations are to high.

Politics are about getting elected and then trying to stay in power.

There is a reason why Gary Johnson and Ron Paul can not get elected nationally...

I would recommend you some books for the science in why but you would just make fun of me.
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  • WTF
  • 02-04-2014, 08:59 AM
The GOP faces an uphill battle to win national elections because of the flood of illegal and legal immigrants (and their children who are becoming voters). These immigrants, largely hispanic and working poor, vote Democrat. They have permanently changed the cultural landscape of America. They vote Democrat, not Republican. It has nothing to do with the economy and everything to do with cultural changes.

WTF wrongly thinks that if we had a good economy, then these voters would turn Republican ??? I think they will vote for the incumbent. Not sure if you understand that slight difference.

WTF thinks asking questions about events that happened during a sitting president's term is "living in the past."
Asking Bush about 'yellow cake'' in his second term was a waste of time seeing how the public had already reelected him. Same with Obama. Those questions had already been debated at the polls. You are living in the past by asking them.
What a fucking dummy !!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Let us recap...I am trying to give you sound advice. Furthermore I was not the one believing that Mitt Romney was going to win the 2012 election because I was watching only one news channel and believing everything they said. You are living in a Tea Pot. You are like the fat girl at the dance that blames all the skinny girls for no one asking you to dance. If you hang out with only fat girls that agree with that bogus
assessment , you will continue to eat like a pig and never get to dance. You wanna dance, hang out with diverse folks , that will tell you a bit more of the truth, namely that your shitty attitude toward Mexicans is why they will not dance with you.
LexusLover's Avatar
I would recommend you some books for the science in why ............. Originally Posted by WTF
There are books on "why" Ron Paul cannot get elected nationally?

And that is a "science"?

FYI: By the time a book is written, edited, and published the election will be over.

Rhetorical Question: Do you really have to read a book on why?
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Let us recap...I am trying to give you sound advice. Originally Posted by WTF
Just recommend a book title to him. Golf?
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  • WTF
  • 02-04-2014, 09:39 AM
There are books on "why" Ron Paul cannot get elected nationally?

And that is a "science"?

? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes and Yes.
Just recommend a book title to him. Golf? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, I was not the one proclaiming that Mitt Romney was going to win in 2012. The polling data that Fox News was trying to sell was bogus. That is why you and Whirly were so wrong. Fox News tells you what you want to hear. Not the truth but wtf you want to hear.
your shitty attitude toward Mexicans is why they will not dance with you.
Originally Posted by WTF
I let them live in this '62 chevy up on blocks in my front yard

they haven't ever said they wanted to dance
WTF thinks Hispanics will vote for an incumbent...........HAHAHA...n ot if the incumbent is a Republican.....WTF (and GOP establishment) are fools..........

The best incumbent GWB could do was 44% hispanic vote; and that was in a great economy !

Keep dreaming WTF...you are politically clueless.
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  • WTF
  • 02-04-2014, 09:57 AM
I let them live in this '62 chevy up on blocks in my front yard

they haven't ever said they wanted to dance Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That's because you haven't asked them like the Democrats have!

Sounds like a good trade btw, you get your grass cut and they get to fix up a discarded '62 Chevy!