New Topic..(A Happy one?)

You should have used THAT as the excuse to not have me meet Edward!
Originally Posted by SR Only
Now SR, I told you that the satellite has zeroed in on Ed , and he can be found on Google maps. All you have to do is locate the worlds largest Husky on Google, and drive out to meet him
Now SR, I told you that the satellite has zeroed in on Ed , and he can be found on Google maps. All you have to do is locate the worlds largest Husky on Google, and drive out to meet him Originally Posted by Becky
Kinda like seeing the Super Dome from space?
Sisyphus's Avatar
I love that golf course we live close by, and visit there all the time. Edward likes to go for a swim in their little pond area. Originally Posted by Becky
I'll have to take your word for it being lovely. Spent a fair amount of time in the parking lot twice...never saw it!!

:trampol ine: Originally Posted by Becky
Thank you, m'am!

Oh that reminds me.This evening Edward had a can of Wingaling sprinkled in to his kibble, topped off with some chicken breast, and a smidge of filet mignon for dessert. Originally Posted by Becky
Sounds better than anything I've had to eat in a few days! Any chance he'll save me some?
So...all this arguing is making my blood pressure go up! Lmao...So can we discuss something happy!?...Please....

Ironically enough, I can't quite think of a specific topic, but hoping someone has a suggestion? Originally Posted by Valerie

me being in Portugal this weekend?
Oh i think of something funny:
A young provider collegue in switzerland was such a slob and - rude me - was commenting very cynical about her being so slobby - she was running around looking for her shoes., for her this for her that , making everyone get up of the seats frequently and i told her that i wonder she does not need a GPS to find her client :-). I apologized later for being rude and she said that its ok because she is aware of the fact that "older" women like me have menopause so they are more moody . Ha ha ha.....:-) lol....
I'll have to take your word for it being lovely. Spent a fair amount of time in the parking lot twice...never saw it!! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Every once in a great while the sun does come out in Pacifica, and when it does it is just gorgeous. I wish you could see it right now.

[quote=Sisyphus;1005086]Thank you, m'am!
Any time Sis

Sounds better than anything I've had to eat in a few days! Any chance he'll save me some? Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Sorry the filet mignon is all gone, but he may have a list, or two he keeps regurgitating that he woul be happy to share.
me being in Portugal this weekend?
Oh i think of something funny:
A young provider collegue in switzerland was such a slob and - rude me - was commenting very cynical about her being so slobby - she was running around looking for her shoes., for her this for her that , making everyone get up of the seats frequently and i told her that i wonder she does not need a GPS to find her client :-). I apologized later for being rude and she said that its ok because she is aware of the fact that "older" women like me have menopause so they are more moody . Ha ha ha.....:-) lol.... Originally Posted by ninasastri
You having menopause! Yea right!
[QUOTE=Becky;1005116]Every once in a great while the sun does come out in Pacifica, and when it does it is just gorgeous. I wish you could see it right now.

Thank you, m'am!
Any time Sis

Sorry the filet mignon is all gone, but he may have a list, or two he keeps regurgitating that he woul be happy to share. Originally Posted by Sisyphus
I was flying home today and i love it when the air is clean without clouds and you can really really really see the ground from up above. This is just BREATHTAKING! what a wonderful planet we live on! Today i saw mountains really really big because the airplane was flying low for such a long period of time , it was so unreal......:-) I love these views.