It happened to me - I got an unfair review.

"Grateful"? It's a business transaction and the whore sets the rate. Based on her reviews she was over paid and the client was rather light on her. The only "gratefulness" she deserved was paymentwhich she received.

Yeah and that "blacklist" works wonders don't it? Whores running their mouths cost themselves business. Guys with money in their pocket can always get laid.

BTW.... You still selling generic Viagra on the side? How is the therapy going? Originally Posted by Whispers
Speaking of one running one's mouth...
In the past at this time of year you were posting up real world locations with times and which providers would be there collecting loot "for the children".
ANYONE perusing this site could have posted up at those locations and seen the ladies and their vehicles.
Talk about indiscretion...
Any other time of the year they are "whores", but when you needed them they are "ladies".

BTW.... You got any kind of exercise/diet regimen going on yet?
The fact that she is upset about his honest take on the time he paid for is a no for me, but add her ranting about a shit review that is true and an honest interpretation of his time is even a bigger NO. How did he get off easy for living in lulling? She FUCKING agreed to drive that far and now that is his fault? Mistakes were made by this dude and I may have considered seeing her, but her willingness to piss and moan and not get a clue to move on, just solidified not over paying her for shit service and then getting bashed by her for it when you write the review.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I see that someone posted whiney whimpy post. So how does whimpy be knowledgeable about the going rates for outcalls? Does he do outcall services?, has he met the provider before or have any sessions or dealings with her before? NEXT, is whimpy on a lot of providers blacklist? I'm going to safely say YES. Could be why he is a bit sensitive to the subject. NEXT, can whimpy please talk to the person that has the little blue pills for his obvious needs because he keeps bringing up the wrong person. Who's business is being hurt? Does anyone have a clue to who he is talking about? I know it's not me he wants to go on about. Lastly yes I agree that whimpy does need therapy for broken record syndrome and virgin/hooker complex issues he has in his head. I believe that covers everything. Now back to your regularly scheduled programs folks.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
One last thing- for me reading anything of whimpys is like going back and using AOL 2.0. Old,outdated, and does anyone still use it anymore?
One last thing- for me reading anything of whimpys is like going back and using AOL 2.0. Old,outdated, and does anyone still use it anymore? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
"...does anyone still use it anymore?"
Not too many women have use for a 300lb.+ bloviating misogynistic
old slob fart.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Observing I truly do like a lot of your posts and the way you try to handle and egotistical unknowable bully,but name calling doesn't sit well with me. Yes he has packed on some pounds but so do many guys his age. We have no idea if he is a slob and not all fat people are slobs by any rules of thumb. Name calling is reserved for Jr. High school girls and I truly don't want to think of you in such a way. There are many other way to constructively give criticism that smack such annoying flies down. Besides this is an adult sex forum not a child's tattle tale playground.
Whispers's Avatar
One last thing- for me reading anything of whimpys is like going back and using AOL 2.0. Old,outdated, and does anyone still use it anymore? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
"...does anyone still use it anymore?"
NOPE. Originally Posted by Observing
You two whores crack me up.....
Whispers's Avatar
I see that someone posted whiney whimpy post. So how does whimpy be knowledgeable about the going rates for outcalls? Does he do outcall services? M Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Yup... Got 2 hours scheduled for tomorrow afternoon....

I just don't share information publicly anymore....

As you have proven in the past and the OP has proven here too many of you whores are too free with information that is private to guys and there is no reason to give you anything more to know about us.
Observing I truly do like a lot of your posts and the way you try to handle and egotistical unknowable bully,but name calling doesn't sit well with me. Yes he has packed on some pounds but so do many guys his age. We have no idea if he is a slob and not all fat people are slobs by any rules of thumb. Name calling is reserved for Jr. High school girls and I truly don't want to think of you in such a way. There are many other way to constructively give criticism that smack such annoying flies down. Besides this is an adult sex forum not a child's tattle tale playground. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

Whispers gives ZERO fucks about you and has maligned you countless times.
Yup... Got 2 hours scheduled for tomorrow afternoon....

