The GOP shows it's stupidity once again.....

[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1056407511]
Hillary did not start the false Kenya rumors, perhaps some dumbass supporters, but the VAST majority of Dems/Liberals condemned that crap. . . compare that to the lot of republicans that helped perpetuate the lies. If you want to get technical, Obama started the story by registering himself as a foreign exchange student for college. Writing that he was from Kenya on the dust jacket of his first book. In the campaign, Philip Berg and Mark Penn along with the Clinton campaign put forth the argument that Obama was born in Kenya and it took how many years for Obama to come up with more than one birth certificate (I can only come up with one). Anyone with basic knowledge of American civil rights history knows that Dixiecrats opposed civil rights in the south as "dems" in name only, and many of them switched parties to officially become republicans. The Dixiecrats ran for president in 1948, the Civil Rights Act was in 1964. When did these fellows change parties...and philosophies? Of course people like Robert Byrd, Al Gore Sr., J. William Fulbright never changed parties or philosophies. They stayed racists.
WMDs were not found in Iraq, that's a flat out lie. . . even GW Bush admits that. The New York Times has written stories about how service people were injured by exposure to caches of WMDs in Iraq. It was discussed on this site.
If CNN reported "no go zones" then they were wrong too, fact is I don't hear any elected or leading Dems referring to these lies except to point out that they are false. Actually, I was in Germany and France in 1981 and we were specifically told not to go to certain parts of Kiel, Hamburg, and Marseilles as they were Muslim. Wouldn't you call that a "no-go" zone. As for elected democrats, they can't even say Muslim terrorist and you use them as a source???
as for vaccines, I don't give two shits about jenny McCarthy, shes not an elected official nor is she any kind of leading voice of the Dem party, there have been republicans in and out of office who have lended legitimacy to these false rumors.
"rape rape or just plain rape"? - uhhhh ok, I hope police don't ask women who report rape. . ."ma'am was it rape rape or just plain rape? cause one might get you pregnant and one wont". To finish this, that comment was made by Todd Akins and he is not a conservative or Tea Party person. He is and always was a fool and in this case he was supported in his election bid by none other than democrat Claire McCaskill. So why don't you take up her choice with her and the term rape-rape with democrat Whoopie Goldberg. She was referring to a 13 year old being raped by a 40 some year old man by the way. [/QUOTE]

I think you better go to the library and do some research. All your "arguments" are nothing but talking points.

Scroll down to the story about an Iraq veteran and chemical weapons. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Strom Thurmond, a dixiecrat, vehemently opposed the civil rights act. He was a democrat in name only. I'm not sure I understand your reasoning; they ran in 48 and then disappeared? They still felt the same way they always did, regardless of whether it was official or not.
lustylad's Avatar
You didn't bust shit except a nut and even that probably took an hour to coax out of your shriveled up testes and then it was nothing but dust. You failed to break it down into southern and northern republicans. That's where the story is. NO SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN voted for it, out of both houses. NONE. They were all northern republicans. Out of northern democrats, between both houses, they voted 190-10 in FAVOR of the legistlation. As I said, the southern democrats who voted were commonly referred to as dixiecrats and were democrat in name only, voting with republicans most of the time. If you don't know this, you're seriously ignorant. Are you always so lazy and stupid and careless about facts? Nice try, dicknips. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Wow, you truly are a colossal idiot who doesn't know when to cut your losses and slink away with your battered tail between your legs! You are busted, moron! Now let's embarrass you all over again! This is what JD stated:

"A higher percentage of republicans voted for civil rights than did democrats."

That is a simple statement of fact. It is very easy to prove or disprove. All you need to do is look up the fucking vote on the 1964 Civil Rights Act and do the fucking math. I don't care if the republicans or democrats came from the north or the south or crawled out of your pathetic lying asshole! So let's do the math again, dipshit:

In the Senate, 82% of Republicans voted for the bill versus 69% of Democrats. Is 82 > 69?

In the House, 80% of Republicans voted for the bill versus 63% of Democrats. Is 80 > 63?

Damn, I'm not a math genius but I do think JD got it right! The republican percentages were higher! And there are no asterisks in the history books saying some of the votes didn't count because a lying libtard named UC decided they were cast by RINOs or DINOs! Now puuuleeeze, don't make me hand your ass to you again. Just slink away, lick your wounds and slap some vasoline on your sore reamed-out butthole.

lustylad's Avatar
Now that the debt has almost DOUBLED since then, by Obama's terms, Obama is TWICE as unpatriotic as Bush. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And you're confusing debt with deficit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Bush doubled the debt, so did Obama, fixing all Bush's fuck ups. So what? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Boy, you sure flip-flopped on that one! You forgot to apologize to COG for falsely saying he was confusing debt with deficit.

Wow, you truly are a colossal idiot who doesn't know when to cut your losses and slink away with your battered tail between your legs! You are busted, moron! Now let's embarrass you all over again! This is what JD stated:

"A higher percentage of republicans voted for civil rights than did democrats."

That is a simple statement of fact. It is very easy to prove or disprove. All you need to do is look up the fucking vote on the 1964 Civil Rights Act and do the fucking math. I don't care if the republicans or democrats came from the north or the south or crawled out of your pathetic lying asshole! So let's do the math again, dipshit:

In the Senate, 82% of Republicans voted for the bill versus 69% of Democrats. Is 82 > 69?

In the House, 80% of Republicans voted for the bill versus 63% of Democrats. Is 80 > 63?

