Lolabrea01 Banned

You certainly have the right attitude..... Originally Posted by thereisnospoon
Hey... I'm honest about it! lol

When I look at the business and operating model of eccy, it's pretty safe to assume there's varying levels of peddled influence and of course favorites/non-favorites playing out as well as the little groups (cliques) each who have their own objectives pushing whatever agenda feeds their egos/needs or collective anger behind the scenes.

Don't fool yourselves, Eccy is a subjective business venture and as a private forum it can do that. I don't blame the eccy management, the mods, nor do I take it personal or even worry about it. When mods are themselves participating in the hobby that stuff just happens naturally anyway As to the overall eccy site and providers, I just filter through what is interesting and pick who I see based on my own desire/needs and attraction. So far, so good!

Most of the time I shouldn't even post or respond to these things, but it's funny, interesting and heck, shit just happens... lol

You guys have fun with the thread!

Duke of G,
Here is your post below from earlier..
"Ketchmm, that's interesting info, considering the issues we are looking into with your handle and links to Lola as well.
I'd advise you not to help your case by "sharing the facts." Since you aren't sharing all of them, just one side."

A couple of things. You are right, you stated that reason for Lola being banned. I'm not arguing that fact, however I did state what I know about there being two separate people (Lola and the person with the handle Calendar whatever.)

Then your next comment about "Ketchmm, that's interesting info, considering the issues we are looking into with your handle and links to Lola as well." has nothing to do with what the OP posted. They didn't post about me and what you guys are supposedly looking into. So isn't that taking it off topic by bringing me into this? Anyone with eyes would say yes.

Then you say "I'd advise you not to help your case by "sharing the facts." Since you aren't sharing all of them, just one side." Again, this thread isn't about me is it? Your comment is like you're something bigger than you are. You are going to advise me? I'm sorry....what??! Lets keep in mind this is a site for men to hook up with women for money and that you are nothing more than a MOD for a fantasy land. Nothing more, nothing less. Can we all not just play in this fantasy land sometimes to get away from the real world without the drama coming from all angles including the MOD crew? So I'm not sure why you would bring up me in public if there was a concern about something. I was questioned by a MOD and I responded around 3 weeks ago. A couple of responses actually and nothing else was asked of me. So I considered it case closed. I'm not one to beat around the bush and if asked something or something needs to be clarified, I'll do it as I did with Namssa.

Now whether you want to do this private or publicly I don't care because I have nothing to hide. So if I am under the "watch" of eccie, then all you have to do it say why before making a judgement call without the "other side" as you put it.
By bumping this thread you guys can only hurt Lola. let the thread die, let her serve her ban, she will be back stronger.


I wish you could see it. Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
I called it. A LukeSkywalker sighting. As much as you dislike her, Somehow, I think she'll be OK.

... insecure wannabe pimp-nerd ...that the little wannabe pimp-nerd dude so desperately needs? Originally Posted by SD2011
Pimpnerd. Ha!

Wait, isn't "tard" the appropriate ECCIE suffix? We have

but not Pimptard? LOL!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 10-04-2013, 11:51 AM we go again.................I am beginning to see small whiffs of steam coming from the boiler on the train........1rst post 9:10 am-last post 12:42......3 1/2 hours for 42 posts wow
Bosco's Avatar
  • Bosco
  • 10-04-2013, 11:56 AM
New month. New Lola drama thread. Can't wait to see what the Holiday spectacular version will be in December...
New month. New Lola drama thread. Can't wait to see what the Holiday spectacular version will be in December... Originally Posted by Bosco
ECCIE drama rotates in shifts

Guaranteed there's some new drama going on in Coed every couple of weeks.. I know people who log onto this site just for the laughs & because some of this shit is just SO CRAZY & entertaining LOL
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I called it. A LukeSkywalker sighting. As much as you dislike her, Somehow, I think she'll be OK. Originally Posted by Looking41today
I dont dislike Lola at all. I think she is a sweet girl. You on the other hand.... could you a psychologist.

Heck , we all do.

