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  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2013, 11:28 AM
poor whirlie
No shit sherlock; but local retailers use substantially more of the infrastructure than small internet retailers...............

Without roads , airports and other infrastructure the online sales could not receive materials to build their products nor be able to ship anything.

This is a no brainer. Probably why a few on here are aganist it! Originally Posted by WTF
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  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2013, 01:01 PM
whirlie, this is where you stand on your keyboard and shout out the window

do yourself a favor and stfu
Ok. According to my understanding of this bill, retailers with less than $1 million in gross revenue are exempt from collecting this tax. This excludes the small online businessperson.

So I may surprise some of you. I'm having trouble finding anything wrong with this tax. People do dodge the state sales tax by buying online. This hurts the hometown retailer, who just might be a small businessperson. And states do lose revenue this way. Not that they ever spend it properly, but still, they do lose it.

Secondly, this tax measure is well within the bounds of the Commerce Clause in the US Constitution. These items cross state lines, in commerce, and it is well within the authority of the federal government to allow states to collect sales tax on items purchased in another state for use in their home state.

Thirdly, I don't see where the federal government benefits from this. The tax revenue raised will be going to the states, so this is not an Obama tax on the middle class.

I do a lot of shopping online, because it is much more convenient. I know this will increase the taxes I pay. But I cannot see how it is an unfair, or unconstitutional tax. In fact, I think this is an act whose time has come.

Sorry, guys. If the Obama administration is supporting this, I guess I'm on their side, for a change. I don't think it is a problem for Amazon, Barnes and Noble, NewEgg, or other major companies to collect the tax for the states from which they derive their sales.

Now if they were requiring the small online retailer to collect the tax, my view might be different. I think it is a good idea to exempt small businesses from the act. The cost of enforcing the act against them exceeds the amount of revenue to be gained.

Whaddya know? When have you EVER seen me support a tax? But this one does not violate the Constitution, and makes sense. I'm surprised Congress is even considering it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Gotta give you a 1+ on this one..
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  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2013, 02:00 PM
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