#DiedSuddenly reporting

Once again an opinion with no supporting proof. I can cite several sources from what most people would consider to be 100% trustworthy but you will reject them because you will claim they are "biased". Here are some annd I can provide you many more. On the other hand you have some unknown doctors you know who believe mRNA has a poor track record. Not very convincing.

"Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe?

Yes. The two mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are very safe and very good at preventing serious or fatal cases of COVID-19. The risk of serious side effects associated with these vaccines is very small."


"We’re better off with mRNA vaccines

The technology that is helping us combat COVID-19 is also poised to help us tackle tough infectious and non-infectious diseases. Immunologist Sarah Fortune explains how these vaccines work, and how the mRNA platform could transform the prevention and treatment of deadly diseases.'


"The safety of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines: a review"


"COVID-19 vaccine myths debunked"


"COVID-19 vaccines and their long-term safety

Are there long-term unwanted impacts of COVID-19 vaccines?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the current COVID-19 vaccines will cause long-term problems in years to come. And in this case, where there’s been rigorous research on the topic, no news is good news."


"5 Reasons We Know The COVID-19 Vaccines Don't Have Long-Term Health Effects"

https://www.henryford.com/blog/2022/...ngterm-effects Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

And you post links that are not even medical studies. The studies that show some risks, or are against the " official narrative " don't show up on search engines towards the top.

The funny thing is that most people I know that have gotten covid in the last 6 months were fully boosted. Those that got the first two shots and got covid have not gotten covid.

I know there are studies that go against all your links, and they are scientific studies. I just don't have the time to go through the garbage links like you post all the time and find the real data.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
A lot of people have had COVID after they've been vaccinated. The vaccines aren't that effective at preventing disease caused by the variants that are out there right now, but they are effective at preventing hospitalization and death. And greatly reduce your chances of being laid up at home for a week or two... Originally Posted by Tiny
"A lot of people have had COVID after they've been vaccinated." First off - It is not a vaccine period. It is a gene therapy. It is just a science fact. So what ever happened to the 95%+ ridiculous BS claim? Just another memory-holed hokum? Move right on along folks, nothing to see here...

"The vaccines aren't that effective at preventing disease caused by the variants that are out there right now" Reread above and call me olde school, but is the fact that a virus mutates as it circulates a shocking new discovery to you? Are you not aware that there are multiple strains of influenza widely circulating at all times? Well, except of course in 2020 and 2021 according to he CDC data on actual vaccine efficacy for influenza.

"but they are effective at preventing hospitalization and death" I take it that is based on nothing in particular as well, since it was not followed with: as evidenced by.... So preventing catching the disease didn't pan out and now you are moving the tent? BTW: apologies for being the bearer of bad news - people that do not take the Experimental Gene Therapy are NOT dropping like flies. Ironically, they keep buzzing around your head pestering you ceaselessly like a fly.

"reduce your chances of being laid up at home for a week or two" You forgot to include As evidenced by again. Notwithstanding, you seem to be leaning into another tent move. Are you now claiming that people who got the jab, can catch the covid (as you mentioned previously) and do not need to take any precautions like staying home from work, ostensibly so they do not spread the disease that they think they are protected from and pass it on to other jabbed persons?!? Ever see the movie Inception? Oh wait, WTF was I thinking?!? Lemme guess. They can go back to work, festered with the covid, if they wear a mask. Amirite?!?

Superman may be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but it seems to take far too many leaps of logic to settle on an Experimental Gene Therapy that does not actually protect you from much of anything. However, I did appreciate your other posting where you let your mask slip just a teensy bit:
...All of you antivaxxers have had COVID the disease at least once, so you have some immunity. If you've had it the last month or so, you may be better protected than I am, after my two initial shots and three boosters... Originally Posted by Tiny
Spiral logic anyone?!? Any way, if you have not seen the movie Inception, you should, because you are living in it.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So you're saying you DON'T UNDERSTAND THE MATH.


Do you think those numbers are imaginary?

Those are actual deaths as counted by the CDC. Simple extrapolation of historical deaths indicates that we have seen nearly 550,000 deaths that have NO precedent (hence the 9 sigma standard deviation).

Those excess deaths started deviating from the norm in APR 2021... which happens to coincide with the rollout of the kill shots.

The MATH is the EVIDENCE... but you stick to what the experts are telling you, because we all know the Government and the pharma companies would never lie to you...

Again... can you explain why all these people are dying?

Originally Posted by texassapper
Other than 3 deaths early on attributed to the J&J vaccine, there is absoutely no proof that any of the Covide vaccines attributed to any other deaths. GOT IT? It is up to you or anyone else to provide proof to the contrary. And you can't do so.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
We will know he's done so when he shuts up. Once you understand the math, you understand the enormity of what has been done.

I think that's why the Globalists are itching for a major war in Europe... possibly with a limited nuclear exchange.

It's the only way they will ever be able to hide the bodies.

literally. Originally Posted by texassapper
There is no "math". There is suppositions being made by uneducated people who do not understand the simple concept of cause and effect.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And you post links that are not even medical studies. The studies that show some risks, or are against the " official narrative " don't show up on search engines towards the top.

The funny thing is that most people I know that have gotten covid in the last 6 months were fully boosted. Those that got the first two shots and got covid have not gotten covid.

I know there are studies that go against all your links, and they are scientific studies. I just don't have the time to go through the garbage links like you post all the time and find the real data. Originally Posted by farmstud60
The slight majority of people who are currently contracting Covid have been vaccinated. But when you do the MATH and understand that 80% of the people in this country are vaccinated the 20% who are unvaccinated make up the majority of the deaths these days from Covid. I've already posted a link supporting that statement.