But please stop following me around.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar

This board has a ton of smilies..... i didn't even use half of them. The drama is quite entertaining. I'm with SD!
So is she really banned or not cause it keeps showing her activity at different times? Earlier it was 10 am today and now 12 pm. If banned how is she having activity?
Duke of G's Avatar
Then you say "I'd advise you not to help your case by "sharing the facts." Since you aren't sharing all of them, just one side." Again, this thread isn't about me is it? Your comment is like you're something bigger than you are. You are going to advise me? I'm sorry....what??! Lets keep in mind this is a site for men to hook up with women for money and that you are nothing more than a MOD for a fantasy land. Nothing more, nothing less. Can we all not just play in this fantasy land sometimes to get away from the real world without the drama coming from all angles including the MOD crew? So I'm not sure why you would bring up me in public if there was a concern about something. I was questioned by a MOD and I responded around 3 weeks ago. A couple of responses actually and nothing else was asked of me. So I considered it case closed. I'm not one to beat around the bush and if asked something or something needs to be clarified, I'll do it as I did with Namssa.

Now whether you want to do this private or publicly I don't care because I have nothing to hide. So if I am under the "watch" of eccie, then all you have to do it say why before making a judgement call without the "other side" as you put it. Originally Posted by ketchmm
Now whether you want to do this private or publicly I don't care because I have nothing to hide. So if I am under the "watch" of eccie, then all you have to do it say why before making a judgement call without the "other side" as you put it. Originally Posted by ketchmm
You are the one making it as I'm "something bigger than I am." Sorry you have an issue with the tone and the warning.


Ketchmm and Lola have had issues with usage accounts logged from the same IP, etc. Staff explored that, as ketchmm has said. But in that investigation, several other male handles were found to be in use by Lola. That is something we are looking into. There appears to be more than a few that have been created.

Why did I bring it up? Because pointing out the WK's (and there are several on here) who rush to the "defense" of a provider, when the facts clearly point to a violation of ECCIE policy and a direct, intentional deception to the other members here, is something important.

It's interesting to see how the WKs seem to think there is some "mod conspiracy." The part about me being a Shep lackey is especially funny, if you've ever bothered to research that history.

I don't care if it's Lola, or Shep, or anyone else. When we find issues that violate the rules, we deal with them.

Fact is, your ATF got popped trying to cheat the system. Whether you think she's the sweetest girl in the world or not, is not the issue. Lola's not a "bad person" and no one is trying to "ruin her." If she played by the rules like 90% of the people here, there would be no issue.

But if you set up fake male handles, allow your clients access to your account (or vice versa) and share information, and otherwise try and game the system, don't be surprised when you get caught.
Duke of G's Avatar
So is she really banned or not cause it keeps showing her activity at different times? Earlier it was 10 am today and now 12 pm. If banned how is she having activity? Originally Posted by Truly Passion
A ban doesn't mean you can't log in.
LOL...this thread in NOT about Lola getting banned, it’s about the pissing match that ensues between those obsessed or dispassionate about her. Bottom line…it puts the subject (Lola) out in the open. No matter if you like or dislike her, this is a windfall. I find it humorous those that defend her (I am just a bystander as I haven’t seen her) acknowledge this notoriety will make her money…so what are you pissed about? That’s why she is here, you really think she cares about what folks think about her? And those that dislike her keep stoking this economic engine…cha ching! Lastly, come on guys try to come up with some new insults. I read most of these two threads ago.
randall flagg's Avatar
Ketchmm my dear - I don't understand the attacks on you - all people need to do is look at your posting history - 41 of the last 45 posts since june have been promoting or defending a provider - and as manslut indicated - this site is for information exchange - and anyone who looks at your history can realize that the information being shared by you is for the sole purpose of promoting a provider - and they can accept or negate the information you provide.
prepare4trouble's Avatar
I stopped reading after the second page. This all seems very petty. Nobody wins an online argument, nobody.

Let's all just go back to having fun, am I right?

I probably should have just kept my big mouth shut...