Damn, I'm not a math genius but I do think JD got it right! The republican percentages were higher! And there are no asterisks in the history books saying some of the votes didn't count because a lying libtard named UC decided they were cast by RINOs or DINOs! Now puuuleeeze, don't make me hand your ass to you again. Just slink away, lick your wounds and slap some vasoline on your sore reamed-out butthole.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I didn't say it didn't count. I merely pointed out the facts of the case. You can have your percentages. What I said was still true. You don't care where they came from because it makes my point.
Boy, you sure flip-flopped on that one. You forgot to apologize to COG for falsely saying he was confusing debt with deficit.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
The first quote is not my words. I'm not apologizing for shit. I don't even know if you guys could pour piss out of a boot with directions on the heel. Bush doubled the debt. I don't see you crying about that. But when a black man does it, you lose your shit. It's disingenuous. Go look it up. That can be your word for the day.
lustylad's Avatar
I didn't say it didn't count. I merely pointed out the facts of the case. You can have your percentages. What I said was still true. You don't care where they came from because it makes my point. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Are you fucking kidding me? You said JD was wrong. The "facts of the case" - i.e. the historical record and simple math - prove otherwise. Now you say JD and I "can have your percentages"? Then why didn't you say so in the first place, moron? The only point you know how to make is that you are a liar who flip-flops whenever he is caught with his pants down.
lustylad's Avatar
The first quote is not my words. I'm not apologizing for shit.... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You're right about the first quote in my post #48. I went back and fixed it. I apologize. Now it's your turn.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Bush doubled the debt, so did Obama, fixing all Bush's fuck ups. So what? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You have to ignore Lustylad he's an inbred lying POS- he expected Obama to not spend any more to fix Bush's fuck up. To show how delusional he is if this were a baseball game and Bush was the starting pitcher and gave up 15 earned runs and if Obama were the relief pitcher who came on in the 9th inning to relieve Bush- LustyLad will blame Obama for the loss.
lustylad's Avatar
You have to ignore Lustylad he's an inbred lying POS- he expected Obama to not spend any more to fix Bush's fuck up. To show how delusional he is if this were a baseball game and Bush was the starting pitcher and gave up 15 earned runs and if Obama were the relief pitcher who came on in the 9th inning to relief Bush- LustyLad will blame Obama for the loss. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Lol... nice baseball analogy, wimpy... the only problem is I never said anything about not blaming Bush for his debt record... I just pointed out UC was wrong when he accused COG of confusing debt with deficits. COG was not confused at all. Still waiting for UC to apologize.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Lol... nice baseball analogy, wimpy... the only problem is I never said anything about not blaming Bush for his debt record... I just pointed out UC was wrong when he accused COG of confusing debt with deficits. COG was not confused at all. Still waiting for UC to apologize. Originally Posted by lustylad
I am waiting for YOU or anyone of you GOP apologist to apologize and admit that Rudy's comments were insensitive and out of line. If this were some normal Joe Schmoe making the comment I would shrug it off- but this is a former mayor and by the way if it weren't for 9-11 Rudy would be irrelevant in any political conversation- he only got his 15 mins of fame because of 9-11. However, Rudy was supposed to be the heir apparent to George Bush and the face of the GOP at one time- he should know better.
Are you fucking kidding me? You said JD was wrong. The "facts of the case" - i.e. the historical record and simple math - prove otherwise. Now you say JD and I "can have your percentages"? Then why didn't you say so in the first place, moron? The only point you know how to make is that you are a liar who flip-flops whenever he is caught with his pants down. Originally Posted by lustylad
It skews the percentage when looked at without context. Which is ok with you because once context is added, the picture looks different, regardless of what the percentage says.
You're right about the first quote in my post #48. I went back and fixed it. I apologize. Now it's your turn. Originally Posted by lustylad
For what? You fucking up?
lustylad's Avatar
It skews the percentage when looked at without context. Which is ok with you because once context is added, the picture looks different, regardless of what the percentage says. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

You don't give up, do you moron? Your idea of adding "context" is to ignore whether legislators have a "D" or an "R" after their names. You want to re-allocate the party votes according to your own personal whims. That's not adding context. It's adding your personal bias and distortion. JD made a simple statement on the vote count. You stupidly insisted he was wrong. The record shows he was right. It is what it is. The only thing skewed is your stubborn-ass inability to acknowledge it.
You don't give up, do you moron? Your idea of adding "context" is to ignore whether legislators have a "D" or an "R" after their names. You want to re-allocate the party votes according to your own personal whims. That's not adding context. It's adding your personal bias and distortion. JD made a simple statement on the vote count. You stupidly insisted he was wrong. The record shows he was right. It is what it is. The only thing skewed is your stubborn-ass inability to acknowledge it. Originally Posted by lustylad
If you don't understand how context is necessary in order to see something in a more honest light, I can't help you. I don't want to allocate the votes differently. I want to add context to the people casting those votes. You're a simple-minded sonofabitch, I get that. Doesn't mean you just get to play dumb.
lustylad's Avatar
I don't want to allocate the votes differently. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Then answer this question. Was JD right when he said the following:

"A higher percentage of republicans voted for civil rights than did democrats."

Just give us a one-word answer - yes or no.

If you think he was wrong under YOUR definition of republicans and democrats then you ARE trying to re-allocate the historical votes.

Time for you to come clean and stop being a fucking weasel.