what if the roles were reversed

burkalini's Avatar
And my point was that not every woman can get away with just using lube. Sex can be extremely painful for some women when they are not aroused.

I might be wrong, but I think I detect some venom in your post. If this is the case, then please understand that my later point was unrelated to your post. My statement towards you was not meant as a disagreement but rather an alternate perspective. Originally Posted by China Doll
your point is that some women ( a small amount I would assume ) cannot use just lube and need to be aroused for sex not to be painful. I have no arguement with that. My point is that 100% of men need to be aroused to function at all. It just physics. No venom at all. lol
abdclub's Avatar
If someone could tell me how to keep it up all the time (like I used to when I was younger! LOL), I could easily be a gigolo! My problem seems to be that I have been beaten down so badly by women over the years (including the current ex-wife who I was still faithful to for 5 celibate years ... until I discovered the hobby!) that it would probably be an impossibility (even with today's vitamins)! I just want intimacy and an illusion of passion now!!
(Sitting in the corner crying and sighing) LOL

Just consider me a born-again lesbian. (I always was, BTW!)
And my point was that not every woman can get away with just using lube. Sex can be extremely painful for some women when they are not aroused. Originally Posted by China Doll
For those who don't agree with you, I would recommend they study a bit of basic female anatomy.

The vagina, in its unaroused state, is 4" long in most women. Obviously, there are individual anatomical variations, but 4" is average.

I would gather that the average man's penis is longer than 4". Depending on the population studied, that average is generally around 6".

One need not be an engineer to compute that putting a 6" object into a 4" space is going to be painful, even when using WD-40.

The aroused state of the vagina, however, yields a 7-8" long tube. There is a difference between the elasticity of an unaroused vagina due to pressure and the elasticity that is actually caused by arousal and stretching due to blood flow.

That's me, Mr. Romance. LOL

London Rayne's Avatar
I think the issue is not about natural lube, but about acting. A guy who is not turned on can only do so much acting when his pee pee is pointing south lol. We can improvise.
London Rayne's Avatar
See? That's my point.... the best of these girls, in order to be well recieved by the hobbiest public at large that make up a rather large percentage..... go thru the motions and present the illusion of passion to even the most hideous of ogres!! Most often.... they don't know what they're dealing with until the door swings open!! They are truly Angels, in my opinion!!

Do we really think we could get it up on a consistent basis, when the door swings open and you find a hairy wildebeest fawning for you?

I ain't gonna lie.... I don't think I could do it!!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
Alas the voice of reason!
For those who don't agree with you, I would recommend they study a bit of basic female anatomy.

The vagina, in its unaroused state, is 4" long in most women. Obviously, there are individual anatomical variations, but 4" is average.

I would gather that the average man's penis is longer than 4". Depending on the population studied, that average is generally around 6".

One need not be an engineer to compute that putting a 6" object into a 4" space is going to be painful, even when using WD-40.

The aroused state of the vagina, however, yields a 7-8" long tube. There is a difference between the elasticity of an unaroused vagina due to pressure and the elasticity that is actually caused by arousal and stretching due to blood flow.

That's me, Mr. Romance. LOL

:-) Originally Posted by Laurentius
Thank you, sweetheart! <3
burkalini's Avatar
Thank you, sweetheart! <3 Originally Posted by China Doll

Even if I had a 3 inch penis I would still need to get it hard to get it in. The point is no matter what the man has to get erect every time. Even China doll could perform with a hard 3 inch penis with some lube. Thank's for helping make my point London. Don't think I would be very successful with a 3 inch penis though. lol
Don't think I would be very successful with a 3 inch penis though. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
The preponderance of nerve endings in the vagina are in the opening and first three inches. So maybe you'd be more successful than you think. (*grin*)

You are right, of course, that if a woman wishes to be penetrated you'd need to get it up. However, this isn't as difficult as you might expect.

Nature created women to be attractive to men so men would be willing to propagate the species. True, not all women are identically attractive; but certainly most gravid females are sufficiently so.

And, don't forget, that just as we guys usually go to extremes to assure our cleanliness and so forth for the providers we see; ladies could reasonably be expected to do the same or else have a YMMV experience.

As a provider you would have the ability to be at least somewhat discriminating as to your clients. I know one lady provider who only sees guys with two distinct professions and one specific ethnicity -- nobody else, ever. I know another one who specifies a maximum weight for men who see her. You could be as specific as you like.

I am reminded a bit of one lady. She has other paying work. As a result, she never HAS to see anyone. She could go all year without ever seeing a client, and be just fine financially. So she can afford to be choosy. Who says, to be a provider, you'd have to do it full-time?

So you could select clients that you believe meet your criteria such that you would be able to do a good job. You don't have to take all comers.

Of course, there is also no law saying you have to use your penis on a client. She might find having a vibrator inserted while you go down on her to be preferable. She might want role play. She might want you to tie her up and tickle her nipples with a feather as you suck on her wrists. She might want a nice massage followed by oral.

I think you might be surprised at what you could pull off.
Burk, nobody is arguing with the fact that men have to become erect to insert their penises into a vagina. I still think you're missing our point. The point is that for many women, it takes more than just a simple spread of the legs for intercourse to not be incredibly painful. I will even go so far as to say that you are wrong about a couple of things.

