Biden gonna take out the trash at debate

Lucas McCain's Avatar
From what I watched of the debate, Trump was his usual full of shit self and Biden seemed completely confused half of the time... I don't even know what the point of the debate was because they were just badmouthing each other's resumes as president when I tuned in.

Anyway, anybody who was on the fence about how sharp Biden's mind is can't be any longer. He was quite painful to listen to IMO... I've always had a thing that when I am embarrassed for someone on TV, I have to change the channel. Biden made me change the channel. I don't think Trump won the debate from what I saw, but Biden certainly did not put to rest any concerns about his mind. He only heightened them exponentially IMO.
... One of the BEST Debates I've ever seen! ... ...

... Thank You CNN - Very Fair! ...

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Reasonably astute observation on Biden. BUT, imagine, if you will, what voters who have been shielded from Biden's many foibles saw, seeing him for the first time, as their media have been running cover for him for so long.
From what I watched of the debate, Trump was his usual full of shit self and Biden seemed completely confused half of the time... I don't even know what the point of the debate was because they were just badmouthing each other's resumes as president when I tuned in.

Anyway, anybody who was on the fence about how sharp Biden's mind is can't be any longer. He was quite painful to listen to IMO... I've always had a thing that when I am embarrassed for someone on TV, I have to change the channel. Biden made me change the channel. I don't think Trump won the debate from what I saw, but Biden certainly did not put to rest any concerns about his mind. He only heightened them exponentially IMO. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Wow. Kamala Harris might even poll better than Biden after this. Going to be VERY interesting couple of months, when both parties have their conventions. Have to think the call to replace Biden now will be stronger than ever.
winn dixie's Avatar
... One of the BEST Debates I've ever seen! ... ...

... Thank You CNN - Very Fair! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
So fair that cnn is being called out for letting trumpf lie all night and not doing any fact checking. Hmmmmmm
Trumpf already said many times this debate was gonna be unfair.
Well it was for not fact checking trumpfs many many lies.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
So fair that cnn is being called out for letting trumpf lie all night and not doing any fact checking. Hmmmmmm
Trumpf already said many times this debate was gonna be unfair.
Well it was for not fact checking trumpfs many many lies. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I get so tired of hearing from “fact checkers “ They are nothing but a sponsorship sword (Soros) of the left. Even Facebook has admitted in court that they are just opinion.
ICU 812's Avatar
Dark brandon showing up at first debate and gonna obliterate trumpf like corn pop. Trumpf will suffer biggly if he is made to follow the the debate rules. Trumpf is gonna try to talk over muted mics like a madman.
Cornpop going down again. Trumpf gonna get exposed Originally Posted by winn dixie

Carre o take any of that back?

In congress, they call it "amending and extending my remarks".

For me, I have got to retract anything I have posted or thought about CNN playing fast and loose with the functions of moderator. Those two played it about as straight as I could expect from anyone.
From what I watched of the debate, Trump was his usual full of shit self and Biden seemed completely confused half of the time... I don't even know what the point of the debate was because they were just badmouthing each other's resumes as president when I tuned in.

Anyway, anybody who was on the fence about how sharp Biden's mind is can't be any longer. He was quite painful to listen to IMO... I've always had a thing that when I am embarrassed for someone on TV, I have to change the channel. Biden made me change the channel. I don't think Trump won the debate from what I saw, but Biden certainly did not put to rest any concerns about his mind. He only heightened them exponentially IMO. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
They were doing it before you tuned in too. I think the whole Debate was rather pathetic.
Precious_b's Avatar
I hate to use my Special Olympics analogy again, but if you win gold and the other person wins silver; are you really winning anything in the overall grand scheme of things?

The only one who is really winning is CNN because they will probably have record ratings for an hour and a half of a very awkward back and forth comedy routine between dumb and dumber. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You called it in the past. And the maggies are blind to it from their boy. Need to get some young'uns in there

Lord knows they need it. I believe they have dipped below the 400K viewer mark pretty consistently these days. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Stay on point. This ain't about ratings.

From what I watched of the debate, Trump was his usual full of shit self and Biden seemed completely confused half of the time... I don't even know what the point of the debate was because they were just badmouthing each other's resumes as president when I tuned in.

Anyway, anybody who was on the fence about how sharp Biden's mind is can't be any longer. He was quite painful to listen to IMO... I've always had a thing that when I am embarrassed for someone on TV, I have to change the channel. Biden made me change the channel. I don't think Trump won the debate from what I saw, but Biden certainly did not put to rest any concerns about his mind. He only heightened them exponentially IMO. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

*I* would guess the point would be for viewers to take it on themselves about who their choice is. Both don't over much if you want to go by their grey matter. And if they croak while in office, it would come down to who are around them and who they choose for cabinet positions. *I* ain't one for ethically and morally bankrupt persons who isolate themselves with like.

I get so tired of hearing from “fact checkers “ They are nothing but a sponsorship sword (Soros) of the left. Even Facebook has admitted in court that they are just opinion. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

So, why don't you give us a list of some specific checkers you don't like instead of a blanket statement.
winn dixie's Avatar
Biden carried trumpf out in a doggy poop bag.
Objective breakdown on my statement.
All night trumpf made faces lied and did not hint on any policy.
Biden struggled had a cold but basically stayed on topic and talked about policy.
Biden won the debate hands down.
Biden carried trumpf out in a doggy poop bag.
Objective breakdown on my statement.
All night trumpf made faces lied and did not hint on any policy.
Biden struggled had a cold but basically stayed on topic and talked about policy.
Biden won the debate hands down. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Biden carried trumpf out in a doggy poop bag.
Objective breakdown on my statement.
All night trumpf made faces lied and did not hint on any policy.
Biden struggled had a cold but basically stayed on topic and talked about policy.
Biden won the debate hands down. Originally Posted by winn dixie
... And yet - those polled by CNN surely say the opposite
of what you claim.... Almost 70% believe Trump Won.

As do a GREAT majority of others! ... ...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
... And yet - those polled by CNN surely say the opposite
of what you claim.... Almost 70% believe Trump Won.

As do a GREAT majority of others! ... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Wrong on many things. Their poll was 67 percent. And that poll did not ask who won.
When one is objective about debates. It's substance and answering the questions. Trumpf had zero substance avoided some questions all together and couldn't stay on topic.
I can't stand Biden. But he won hands down.
winn dixie's Avatar
The cnn poll question was who performed better. Biden had a cold!
Trumpf polled at 67 percent. Performance is not who won on substance policy and platform.
Fox and telegram are misquoting the words of the cnn poll question. Oppsie
... Instead of playing "word games" on who "won" - let's just
listen to the DEMOCRATS on the issue.

All those Dems who WANT BIDEN REPLACED...

See? ... If THEY all believed that Joe actually won the debate
- then WHY are they calling for Joe to step down??

... IT was Jill Biden who "took out the trash" at the debate.
She walked "the trash" off of the stage...

#### Salty