Would you date an escort or client ?

i dont have a problem with it myself..course then again i dont let the lealousy bug bite me...
i consider myself lucky to get any attention form any woman..be it a provider or the town slut .. i think a man is lucky to have a woman interested enough in you to lie about her main life.
so yes if the woman and man are mature enough to handle the situations that come with each other as cient and provider and they like each other enough to date ..sure ..go for it!!
Too funny - man the question was date right? Some people sound like they're already headed to the alter...

I could date a client and I have and I currently am dating a client. It's a sticky road to tread and most guys are neither smart enough nor patient enough to break the barrier. In the end, is it worth it? He still has to spend all his $ on me and at the end of the day I can just tell him I don't feel like f***ing if I don't want to do it, and he has to be sensitive and understanding about it.

Who gets the best deal?

He appreciated my companionship so he puts up with it. Not every guy values so much the companionship of truly smart ass female.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
<-----------Extremely open-minded

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt

She is the one who couldn't handle it and wanted me to stop Hobbying.

Plus she couldn't understand how I could always ask her..."so, how was work today?" Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Was she willing to quit providing or was she only wanting you to be the one to quit?
Not every guy values so much the companionship of truly smart ass female. Originally Posted by amusemeant
Some don't value it at all.
Was she willing to quit providing or was she only wanting you to be the one to quit? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

She wanted to stop and eventually did, I didn't care.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Glad to see others who are open minded about this topic. :-)

Since I don't have the jealousy bug either, it's all good. Most people don't become an extension of the other person they choose to have a relationship with, meaning you do remain individual people with different likes, wants and desires. I enjoy the company of and have connections with several gentlemen, some more than others. There is only one person I go home to at the end of the day. While we didn't meet in the hobby, we did meet in the "lifestyle" and he has an open ended ticket to participate in activities without me if he chooses or I am unable to be there. And yes, we both practice safe sex! Our "thing" is simply to be honest about what we do. One thing I have noticed is that once I mention I have an SO to a gent that is looking for a gf here in the hobby, he never calls again. LOL There are more gents trying to do this than I would have imagined when I first started.

Edit: To answer the OP, no....I wouldn't date a gent I met in the hobby at this point, because I have an SO already.
tramp76137's Avatar
I think it is entirely possible. My seeing a lady is to fill a void in my personal life. I would like to think,I was filling a similar void in her life. I would stop seeing others, she would have to make that decision for herself, as to whether she was ready to quit. Asking her to do so would be placing a demand on her that may be the cause of resentment.

My $0.02 worth!
pickupkid's Avatar
there are many hills to get over
1.how many men she slept with
4.will she still work...do you get some money
5will she charge you for sex
Some don't value it at all. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I have met many who need to be in the company of a truly dumb ass female to get on for any length of time. Not every guy can handle a girl with a brain AND a sense of humor.
Glad to see others who are open minded about this topic. :-)

Since I don't have the jealousy bug either, it's all good. Most people don't become an extension of the other person they choose to have a relationship with, meaning you do remain individual people with different likes, wants and desires. I enjoy the company of and have connections with several gentlemen, some more than others. There is only one person I go home to at the end of the day. While we didn't meet in the hobby, we did meet in the "lifestyle" and he has an open ended ticket to participate in activities without me if he chooses or I am unable to be there. And yes, we both practice safe sex! Our "thing" is simply to be honest about what we do. One thing I have noticed is that once I mention I have an SO to a gent that is looking for a gf here in the hobby, he never calls again. LOL There are more gents trying to do this than I would have imagined when I first started.

Edit: To answer the OP, no....I wouldn't date a gent I met in the hobby at this point, because I have an SO already. Originally Posted by M A X
Good answer - I'll go with this and leave out the smart ass comments part!!! Thanks Max!!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Uh no. I am the jealous type. Not the crazy jealous type but I'm very sensitive and my feelings get hurt very easily. I wouldn't date a hobbyist/client unless I knew for a fact that he wasn't hobbying. I'd probably get a private detective on his ass for the first few months.. so yeah... see? It wouldn't work. Shocker huh?
tramp76137's Avatar
I was hopin to be M A X's SO....Some days chicken, Some days Feathers!
By reading the posts so far, I just might be one of the resident experts here....as ex wife #2 was a provider when we met. Lightning struck both of us during our two first dates and the rest was history. That one went south when I discovered some things about her totally unrelated to the hobby.

I have dated three other girls via an exclusive arrangement...the first lasted 3 months and ended due to her drug habit. The second lasted about 10 months and ended due to her infidelity and the third lasted 6 months and ended due to her infidelity as well. That one was sad as pride and a failure to communicate on her part led to the demise of that relationship. I have zero tolerance for drugs and for a lack of candor and honesty in a relationship. If you want to start seeing other men, that's fine, just tell me prior and don't expect Daddy Warbucks to keep paying your bills!

As far as dating...I do that quite often. I think I am a good natured soul and try to be good company and fun. I am open minded and understanding and not judgemental unless you ask for my opinion....but when you do, I don't hold back! I am a do what you say and say what you do kinda guy.

I am also a fiercely loyal and dedicated friend....on call 24/7 to those that I am friends with....for help and assistance if needed.

Also when in a relationship that is agreed upon, I am totally committed and am an open book. Complete transparency. So if there are any issues, it's usually in the mind of the other party.
Uh no. I am the jealous type. Not the crazy jealous type but I'm very sensitive and my feelings get hurt very easily. I wouldn't date a hobbyist/client unless I knew for a fact that he wasn't hobbying. I'd probably get a private detective on his ass for the first few months.. so yeah... see? It wouldn't work. Shocker huh? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I'm the same as Naomi here (except she has a much nicer body) ...I would definitely date a provider (my wife would likely object) but I'm way too jealous/sensitive to be able to be accepting of the lifestyle.....heck, I'm still having difficulty reconciling that you ladies would see anybody other than me in the first place!!
I married a client, long ago. And dated several. It just never worked out, mostly because they became jealous and possessive and didn't want me 'working', yet were unable to provide means of support to have me 'quit' working. I have another day job, but I like the lifestyle that escorting has provided me with. And then inevitably when the arguments would start, the guy would throw it in my face about 'being a whore' . Once that was said, I left. Not everyone has the same experiences, but people do have to be prepared to deal with the emotional consequences which can be complicated when a lady works as an escort. That being said I DO know some escorts who have had very successful relationships with their former clients. So everyone is different, as individual as night and day and the sun and the moon.