Waitaminute! Hypocritical?

steverino50's Avatar
Fawn is indeed a strong woman and is not only in the "business" for her own enjoyment, but primarily to provide for her family as a single mom. And guys, we need to recognize that we are fortunate to have her and many others in the hobby to help meet our needs as well.

SAS Originally Posted by SASpurfan
SASpurfan, I couldn't agree with you more. Fawn is a great example, a great provider and a great mom. Hypocritical? Silly label. Who cares.
ControlFreak's Avatar
Fawn I agree with you 1000% that is basically how I feel. You are some man's daughter, you are in a position of need, sure you can do other things, but you want more for your family than they will allow. I am sure when you were a child you learned right from wrong in your parents eyes, but that was a few years ago, things and times have changed. I have still said that it would not be my hope for either of my daughters to make this career choice, but if they had, I would still respect them and love them. They are and will always be my daughters. Last night I was having dinner with 2 former strippers one from a year ago the other from 15 years ago. They were discussing how rotten and bad that job had become because of pressure from the guys. I relayed a story about a stripper I knew and dated 25+ years ago and her mother who had been a stripper 45 years ago. Now the mother thought her daughter was an absolute slut because she would go topless, she would have never done that and she felt she was one of the best when she danced. Now her daughter was stripping for drug money. So then we come to the 15 year ago stripper who had danced at a couple of nude clubs but she quit because the guys had started to want to many extras. The more recent said as a provider she made more money with fewer headaches and with nicer people than dancing.

The point of this story is the dramatic change in our culture in the last 50 years. Children are having Sex younger and younger every day. Those of you with college age daughters may be in the small minority if your daughter is not sexually active. The outlook on sex has changed dramatically in this country. People are more liberated not afraid to face life on their own rather than be in an unhappy marriage. They will do what they please to provide for their children and families. Now if your daughter is sexually active and sleeping around abundantly, are you going to disown her, I doubt it. Why because she is your daughter. Why does your daughter not admit to you she is sleeping around? Because she does not feel it is any of your business or she feels you will ridicule her for it. Would you? You and only you can answer that question, I should hope not because she is your daughter. These same principals apply to providing, instead of giving it away they are making a living off of it. I would be much more concerned if a child of mine was into drugs heavily or some other form of self destruction. Would I disown them, no, but I would try to help them because they are my children and I love them. I am not going to play the hypocritical card here because we all can justify what we do and the reasons for it. And besides do as I say not do is total bull shit and I know I will not change your opinions. But just remember god has blessed us with children to nurture, best we know how, and a big part of that is loving them. Never forget you love your child no matter what the situation is, it could be a lot worse than being a prostitute.
Mesquitor's Avatar
Your post really got to me. I guess because it's Father's Day and I'm sitting here in a self pity party because I never had any children of my own to raise. But enough of that!

There is no way on earth that I can even pretend to know how it would feel to have a daughter who wanted to go into this business and how I would react.

What I CAN see though, and very easily, is that Fawn is definitely first class. It's hard to tell how much she likes the business vs. how much she feels that she has to be in the business but her feelings toward taking care of her children have rocketed her to the top of the pedestal!

I guess it's insight and learning experiences such as this which make it impossible for me to write the detailed and graphic reviews on ladies. They deserve much more than that.

OK, I'll shut up now.
Introuble's Avatar
We are getting to the point of discussing good parenting and bad parenting which is maybe a tad off target. The statement of the industry being wrong is wrought with examples of exceptions to the rules where some good is being accomplished as a result of breaking the law.

I do not believe however that one can make a case with any scenario and justify the hobby to the extent of it being "right".

1) I provide for my kids by being a HOOKER therefore the hobby is OK because it provides the income to buy my kids clothes, send them to college, etc. I love my kids enough to do that therefore I am a good parent.

2) Substitute HOOKER with Robbing Banks, Stealing from Rich people who don't need it, Cheating on my IRS returns, or numerous other illegal activities that are considered "soft" crimes and basically victimless.

The fact of the matter is regardless of how you try to justify it, it is still engaging in an illegal activity no matter what the justification for doing so. If we as a society are to the point of saying it is OK to break the laws in order to be fruitful parents then we have a new topic for a new thread.

My observations are simply mine and that of 90% of society. You can always use examples of good intentions as a result of bad actions to justify one persons actions.

And yes, even if they made prostitution legal, it would still have at a minimum morality problems. Even if it were legal, I would love my kids no less than I already do, but I would not approve of it and it would be known very forcefully.

If you are wondering, I am trying to schedule my weekly session right after this post. Hypocrisy is a wonderful thing isn't it?

