And you thought your commute was tough...

Budman's Avatar
I said it appears the story is checking out to be true. I've seen it on numerous News sources that appear credible.

All I asked is why after the time line and various reports seem to confirm that the story is true....that you still doubt it. Is it because he is black? That was the question. Like the OJ Simpson jury didn't believe a white Cop...are you having a hard time believing a black working man?

And for the record, that last sentence of yours is a lie were just not bright enough to understand our last conversation on lying. Originally Posted by WTF
Wrong again. You stated that if someone makes a mistake then that it is a lie. Regardless of whether or not it is believed to be 100% true at the time. If they tell a lie then they are a liar. You are a fucking liar.

IF it's true more kudos to him. I still find it hard to believe. Call me skeptical but don't try and pin the racism card on me you POS. The typical liberal response is to throw out the race card as soon as anyone doesn't believe what you believe. Fucking moron.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-06-2015, 12:37 PM
You lying sack of shit...that is not wtf I said. Are you to ignorant to admit you're to ignorant?

Just because a person is not smart enough to know they are telling a lie don't change the fact it is a lie. Take your lies for example. ..
Looks like the story is checking out....could it be that you and Budman skepticism is having a hidden bias about Black men wanting to work? Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't know he was black, and that wouldn't matter anyway I believe it was mentioned he lived in Detroit. Michigan has some harsh winters, I wonder if he walked that far in -10 degrees. Or in heavy rain. I just find it hard to believe. I imagine myself in that situation. I think I would have found a way to accommodate myself a little better. Besides why does everything have to come back to race? I don't have a problem with black people. I only have a problem with what people do or say. If they happen to be black or a member of any other ethnic group so be it.

Budman's Avatar
You lying sack of shit...that is not wtf I said. Are you to ignorant to admit you're to ignorant?

Just because a person is not smart enough to know they are telling a lie don't change the fact it is a lie. Take your lies for example. .. Originally Posted by WTF
You know god damn good and well that is what you said. You are a lying POS and you know it.

FYI. I don't hate anyone because they're black. I may hate someone but that's because they're fucking stupid. You certainly fall into the stupid category. I don't know about the black part. Fucking moron.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
[sarcasm alert] What? He's black? Take the car away and give it to s homeless white guy. What are they thinking? [end sarcasm]
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-06-2015, 03:56 PM
You know god damn good and well that is what you said. You are a lying POS and you know it.

FYI. I don't hate anyone because they're black. I may hate someone but that's because they're fucking stupid. You certainly fall into the stupid category. I don't know about the black part. Fucking moron. Originally Posted by Budman
Well then go back and reference the thread where I said that Pinocchio. Go ahead find the thread where I said wtf you say I said.

I asked you if you did not believe the story because it was a black man. I did not say a word about got issue's dude.