The whole difference is give a woman a bottle of lube and she ready to go. We have to be a little more excited to work well Originally Posted by burkalini
You are generalizing. "Give a woman a bottle of lube, and she's ready!" I know plenty of women who would disagree with this. We can't just jam something in there whenever we want, lubed or not.

It does come off as whining. My point was for the physical requirements. Not the enjoyment portion. We would have to be physically ready and you could( not prefer) just use a bottle of lube. Originally Posted by burkalini
Me? As in me, personally, as a woman? Also wrong.

your point is that some women ( a small amount I would assume ) cannot use just lube and need to be aroused for sex not to be painful. I have no arguement with that. My point is that 100% of men need to be aroused to function at all. It just physics. No venom at all. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Again, it's not as small a percentage of women as you might think. Laurentius explained this quite well. I don't disagree with the physical aspects of the penis in the latter part of your post.

Even if I had a 3 inch penis I would still need to get it hard to get it in. The point is no matter what the man has to get erect every time. Even China doll could perform with a hard 3 inch penis with some lube. Thank's for helping make my point London. Don't think I would be very successful with a 3 inch penis though. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Thanks for trying to tell everyone how my body works, but I am afraid you are yet again mistaken. Do you want to know what happens when I try to put the smallest of things inside myself when I am not aroused? The pelvic floor muscles tense up and make insertion of anything impossible.
Also, again, nobody is disagreeing with your point about the physics of the human penis.

Cheese and crackers.
burkalini's Avatar
Burk, nobody is arguing with the fact that men have to become erect to insert their penises into a vagina. I still think you're missing our point. The point is that for many women, it takes more than just a simple spread of the legs for intercourse to not be incredibly painful. I will even go so far as to say that you are wrong about a couple of things.

You are generalizing. "Give a woman a bottle of lube, and she's ready!" I know plenty of women who would disagree with this. We can't just jam something in there whenever we want, lubed or not.

Me? As in me, personally, as a woman? Also wrong.

Again, it's not as small a percentage of women as you might think. Laurentius explained this quite well. I don't disagree with the physical aspects of the penis in the latter part of your post.

Thanks for trying to tell everyone how my body works, but I am afraid you are yet again mistaken. Do you want to know what happens when I try to put the smallest of things inside myself when I am not aroused? The pelvic floor muscles tense up and make insertion of anything impossible.
Also, again, nobody is disagreeing with your point about the physics of the human penis.

Cheese and crackers. Originally Posted by China Doll
Oh yes if the roles were REVERSED. Now trying to answer that is that men HAVE to be erect to perform intercourse. Women do not have to even though it might not be enjoyable or even painful it is still a possibility. I would never think about having intercourse with any women without her being sufficiently aroused . But if I did I probably could complete the act with a little help of a lube bottle. Now a guy trying to do it with out being aroused? it ain't happening.
MajorHands's Avatar
While I doubt there would be much demand, I'd like to think I could manage the role, all things considered, regardless for the most part, on how physically attractive the lady-client might be. As an unaccompanied male active in several swinging communities over the years, there have been more than a few occasions to fool around with women who were not remotely close to my physical tastes.

In a couple of those cases, the sex was simply a matter of being polite or courteous. At the same time, many of those encounters were tremendous fun! I have the very mixed blessing of being aroused by bringing my partner's pleasure. Conversely, if I don't think they my efforts are arousing her (as might happen for a while after she gets off), I more often than not go soft. This can happen with even the hottest of women, as China can attest.

I would make a general assumption that a woman paying to spend time with a gent would be sufficiently motivated to enjoy the activities, which would go a long way to ensuring my functionality. On the other hand, if the lady was among those who took a while to recharge their libido after getting off, it might be awkward if the foreplay was effective and she popped early on in the appointment.

As for appreciating what it might be like for the lovely providers, I had a mini-glimpse of things from their prospective. I was visiting a local agency, and the guy running it (T) had put out an ad offering a "couples special" where the client would watch a provider couple (M/F) and had actually booked it. I happened to stop by the agency incall to visit on the day the appointment was to take place. As the time for the appointment drew near, T (who was going to be the other guy) got cold feet and asked me if I would do it and take his cut. All I would have to do is perform with one of the ladies on his staff while the client watched...(maybe directed) and I'd make some dough. Having done my share of things in front of a crowd in the swinging venue (in my avatar pic there were probably 100 folks walking around us), so this would be easy. The goofy thing is, he wanted me to say I was him (T) and manage the appointment. When the client got there, my provider partner was not out of the shower, so I had to do the small talk and take the donation, etc. As it turns out, the guy was not so much interested in watching as he was in a full Bi 3some, to which I declined. He did pay extra for me to be in the room and watch him with the other provider though...lol!
Thank you, sweetheart! <3 Originally Posted by China Doll
The pleasure is mine, my cyber lover!
rednecksatyr's Avatar
An erection on demand, so to speak, is not possible for every man in my opinion. Perhaps the younger gents would be successful in that situation.
I have actually done so. Not on an hourly-type basis; but rather I had the fathers of two ladies pay me to date them.... Originally Posted by Laurentius
To be clear, you dated the ladies, not the fathers?