Encounter: Overtaking the Sherpa? Foxy 3.0

Ghostrider's Avatar
If I had to have sex with 10 our 15 nasty fat old women everyday, I'm not sure if I could.. Originally Posted by Heartside
that's the ultimate question. I could not!
JamesDeen's Avatar
That’s right. I don’t know how a young girl of Foxy’s beauty puts up with all the old farts. If she gets sick of it sometimes, it’s no wonder.
Ghostrider's Avatar
jD. that’s the business she is in. Some old farts have some money to blow on some eye candy. She chose the profession and it comes with it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
That’s right. I don’t know how a young girl of Foxy’s beauty puts up with all the old farts. If she gets sick of it sometimes, it’s no wonder. Originally Posted by JamesDeen
are you trying to run Foxy off? LOL