I just don't share information publicly anymore....

As you have proven in the past and the OP has proven here too many of you whores are too free with information that is private to guys and there is no reason to give you anything more to know about us. Originally Posted by Whispers
With the question of my integrity and issues of being blacklisted now brought to the fore front I feel the need to speak out so that anyone doing their research on me will have my voice as a data point to go from should they choose to look into it.

I write this without sarcasm, irony, condescension, hubris, or ego in hopes that this will clear any misgivings about my character or my methodology in this matter. Please read these words as such. Take what you will from it or make jest if you must but I am not where my personal character is questioned or assaulted.

Am I sorry that Ms. Abbie is upset? Yes, my intention was never to insult the lady but to inform other of my experience, personal thoughts and possibilities of revisiting. I’m glad she shows such a strong desire to keep her image and reputation. I do regret that she has taken my words as an attack on her personally. My very opening words of the review in question are “First, Credit where its due”. My review was not scathing over a minor communication error but a recount of my personal thoughts on the event that culminated in my recommendation of “Probably Not For Me”. Not a “no”, or “no one should see her” but because I will probably not see her again for my two personal reasons and I expanded upon that where everyone could see it under the description and in the ROS. First I enjoy DFK and she’s not really into it. Second, because conversation is on the clock, those are my reasons for my recommendation. Its an opinion, not black or white, but a shade of gray.

Will I retract my statement or change my opinion? No. They are mine, written with thought and consideration before posting. I will own them and stand by them. I questioned how she counted time as I was walking her to the door and I will confirm she did offer to give me an extra 15-20 minutes on our next visit if we could start earlier. The kissing bothered me in the first visit, I noted this with recommendation of “qualified yes” in my first review of her. I wanted to give her a second chance to see if she would warm up to me as I know that’s not the easiest thing for some. Now after the second event she didn’t become more into it and so I had already decided to not see her again before her offer. I did not argue with her. I did not shame or name call. I did not lay hands on her after she started getting dressed with the exception of the hug before she left. I did not insult her system or reasoning for it. This is the way she runs her business and so not my place to criticize now that our transaction is completed. And so I left it along so she could leave in peace.

Just ewww. It sounds as if you are resentful that you don't have as much money as you would like to spend more time with the lady, so you put a guilt trip on her expecting that she'd give in to your poor behavior. When she asserted her boundaries with you, you threw a tantrum and put her on blast. This is the kind of behavior that burns providers out. AND she went out of her way to try to make you happy even after all the bad behavior... This is how you repay her? Where is the mutual respect? Or does that just go away because we are "whores?"

If anything, I think this shows that the lady dealt with an unreasonable client in a mature way. Would I have brought it to co-ed? No. Reasonable people can read between the lines. It's best to move on and let it go. Just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by The Infamous One
I am not trying to guilt trip anyone. This is an information exchange and so I’m exchanging information. I’m quite sure even if my integrity were to submit and I asked her to return she would not do so as her integrity appears to also be well placed. As previously noted I offered no offence nor made any form of threat or restriction. I didn’t even get between her and the door with small exceptions as she prepared to depart.

And driving all the fuck out to Luling for $40?! Dude got off easy. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I agree! He got off very easy. Luling is a little over an hour away, there in no way im driving an hour there and an hour back for just a $40 fee. I can't believe this guy even brought that fee up, the girl drove 2 hours to accommodate you and your bitching about an extra $40 you had to pay? Originally Posted by Britttany_love
To the several quotations of the price of the trip out. I’m quite thankful she was willing to come out since she didn’t have an incall to offer. I prefer incalls actually but that’s another post. Most aren’t willing to make the trip and I’ve been quoted as much as 150 just for the drive which in some respects I can understand. The one lady who made the trip for no extra up charge I tipped 60 just because that was all I had on hand without going into to the safe. The recommendation for said provider was “maybe, read the ros”. Ms Abbie set the price and I didn’t argue it or try to talk it down. When planning the second trip I tried to take advantage of the specials she was offering but missed out on them during their time frame. I didn’t even ask about getting those discounts the next time, I just paid her price as requested. This was an agreement between the two of us and I see no reason why it should affect my reputation. Had she asked more I might have paid it, I might not have and the trip might have happed or it might not. I did not complain about the price, ever. I just notated it so everyone would be clear on the subject. It’s a moot point with no merit in arguing, with the exception of reaching for a strawman to justify one’s purview and there for not applicable to logical scrutiny for this argument.

