Thanks to all the fellow board members who?

boardman's Avatar
not my thing... I don't do hooktard contests... if you want to see my ass let me offer up a pic or you know how to contact me. Anything for you though

Originally Posted by luxury daphne
I'm thincking that contact is imminent.......
LD......Dammm...whats you screening process again?
blowpop's Avatar
I would like to thank people like Blowpop, Amber, Wayward, Muffbro, and others who started and participated in the very first hobby boards. Without people like us, there would be no hobby boards so people like carkido could make his sarcastic posts. Those were the ones with the real vision, and it took a lot of guts to start the very first hobby boards. The first amendment rites were pretty much of an unknown during these first dates as were the laws concerning first amendment rites versus things like promotion of prostitution. There was a lawyer(s) on retainer, but we really didn't know what could come of being an owner of a hobby board. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Thank you for the kind words, my friend. It has been one hell of a ride, hasn't it? And the best thing: It goes on.
Tony Montana's Avatar
I love Carkiddo he is funny, most of the time he isn't trying to be, but still he is good for a laugh. Originally Posted by Wayward
Couldn't have said it better myself.

carkido45's Avatar
It's not stalkerish, it's WK'ish.

Ask Carkido what he REALLY pays to see the girls at LE when he's going to review...

Ask Carkido what OTHER benefits he gets from the operator of LE for his reviews...

THEN come back here and see how you feel about Carkido reviewing one agency... Originally Posted by Wakeup
You got the wrong place attention.
Wayward's Avatar
But he nailed the behavior right?
carkido45's Avatar
But he nailed the behavior right? Originally Posted by Wayward
You got the wrong place attention. Originally Posted by carkido45
Yeah I all look the same to me...
carkido45's Avatar
Yeah I all look the same to me... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Funny so do you and wayward.
Wayward's Avatar
You got us on that one CK45.
carkido45's Avatar
Oh yeah another review coming from you know where. lol
But dayum take a look at all that latina booty on Kristy (My Avatar).
Can you blame me for going and playing there ?
Wayward's Avatar
Have I ever even remotely suggested that you don't like hot women? I would bend her over and drive her to Monterey.
carkido45's Avatar
Have I ever even remotely suggested that you don't like hot women? I would bend her over and drive her to Monterey. Originally Posted by Wayward
Meh? Your problem Wayward is too little action and not enough do...just like Wakeup.
What's so funny is all you guys posting on my thread and i was having fun with Kristy.:rofl mao::roflmao :
DarthMaul's Avatar
I will close this thread and remember:

#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.