I always get a laugh out of statements like you just made stating "I've got evidence to the contrary but I don't have the time to post them." The links I provided are from very reliable sources. Johns Hopkins. Harvard medical. Mayo Clinic.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When did the 3 and 5 year clinical studies end?

What happened to the control groups from those studies?

Where they given the kill shot anytime before the end of the study?

You know what that means to the clinical study right?

Something tells me you don't understand the scientific method... because if you did, you'd realize there is no existing long terms studies on this experimental kill-shot. Originally Posted by texassapper
You are correct. The study in which I participated has ended. But if you understood the science behind the mRNA and how it acts in the human body you would understand that there will be no long term negative effects. Ignorance is bliss.

It has been over 2 years since my first Covid shot. No ill effects. Your argument will always be "just wait". 5 years. 10 years. 20 years. It does not matter how long the lack of negative effects go on, your response will be "just wait".
The slight majority of people who are currently contracting Covid have been vaccinated. But when you do the MATH and understand that 80% of the people in this country are vaccinated the 20% who are unvaccinated make up the majority of the deaths these days from Covid. I've already posted a link supporting that statement.

I always get a laugh out of statements like you just made stating "I've got evidence to the contrary but I don't have the time to post them." The links I provided are from very reliable sources. Johns Hopkins. Harvard medical. Mayo Clinic. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You don't understand that your " official " sites are nothing more than sales pitches.


Try reading this link. Talking to Doctors I trust read more detailed medical research places than I have access too. I looked at a couple of your links, and they read like sales propaganda pitches not scientific research.
  • Tiny
  • 02-03-2023, 09:23 AM
There is no "math". There is suppositions being made by uneducated people who do not understand the simple concept of cause and effect. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It's more complicated SpeedRacer. They're not stupid, just misguided. This is their religion, and they're just as good as a fire and brimstone Baptist preacher who can tell you why every word in the Old Testament is the word of God.

Deprogramming for COVID disbelief is no longer a good use of our time. Perhaps instead we should try to persuade them to stop smoking, eat healthier and exercise.
It's more complicated SpeedRacer. They're not stupid, just misguided. This is their religion, and they're just as good as a fire and brimstone Baptist preacher who can tell you why every word in the Old Testament is the word of God.

Deprogramming for COVID disbelief is no longer a good use of our time. Perhaps instead we should try to persuade them to st op smoking, eat healthier and exercise. Originally Posted by Tiny
There was the science backed by research and statistics before covid. Then there is totalitarian lies being told by experts that goes against the science before covid.
texassapper's Avatar
You are correct. The study in which I participated has ended. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So it wasn't longer than 3 years?
But if you understood the science behind the mRNA and how it acts in the human body Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If you understood the scientific method you'd realize that the assertion that the mRNA kill shot will have no long term impact is a hypothesis.
you would understand that there will be no long term negative effects. Ignorance is bliss. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
LOL... it surely must be.... enjoy it until you can't.
It has been over 2 years since my first Covid shot. No ill effects. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
ON YOU. That is not what the discussion is about.
Your argument will always be "just wait". 5 years. 10 years. 20 years. It does not matter how long the lack of negative effects go on, your response will be "just wait". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I don't have to wait. The excess deaths occurring everywhere the killshot was distributed are already accumulating. This isn't imaginary. We KNOW how many people are dead. The argument is over the cause.... so far everything but the Kill-shot has been proposed.

It is only a matter of time until the obvious has to be recognized.

So if it's NOT the kill shot what has caused 550K excess deaths in the US since APR of 2021? Global warming?


And for the fools saying this is religion, well I advise you to start reading about the scientific method. You will not that SKEPTICISM is part of the scientific method. Faith in what you're told by the experts isn't.

You follow your science... I'll follow the math. It never lies. Not so you're "experts" - because I'm old enough to remember when it stopped you from getting and spreading COVID... but then the science changed and that turned out to not be true.

now all you have is it wasn't worse than it would have been. HAH... show the math on that assertion! You cannot prove a counterfactual, but you go with it...
texassapper's Avatar
PLEASE... Originally Posted by Tiny
If you need it explained to you, just say so.... LOL.
  • Tiny
  • 02-03-2023, 06:47 PM
If you need it explained to you, just say so.... LOL. Originally Posted by texassapper
Good one. As much as I like math and debunking COVID conspiracy theories, I'm tired of playing whack a mole. It takes up too much time. And I figure you gentlemen are unlikely to die from it anyway, so what's the point.

My efforts are better spent on converting Democrats. Well, the ones who will listen to my message of love, redemption and forgiveness, which pretty much just leaves me with Speedracer and Blackman. And, alas, I'm not sure Speedracer is even a Democrat.
Good one. As much as I like math and debunking COVID conspiracy theories, I'm tired of playing whack a mole. It takes up too much time. And I figure you gentlemen are unlikely to die from it anyway, so what's the point.

My efforts are better spent on converting Democrats. Well, the ones who will listen to my message of love, redemption and forgiveness, which pretty much just leaves me with Speedracer and Blackman. And, alas, I'm not sure Speedracer is even a Democrat. Originally Posted by Tiny
Into what?
matchingmole's Avatar
Into what? Originally Posted by Levianon17

Sheep like you
Precious_b's Avatar
MM, they are the biggest sheeple around.
If it wasn't for catch phrases and slogans to repeat, they wouldn't know what to do.