If you had to bet who do you see winning the GOP nod???

  • MrGiz
  • 08-23-2011, 11:39 PM
Believe what you want. I'm not saying you have to go and dive into it. I've been sittin on my treasure chest for awhile and things are looking good. I'm not paying any corrupt institution or some bank to hold my gold. Yeah just so they can confiscate it when the time comes. Have you ever heard of a Bank Holiday? FDR did it back a long time ago, I believe in 1936.

Search history and do some research on the Weimar Republic of Germany and learn about what hyperinflation can do to paper currency. By the way we adopted the same monetary system they had! Gold has intrinsic value and is A LOT better than all of that worthless paper your holding onto! You need to do your homework! Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
So.... to be clear... you physically possess? all of your Gold... correct?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-23-2011, 11:45 PM
So.... to be clear... you physically possess? all of your Gold... correct? Originally Posted by MrGiz
What is Michell Bachman energy czar doing up this late? Aren't you supposed to be driving down the price of oil?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Well I'm glad your a professional! There's many professionals in the world. Including the boys at Goldmansachs, Merrill Lynch, and Bear Stearns. A lot of the smart boys who got it all wrong, you can call them professionals as well. No need to brag or boast or tell everyone how big of an ego you have because there are a lot of professional fuck-ups out there who wear suits all day long. I'm sure we can come to a mutual understanding on that. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
How the fuck do you claim that Goldman Sachs "got it wrong?" They were counterparties on the right end of a ton of CDO insurance contracts. They made a killing. So much so that they're now being investigated for withholding information from people they sold CDOs to for not revealing their bets against the same CDOs. Jesus.

And the hyperinflation that you're so worried about is running less than 2% this year. The greater risk is deflation on account of low aggregate demand.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-24-2011, 12:23 AM
What is Michell Bachman energy czar doing up this late? Aren't you supposed to be driving down the price of oil? Originally Posted by WTF
I agree... you're hilarious *I am in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.... beautiful deep blue water... where are you?
Driving somewhere? Enjoying your air conditioned environment?

I am doing my part for energy independence.... are you?
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Go screw yourself TexTushHog! A bunch of crooks work at Goldmansachs and you know it! Unfortunately a lot of them have worked in BIG government organizations as well, it's a revolving door because the same crooks keep getting put in charge that orchestrate this mess and the looting is going on right in front of our eyes. The corruption that is going on makes Bernie Madoff look like a prince charming. I'm sure Gerald Celente could tell you just how noble the Goldmansachs group is or maybe even Alex Jones, maybe you should give Alex a call and tell the whole world why you think their so noble.
Clinton, Bush, and especially Obama have led this country straight into a toilet bowl. Just like you think Huntsman is going to go far in this election. The poor bastard only got 69 votes at the Iowa Straw Poll, yeah he really broke through to the people with his message, he really won'em over, he really sold the crowd. Huntsman doesn't have a prayer and I really question your judgement. I wonder if your one of those types of guys who can never admit that your wrong even when you know your wrong. I call'em sociopaths and psychopaths. Maybe you should run for President, that way you can promise people the world, only to tell lies in the end.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-24-2011, 07:30 AM
I agree... you're hilarious *I am in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.... beautiful deep blue water... where are you?
Driving somewhere? Enjoying your air conditioned environment?

I am doing my part for energy independence.... are you? Originally Posted by MrGiz
I'm headed to Lake Tahoe....another place with beautiful deep blue water to golf, bike and hike. Right about now, I do not care about the price of oil.

  • MrGiz
  • 08-24-2011, 09:45 AM
I'm headed to Lake Tahoe....another place with beautiful deep blue water to golf, bike and hike. Right about now, I do not care about the price of oil.

Originally Posted by WTF
Well then... go have fun, and quit talking shit!

Since we're being honest... I never care about the price of oil... unless it gets too low!
Enough with the BS by the majority of the left wing yahoos on this board. You guys/gals toss around your thoughts like they are facts....here is a link to the PPP recent polling data that shows what the professionals think.....

"Even as all of the Republican presidential candidates remain less liked than the unpopular president, some of them are creeping closer to Obama in the national popular vote—driving home the idea that the election will be more a referendum on the incumbent than on the inevitably disliked GOP nominee."

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Enough with the BS by the majority of the left wing yahoos on this board. You guys/gals toss around your thoughts like they are facts....here is a link to the PPP recent polling data that shows what the professionals think.....

"Even as all of the Republican presidential candidates remain less liked than the unpopular president, some of them are creeping closer to Obama in the national popular vote—driving home the idea that the election will be more a referendum on the incumbent than on the inevitably disliked GOP nominee."

