TS prviders taboo

Meoauniaea's Avatar
Also...what is gg?
Solemate62's Avatar
Also...what is gg? Originally Posted by Meoauniaea
Genetic Girl (in contrast to the TS 'girl')
Meoauniaea's Avatar
I would've never guessed that...
Mel Gibson's Avatar
TS have enough of their own websites. Why do they have to fuck this one up? Let a few in, next thing you know, this board is gonna be overrun with them, and soon every other poster here will be TS trying to pass as a "GG". Its bad enough on the streets of Austin. Check out craigslist. The gay ads outnumber the straight ads like 20 to 1. However, the AIDS infected sodomites will still solicit straight dudes even though theres more than enough of their own diseased filthy kind.
Solemate62's Avatar
TS have enough of their own websites. Why do they have to fuck this one up? Let a few in, next thing you know, this board is gonna be overrun with them, and soon every other poster here will be TS trying to pass as a "GG". Its bad enough on the streets of Austin. Check out craigslist. The gay ads outnumber the straight ads like 20 to 1. However, the AIDS infected sodomites will still solicit straight dudes even though theres more than enough of their own diseased filthy kind. Originally Posted by Mel Gibson
Mel, maybe because this website and in particular THIS Forum is for the expression of sexual lifestyles and practices that are not considered to be in the mainstream! BTW, I personally think your comments are pretty damned intolerant not to mention judgemental of other individuals. Reminds me of those who say "Let a few of those fucking n@##$rs in OUR neighborhood, next thing you know we'll be overrun with them!"
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
And? So? What? Take a hike, if I need a lesson in morality I'll march my ass into the nearest tabernacle.
Shackle's Avatar
Mel you need to take a deep breath and relax. This site and this forum are for people to enjoy. If you really want to pass judgment on individuals you are most definitely in the wrong place.
joe bloe's Avatar
TS have enough of their own websites. Why do they have to fuck this one up? Let a few in, next thing you know, this board is gonna be overrun with them, and soon every other poster here will be TS trying to pass as a "GG". Its bad enough on the streets of Austin. Check out craigslist. The gay ads outnumber the straight ads like 20 to 1. However, the AIDS infected sodomites will still solicit straight dudes even though theres more than enough of their own diseased filthy kind. Originally Posted by Mel Gibson
Based on your comments, I can see why you would choose Mel Gibson as your user name. Are you also an anti-semite or is your hatred limited to "sodomites"?

Why not live and let live. Another Realm is the appropriate place for disscussion of this subject matter. If you're offended, there are other sections of the site where this subject will not come up.
NadurraDrinker's Avatar
please don't feed the trolls
joe bloe's Avatar
please don't feed the trolls Originally Posted by NadurraDrinker
Good point. I took the bait.
  • txjr3
  • 05-23-2011, 07:40 AM
I'm a frequent visitor to both GG and TS providers - depending on the mood I'm in and who is running a good "special". I find the TS providers to be very friendly and often a more GFE than the GGs - if my GF had a D of course! Anyway, they can be a lot of fun , and I enjoy them. I'm in Austin, btw
fire engine red's Avatar
Well 'Hobby', I think the prevailing mindset and climate in this part of the country(and/or on this board) is far more conservative, and intolerant even, than it is in NYC. But it seems to be lost on many observers that the very fact that seeing a ts provider is widely considered taboo, is what makes it so intriguing, and compelling to alot of guys. Add that to the widespread exposure and availability of ts porn, which further stokes curiousity, and it shouldn't be any wonder the these girls are busy. I would think that any modern man who's intelligent, open-minded, worldly(to any degree), and daring, couldn't help but be curious, at the very least. Originally Posted by racitraci
I find this to be very true!!
surtur's Avatar
I had debated on posting my review or not, but I did and I think it was received well. I think any review on something out of the ordinary is needed for those that are looking and having trouble making up their minds. This is what this type of board is for...it may not be to your liking, but we're all adults and should be respectful of WALDT.
This isn't a debate whether TS provider reviews belong here. This is a provider website and so it belongs. I am straight and have never had sex with a guy or a TS. I am curious as a straight male though. It could be the oddity of it all but i feel so because some of these providers are actually really beautiful. I think that an ability to view the providers as people allows a lot of straight men to experiment.
kill this one please...