Great philosophical thread BTW
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-21-2009, 05:09 PM
We are getting to the point of discussing good parenting and bad parenting which is maybe a tad off target. The statement of the industry being wrong is wrought with examples of exceptions to the rules where some good is being accomplished as a result of breaking the law.

I do not believe however that one can make a case with any scenario and justify the hobby to the extent of it being "right".

1) I provide for my kids by being a HOOKER therefore the hobby is OK because it provides the income to buy my kids clothes, send them to college, etc. I love my kids enough to do that therefore I am a good parent.

2) Substitute HOOKER with Robbing Banks, Stealing from Rich people who don't need it, Cheating on my IRS returns, or numerous other illegal activities that are considered "soft" crimes and basically victimless.

The fact of the matter is regardless of how you try to justify it, it is still engaging in an illegal activity no matter what the justification for doing so. If we as a society are to the point of saying it is OK to break the laws in order to be fruitful parents then we have a new topic for a new thread.

My observations are simply mine and that of 90% of society. You can always use examples of good intentions as a result of bad actions to justify one persons actions.

And yes, even if they made prostitution legal, it would still have at a minimum morality problems. Even if it were legal, I would love my kids no less than I already do, but I would not approve of it and it would be known very forcefully.

If you are wondering, I am trying to schedule my weekly session right after this post. Hypocrisy is a wonderful thing isn't it?

Great philosophical thread BTW Originally Posted by Introuble

no one ever said it was right ......but guess youre just as
bad as us hooker because you pay for an illegal services that we provide...
so what kind of parent does that make you....unless you walk a mile in
someones shoes you should keep your f__king mouth shut...............
what you dont understand a good mother will do anything for her children.... Originally Posted by fawn
Amen and I completely agree!

I came to this biz the first time because we were facing losing every thing including the roof over our head, no car, no nothing. I got us on our feet and moved on to a job I really loved.

I got much further in life and decided for me and my children I wanted more for us. The choice to be able to buy new jeans, a hamburger etc when we wanted.

For 24 years all I have been is a "MOM" and now a grandma, I want my kids to be able to go to college, have a nice home etc. Things they can earn themselves are things suchs as ps2, ps3, Wii etc. This ALLOWS me to employ them doing alot of extra's here for me and ability to pay them and help instill the value of "work".

AM I proud to be here, not exactly. It is what it is. A risk every day. Do I love what I do, yes I do, I have always enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know them. This has had me cross paths with many many people I would have never met at all in my life time.

If any of my kids needed to do something illegal to get a head, would I be a proud parent, NO. Would I be supportive, YES. I have a rule in my house - Get your self into trouble - get yourself out. Therefore, think before you act and always BE SAFE!

I think that there would not be so many LE after Johns & "hookers" if it wasn't for the drugs out there causing much more evil wrongs. Killings, thefts, bank robberies, etc are not from ladies who needed to do something more to provide for their families. A person can tell from posts and photo's to which ladies are more likely going to be involved in the drugs too.

Society any more is hypocritical imho. Don't say and do this - but watch the ladies in swimsuits etc going across a stage parading, many many more examples out there.

Best thing we can try to always do is be honest with ourselves.
Introuble's Avatar
no one ever said it was right ......but guess youre just as
bad as us hooker because you pay for an illegal services that we provide...
so what kind of parent does that make you....unless you walk a mile in
someones shoes you should keep your f__king mouth shut............... Originally Posted by fawn
Fawn, I am sorry you are getting emotional about this. I have said from day one that I am a hypocrite's hypocrite on the topic and have readily admitted a few times that I am talking out of both sides of my mouth in so many words. As a parent I am no better than anyone else here and have made it a point to admit my faults in this issue too. My only position in this whole argument is that the hobby from a legal, moral, and somewhat parental standpoint is wrong. My participation in the hobby is kind of like the alcoholic knowing it is wrong to drink and drive but yet still drinking and driving. I AM NOT IN DENIAL ABOUT WHAT THE HOBBY IS AND ISN'T nor am I pretending it to be right to justify my participation in it.......as some are. I know it is wrong EVEN THOUGH I still participate in it. My hope is that others would be just as intellectually honest about it as I am trying to be. If not that is OK too, but I do not buy the argument that this is what I do in order to provide for my kids. That may be a choice, but it is not the only choice either. I have the utmost respect for any person doing "what they have to do" in order to provide as a parent, but there are OTHER choices too that are brought on many times by our EARLIER and CURRENT decisions in life. Need I expand?