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlway are you really that fucking retarded??? The poll surveyed 700 people again 700 people!!!!. Last election nearly 100 million people voted- how can you honestly think 700 registered voters represents how 100 million people would vote?
Here's the scary quote from you own article that you need to worry about: Notably, Obama edges his rivals among independent voters. Romney comes closest to the president in this category but still trails by nine points. The others are behind by at least 24 points.
It's the Independent voters like me who are going to decide the election- you see whirl you have die-hard Dems who are going to vote for Obama and then you have your Die hard Republians who are going to vote for the Republican candidate it's the Independents who are going to determine the race and by that own article he leads Romney by 9 points and has a huge advantage over the others- as I stated a million times- Independent voters are not going to be flocking over to ultra right wing candidates like Perry, Paul, or Bachmann it's just not going to happen- the TEA party movement is actually going to hurt the GOP in the long run.
Also in early 2007 Rudy Guliani was leading in a lot of those random polls and look where he went.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
The big thing with all of these speculative polls right now is that you can't trust any of them. Just watch the debates as their shown on national TV. One poll is going to say Romney's ahead for the GOP nomination and then a gallup poll might say that Perry's ahead of the GOP candidates getting the nomination. It's way too early to say who is going to get the nomination. The day of reckoning will come soon enough.

MORE IMPORTANTLY THOUGH, not one mention of RON PAUL in that article! Not one mention of his name as if he doesn't exist. You can't say that the media whores didn't get their strings pulled writing that article. Thats how biased and fraudulent that article is Whirlaway. Oh but they mentioned Sarah Palin who isn't even in the fucking Presidential race at the moment, the hockey mom from Alaska who has those cute as a button glasses and has wonderful teeth. Oh yeah they had to mention her. Thats how the Rich in this country play people like their little pawns on a chess board. Jerry Jones does it all the time to include every other NFL owner, who do you think is calling the shots, THE RICH!!! The Rich control you and they put whatever they want to in your mind. Their in charge, their running the presstitutes, their running this mother fucker, not the EMPLOYEES. Thats how biased that article/poll is Whirlaway.

CPT Savajo's Avatar
Enough with the BS by the majority of the left wing yahoos on this board. You guys/gals toss around your thoughts like they are facts....here is a link to the PPP recent polling data that shows what the professionals think.....

"Even as all of the Republican presidential candidates remain less liked than the unpopular president, some of them are creeping closer to Obama in the national popular vote—driving home the idea that the election will be more a referendum on the incumbent than on the inevitably disliked GOP nominee."

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You see the fraud?

You prove my point.....you post your fucking "analysis" with no backup to any professional analysis of the situation. Just your own BS quarterbacking....

Again..no link to support what you say just BS !

Whirlway are you really that fucking retarded??? The poll surveyed 700 people again 700 people!!!!. Last election nearly 100 million people voted- how can you honestly think 700 registered voters represents how 100 million people would vote?
Here's the scary quote from you own article that you need to worry about: Notably, Obama edges his rivals among independent voters. Romney comes closest to the president in this category but still trails by nine points. The others are behind by at least 24 points.
It's the Independent voters like me who are going to decide the election- you see whirl you have die-hard Dems who are going to vote for Obama and then you have your Die hard Republians who are going to vote for the Republican candidate it's the Independents who are going to determine the race and by that own article he leads Romney by 9 points and has a huge advantage over the others- as I stated a million times- Independent voters are not going to be flocking over to ultra right wing candidates like Perry, Paul, or Bachmann it's just not going to happen- the TEA party movement is actually going to hurt the GOP in the long run.
Also in early 2007 Rudy Guliani was leading in a lot of those random polls and look where he went.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You prove my point.....you post your fucking "analysis" with no backup to any professional analysis of the situation. Just your own BS quarterbacking....

Again..no link to support what you say just BS ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlway- what I posted in red came directly from YOUR article- read the third paragraph it clearly states that in the poll Obama led the Independet voters- sorry just posting the facts from your OWN post.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You see the fraud?

http://www.infowars.com/as-his-numbe...op-candidates/ Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
CPT you are correct in your assessment and that is why I think Paul is un un-electable- mainstream America is not clicking with his ideas- and again I actually like some of Ron Paul's ideas an I like him better than the other candidates but he wouldn't win- ditto for Jesse Ventura he gives honest solutions but he also is un-electable.
You bitch about the poll not being reliable because it has only 700 survey respondents then use the same poll to prove your lame assertion?

Too fucking funny........give it up Wellendowed, you don't have the critical thinking skills to hang out here.

Whirlway- what I posted in red came directly from YOUR article- read the third paragraph it clearly states that in the poll Obama led the Independet voters- sorry just posting the facts from your OWN post. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911