get on the computer AFTER play time. Originally Posted by nuglet
Dude you're an idiot. How are you going to fuck around on the computer when she's there and then bitch that you didn't get your full hour? Originally Posted by Satoshi
To address the nature of the time “wasted”. We did spend some time talking about mutual interest and petting the cat. I did pull up photos on the computer but I also spent about 4-5 minutes digging through my map pile for another conversation topic she enquired about and I was all to happy to entertain. The conversation flowed very nicely and I thought it was genuine and organic. That’s why I kept it up. I enjoy people for being individual people. There was the comment of just treating her like a whore. I believe this conversation highlights the fact that I was doing no such thing. People are all colorful in their own varying ways and I was enjoying learning about her’s while answering some questions she asked about me. Some of those answers required me getting on the computer to show examples and make my point or speed things along. Should I have thrown her to the bed the moment she walked into the door to get full use of my time? Maybe or maybe not depending on your side of the view again.

There are two other providers who I’ve seen that enjoy conversation we share a great deal. It’s never been part of the clock with them and I tip accordingly to show my genuine appreciation for this. I have seen both several times and will continue to see them both as long as they are willing to have me. I’ve also been with providers who were tight lipped and they were just there for the service part. I don’t see those ladies again as I consider it part of the experience. If I wanted a fleshlight I would buy one but I want a person.

So, when our conversation went well I thought it was us being friendly and giving her a chance to un wind after her long tense drive in the rain. I was wrong and so I paid the price in less activities on my part. My review will let gentlemen know to be aware of that going forward when they decide to see her. If we ask about time we are considered rude by some. Some think we are just considering the ladies as a piece of meat at this point and again we are in the wrong. In both instances its likely the service will suffer for our enquiry. So, we are in a catch twenty two on this subject during a secession and the reviews help solve that. Was I wrong? This depends on the side of the issue you view the question from and therefor this topic is another moot point but it is something to be considered going forward for both the provider and the potential clients.

Am I upset about the information being posted here? Just a little but I can understand that she was upset and might not have though through all the possible implications of this action but its not too much trouble for me as she didn’t post addressed or other details about the place. This is why we have burner phones and VOIP numbers to make it more difficult so I have other layers of security in place already. I hope other providers will see this exchange and think twice when writing about their clients in the future.

In conclusion mistakes were made and people have learned and matured from the experience. Please read the information provided, make your own decision on the matter regarding the partied involved.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Of course whimpy 2.0 gives a fuck. Why do you think he post after me? Does anyone believe that 2.0 has an appt, who cares. The reason why is because even if he did he doesn't write a review or he is using a second handle. Either way it still doesnt make 2.0 a resourceful contributing member of the hobby life style. Face it whimpy 2.0 is just a bad lurker.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Very well said TRC. Honest,to the point,and really not trying to insult anyone. Basically an adult speaking. Thank you for your p.o.v. in this matter.
nuglet's Avatar
Yup... Got 2 hours scheduled for tomorrow afternoon....

I just don't share information publicly anymore....

As you have proven in the past and the OP has proven here too many of you whores are too free with information that is private to guys and there is no reason to give you anything more to know about us. Originally Posted by Whispers
two hrs scheduled.. LOL ~ really~ probably with a proctologist. We don't blame you for not sharing.. honestly we don't care to know..