I am sorry I hit a nerve as I felt everyone was keeping civil in a very interesting and thought provoking discussion. My apologies if I stepped on your toes in some way.
Looks like Introuble has made another friend.
Introuble's Avatar
CPI....that list is a long one

She will be OK. Sometimes as you know people take things the wrong way and after re-reading it or thinking about it they realize they over reacted. I have been nothing but honest with her and I obviously said something that resonated with her. Fawn is bigger than that and I consider her one of the few level headed provides on this site.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-21-2009, 08:36 PM
Fawn, I am sorry you are getting emotional about this. I have said from day one that I am a hypocrite's hypocrite on the topic and have readily admitted a few times that I am talking out of both sides of my mouth in so many words. As a parent I am no better than anyone else here and have made it a point to admit my faults in this issue too. My only position in this whole argument is that the hobby from a legal, moral, and somewhat parental standpoint is wrong. My participation in the hobby is kind of like the alcoholic knowing it is wrong to drink and drive but yet still drinking and driving. I AM NOT IN DENIAL ABOUT WHAT THE HOBBY IS AND ISN'T nor am I pretending it to be right to justify my participation in it.......as some are. I know it is wrong EVEN THOUGH I still participate in it. My hope is that others would be just as intellectually honest about it as I am trying to be. If not that is OK too, but I do not buy the argument that this is what I do in order to provide for my kids. That may be a choice, but it is not the only choice either. I have the utmost respect for any person doing "what they have to do" in order to provide as a parent, but there are OTHER choices too that are brought on many times by our EARLIER and CURRENT decisions in life. Need I expand?

I am sorry I hit a nerve as I felt everyone was keeping civil in a very interesting and thought provoking discussion. My apologies if I stepped on your toes in some way. Originally Posted by Introuble
I may have over reacted, and yes you hit a nerve....and yes i have calm down...and im not trying to justify what i am doing, see this is a job to me it doesn't define me as a person.....see at the end of the day i come home from my real job and then i start job 2....so ya i guess i am a hypocrite, because i will sell my soul to the devil for me and my family........and i have done so, but as long as i can look at myself in the mirror and like what i see.... im happy.....
now lets see if we can have some more feed back and i will try alittle harder not to get so bent out of shape....
I am still thinking that taking part in prostitution is wrong on a certain emotional level. But on a sexual level, I just want to repeatedly insert my penis in some tight vagina. I think I am beginning to accept that I am selfish and hypocritical.
Introuble's Avatar
I am still thinking that taking part in prostitution is wrong on a certain emotional level. But on a sexual level, I just want to repeatedly insert my penis in some tight vagina. I think I am beginning to accept that I am selfish and hypocritical. Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
AMEN........That my friends is intellectual honesty.....me to a T
ControlFreak's Avatar
First, only in 49 states it is illegal. Why is it illegal? Basically the moral majority has preached hell and brimstone when most of them are involved, remember Jimmy Swaggart? In all other countries it is not illegal or chastised as it is here. I use to be very active in church and got tired of all of these people trying to save my sole on Saturday and Sunday when they were planking their secretaries on Friday night behind the wife’s back. Do I think prostitution should be illegal? HELL NO I DON’T THINK IT SOULD BE. Am I going to condemn Fawn or anyone else trying to be a better provider for their family? HELL NO I AM NOT. How many of you respected so called business men which I am one of you screw your customers every day? ALL OF YOU DO IT IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. How many lawyers make their living chasing ambulances or getting guilty people off in the name that’s your job? You pray on people’s problems, Doctors are just as bad. I totally agree with Fawn don’t criticize until you have walked in her shoes. All of this philosophical bull sit is just that. We are all breaking the law all of us and Fawn is not breaking anymore than the rest of us. She is selling something we all want. Get real everybody!!!
Oh Fawn.....you are so right in everything that you said. We as women may have other options to feed our children....but in several cases, we are left to care for more than one alone and if it weren't for the hobby, we would be on welfare and then people would be complaining about that. I am not ashamed of what I do and as Fawn said, I look at myself in the mirror and know that I am taking care of my children and they are happy and healthy. If my girls ever came to me in life and told me that they were in this lifestyle, I would give them my best advice. I teach them today and encourage them to get an education and not to be dependent on anyone but themselves. My children do not know what I do for a living, so there is no reason to say," You shouldn't do what Mommy does..." but as I stated above, I teach them morals, they are well behaved, straight A students and love me unconditionally. I think humans are hypocritical period.

We all make choices that affect our lives and others everyday...just ask yourself if you can live with it....if you can...good for you. I honestly think that there are worse things in life than making gentlemen happy and feeding your kids...call me crazy....

This isn't illegal because it is a horrible thing. It is illegal because the religious community convinced people that sex is horrible..and the government doesn't like anything that it can't control.

Would any of you guys discourage your sons from seeing escorts??
AMEN........That my friends is intellectual honesty.....me to a T Originally Posted by Introuble
Wondering if I will ever be able to be morally honest as well.