Trump's daughter thinks these tax cuts will eliminate the nation's deficit!

LexusLover's Avatar
Makes you wonder how much the Russians got. Originally Posted by bamscram

20% of our domestic uranium supply.

Of course "contributions" were made to the Clintons for it.

But that's what "contributions" to government officials are for, right?

When Bill wanted to run for Arkansas Governor he saddled up with Tyson to be his funding machine. Tyson got an "exemption" in the Arkansas "Clean Water" Bill signed by Bill. It works that way when folks who run for office don't have the money to run for office. Trump did. Doesn't that just piss you off?

One day you will grow up and realize that the "whores" in the wood shed are the Clintons and the Obaminables. Right now their pimps and runners are being rounded up ... one agent at a time. Mueller and Sessions at work.
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  • 12-23-2017, 07:16 AM
20% of our domestic uranium supply.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That is a distortion that only fools believe....

Of which I fully count you as one.

Still, it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases, or to suggest that any amount of the uranium will end up in Iran. The current licenses – held by the US-based subsidiaries and approved by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission – do not allow exports from any U1H US facility.
LexusLover's Avatar
WTF is still pretending he knows what people "think"!

How stupid can a landscaper get?
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  • 12-23-2017, 07:22 AM
This tax cut will ultimately bring in more money to the government coffers yet you bitch. If the Congress continues to spend like it's a never ending supply of money then that is on them. The tax cut is a good thing. The lefts problem is anything Trump does they fight. Period. You are part of the problem. Originally Posted by Budman
Trump said he was not going to cut SS or Medicare....and he wants to increase spending on Defense.

Only a fool thinks you can cut spending without touching those three drivers of our deficit.

If you have any evidence to the contrary , please present it.

Bud , you are parroting talking points. I am telling you the reality.

Give the wealthy a tax cut and then try and cut SS and Medicare benefits and see how that works out politically.

Lastly they are talking about increasing spending on infrastructure next year. You are a fool if you think this is not going to blow up the budget.
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  • 12-23-2017, 07:26 AM
WTF is still pretending he knows what people "think"!

How stupid can a landscaper get? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Landscaper? ....well I'm not a landscaper nor am I posting lies and distortions about Russia and uranium.

Currently the US does not allow exports but that could change with the Trump/Putin love affair.

So if the Trump admin changes the regulations....will you cry foul then? I highly doubt....seeing how you like everything Trump does, including blowing Putin.

Still, it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases, or to suggest that any amount of the uranium will end up in Iran. The current licenses – held by the US-based subsidiaries and approved by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission – do not allow exports from any U1H US facility.
bamscram's Avatar
20% of our domestic uranium supply.

Of course "contributions" were made to the Clintons for it.

But that's what "contributions" to government officials are for, right?

When Bill wanted to run for Arkansas Governor he saddled up with Tyson to be his funding machine. Tyson got an "exemption" in the Arkansas "Clean Water" Bill signed by Bill. It works that way when folks who run for office don't have the money to run for office. Trump did. Doesn't that just piss you off?

One day you will grow up and realize that the "whores" in the wood shed are the Clintons and the Obaminables. Right now their pimps and runners are being rounded up ... one agent at a time. Mueller and Sessions at work. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Danger: eccie yap dog at work, distorting facts as usual.
Budman's Avatar
Spending is a completely separate issue and we will see what they do. Tax cuts will end up increasing the amount of money the government gets. So we are better off with the tax cuts regardless of what happens with the spending. I would love for them to address SS, Medicare and Medicaid. IMO defense spending should be increased.
LexusLover's Avatar
I would love for them to address SS, Medicare and Medicaid. IMO defense spending should be increased. Originally Posted by Budman
Those social programs are 2nd term items. Defense is a 1st term one.
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  • 12-23-2017, 10:00 AM
Spending is a completely separate issue and we will see what they do. Tax cuts will end up increasing the amount of money the government gets. So we are better off with the tax cuts regardless of what happens with the spending. I would love for them to address SS, Medicare and Medicaid. IMO defense spending should be increased. Originally Posted by Budman
You need to study just exactly what the Laffer Curve says.

It does not say that every time you cut taxes , you will increase revenue.

And while you are at it you should check out when you should be cutting or raising taxes,

Next , you are foolish if you ever think that any elected official that wants to stay elected votes for cuts in SS and Medicare and increasing Defense Spending.

They are in fact discussing a spending bill to improve infrastructure!

Do you think the infrastructure fairy is going to pay for that?

Those social programs are 2nd term items. Defense is a 1st term one. Originally Posted by LexusLover
There will be no GOP Congress to pass any 2nd term items if indeed there is a 2nd term.

Look at both Bush and Obama's congressional makeup in their 2nd term.
Budman's Avatar
The debt, deficit and spending are separate issues from the tax cut. We haven't had a major tax cut in 30 plus years. I guess our opinions differ on whether or not this will increase tax revenue. Only time will tell. Citing one supposed expert is pointless because we can all find one to support our viewpoint. I'm all for letting the people keep more of their money and apparently you are not. Anybody that believes they are not paying enough in taxes can certainly pay more. The government will let you. What I suspect is all the libs feel others should pay more but not themselves. It's easy to spend other people's money.
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  • 12-23-2017, 11:09 AM
IMO defense spending should be increased. Originally Posted by Budman
It's easy to spend other people's money. Originally Posted by Budman
Apparently so.

LexusLover's Avatar

It's easy to spend other people's money. Originally Posted by Budman
Especially when those "other people" are paying your salary, paying your overhead, and paying for your bad personnel decisions!
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  • 12-23-2017, 12:11 PM
Especially when those "other people" are paying your salary, paying your overhead, and paying for your bad personnel decisions! Originally Posted by LexusLover
What seems to be hard is to balance the budget.

Tax cuts in the first term you say and Entitlement cuts in the 2nd term you say...

How'd that work out for Bush?

How'd that 2006 mid year turn out?

How do you think this 2018 mid year will turn out?
Those social programs are 2nd term items. Defense is a 1st term one. Originally Posted by LexusLover
But WHY?? IMO if it needs to be addressed, it SHOLD BE addressed, period. Regardless of which term you are in.

Originally Posted by Budman

It's easy to spend other people's money.

Especially when those "other people" are paying your salary, paying your overhead, and paying for your bad personnel decisions! Originally Posted by LexusLover
AND no matter how incompetent you are, you can't be fired..
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  • 12-24-2017, 06:45 AM
But WHY?? IMO if it needs to be addressed, it SHOLD BE addressed, period. Regardless of which term you are in.
. Originally Posted by garhkal
Below is just one example of why a GOP first term President does go after entitlements.

. It's easy to spend other people's money. Originally Posted by Budman
. IMO defense spending should be increased. Originally Posted by Budman
Budman wants to spend other people's money on Defense. Yet he wanted tax cuts and he wants to increase Defense Spending. And I assume he wants to decrease the deficit. That is like continuing to charge your credit card , not pay the bull and crying about the mounting debt you are running up.

But back to your point....nobody will get reelected cutting taxes for the wealthy in one breath and cutting entitlements on the other . Congress wants to get reelected, Trump wants to be reelected.

Do you want to give up your SS and Medicare benefits so Budman can increase Military spending? If so , you are one of the very few. Most voters do not and Congress knows that. That is why they try and cut say CHIP (children do not vote) .

The problem with the GOP is that many of their voters are on SS and Medicare. Why do you think Trump vowed not to touch them!