

VKmaster I was talking about the chest thumping "Vyt", the honorable Moderator whom I was thinking should take the chill pill, and where I'm located at this moment I don't want anything colder, it's minus 4 now and its spring Originally Posted by Woody of TX

QUOTE from VYT: This may come as a surprise to everyone posting in this thread, but there is only one person in this thread so far that actually is a moderator here and that would be myself.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
North Slope, yes Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Well I hope you're getting a little Nanookie up there!

Don't you eat that yellow snow!
  • Vyt
  • 04-22-2011, 08:52 PM
While it's good for my ego that everyone sees fit to quote that particular bon mot, it was far more accurate/relevant when there were only two other posts in the thread, both of which were criticizing how moderation was done.

Everyone's input is valid, which is why it's troubling when posting here becomes a full-contact sport, because many who might have something to say don't feel like descending into the muck and getting muddy.

Suffice to say if I was out to win friends and indulge in ego trips, I would be 'backseat modding' from the sidelines. It's a lot more fun that way.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I would say what has been said to me on these occasions but that wouls be disrespectful. Thats probably why we ought to consider bringing down the heat. But what do I know? Mongo only pawn in game of life! That said, somebody's gotta go back and get a chitload of dimes!

Thanks for all you do boss. You and all your merry band of moderators. We ALL appreciate your selfless contribution to our make-believe community!

I think I'm going to start crying...
While it's good for my ego that everyone sees fit to quote that particular bon mot, it was far more accurate/relevant when there were only two other posts in the thread, both of which were criticizing how moderation was done. Originally Posted by Vyt
My comment to you personally was not in reference to being "accurate/relevant based on only two other post in the thread, nor the fact that they were criticizing how moderation was done" on the said subject, but the mere fact that you seem to have let this moderation title bow your chest up and get a cocky little attitude. If you can't take a little criticizing then you need to step down or get some thicker skin. Obliviously you are not in any supervisory capacity in the real world, other wise the direction you would take even here on a hooker board would be different. Earn a little respect and you will be treated with respect, take note to your fellow moderators here in Austin, they have respect and leadership status, if you keep the direction you are going you will be just another Moderator with an ego and nothing else.

Suffice to say if I was out to win friends and indulge in ego trips, I would be 'backseat modding' from the sidelines. It's a lot more fun that way. Originally Posted by Vyt
Just the attitude that I was referring to, you might as well said "Fuck Off". Yeah man you are the Honorable Bad Ass Moderator of Austin, cheers to you!
  • Vyt
  • 04-23-2011, 04:38 PM
the mere fact that you seem to have let this moderation title bow your chest up and get a cocky little attitude. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Just the attitude that I was referring to, you might as well said "Fuck Off". Yeah man you are the Honorable Bad Ass Moderator of Austin, cheers to you! Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Sorry you feel that way, and if you've taken my posts in such a way clearly I've expressed myself badly. I've tried to be as even-handed as possible and it's a bit frustrating when both 'sides' of that spill out into the same thread in public. Again, apologies for that frustration spilling out. Rest assured, I don't see myself as anything other than a referee, and last I checked that was not a particularly glamorous position!
  • Booth
  • 04-23-2011, 05:01 PM
Just the attitude that I was referring to, you might as well said "Fuck Off". Yeah man you are the Honorable Bad Ass Moderator of Austin, cheers to you! Originally Posted by Woody of TX
That's a pretty extreme interpretation and I didn't take it that way. Just goes to show that no good deed goes unpunished.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sorry. Backing off.
I have been gone for a little while from here, which is what I should have continued to do but....was bored the other day and jumped on line to check things out. Mistake, number one was reading the Austin board, mistake number two was commenting on the board.

As an experienced member of the past glory years of hobby boards, I should have known better than to express what I was seeing from the outside looking in. I personally was drawn in when I actually do not want to be involved. Vyt thou I'm not sure that we have ever meet (probably have), you probably are a good guy, but consider if I saw this in a short time of visiting here again, it most likely has been thought of before by others. I still stand by my original post that it seems IMHO that you are letting ego take over, even if you have no idea that it is....good luck and I will try my best to be GONE as I had originally planned.
Whispers's Avatar
I have been gone for a little while from here, which is what I should have continued to do but....was bored the other day and jumped on line to check things out. Mistake, number one was reading the Austin board, mistake number two was commenting on the board.

As an experienced member of the past glory years of hobby boards, I should have known better than to express what I was seeing from the outside looking in. I personally was drawn in when I actually do not want to be involved. Vyt thou I'm not sure that we have ever meet (probably have), you probably are a good guy, but consider if I saw this in a short time of visiting here again, it most likely has been thought of before by others. I still stand by my original post that it seems IMHO that you are letting ego take over, even if you have no idea that it is....good luck and I will try my best to be GONE as I had originally planned. Originally Posted by Woody of TX

Woody... You nailed in a short time something that has been batted around for a while now....... This is the first time in a year that we have a MOD panel where ALL the local Mods are not highly respected.....

I've MET Vyt and he's an OK guy but he's a guy with opinions that likes to post and when you are wearing the MOD hat your posts definitely get colored....

Like you said in an earlier post..... I don't think we've had a MOD in a LONG time that likes to tell us everyday that he IS a MOD.....

I think it's cool that I have very few recent posts and that there seems to be a never ending shit storm attributed to me......

I've been backing out because uf the TYPE of Moderation that is occurring.....

Threads are being STEERED and people are being warned to NOT confront certain other people......

Highly childish manner in which to treat adults.....

Without earning a SINGLE point or warning ONE member can be told to NEVER post a contrary opinion of another member or in another members threads?

Lately..... the biggest Austin Shit Stirrers are ladies, Post Hos that are past their day and whiners that never review or contribute information..... It seems that the is the direction the boat is being steered......

Luckily.... I have a new work project and one too many ladies in my life it seems......

Anyway..... I looked in for a few after a day with the family and thought I would tell you ya nailed one of the issues pretty darn quick.

Maybe I'll see ya Thursday if ya come hang out!

By the way...... In case you didn't know it.... Vyt is a mOd now!'s Avatar learn
budman33's Avatar
Lately..... the biggest Austin Shit Stirrers are ladies, Post Hos that are past their day and whiners that never review or contribute information..... It seems that the is the direction the boat is being steered...... Originally Posted by Whispers
Well by the rules of this board reviewing of strippers you score BCD due to late car payments, cell phone outtage, or electricity soon to be cut off that usually don't provide ... and don't till they fall behind on things again is a Pointable review here. More power to you and keep on doing what you do.

some of us however don't see much value in this other than to know what day the landlord, Electricity worker, or repo man shows up. A tad too predatory for my taste.

I don't review currently but I do exchange PM's on ladies I have known who are UTR and do not want reviews and only then PM if they say its ok to.

I'm not trying to stir up shit but I am just calling it as I see it.
sixxbach's Avatar
some of us however don't see much value in this other than to know what day the landlord, Electricity worker, or repo man shows up. A tad too predatory for my taste. Originally Posted by budman33
Gotta love the moral high ground on a escort board......

Yssup Rider's Avatar
TO RECAP: this thread was about VictoriaLyn's thread getting closed and her perception/accusation of unfair moderating in this forum.

Somewhere along the way a postive suggestion was made to create a new forum for all the chest thumping, pissing matches, shitstorms, namecalling, whining and personal insults that currently float at the top of our serene, limpid little pond of love.

Then all that flotsam and jetsam quickly found their way into THIS thread.

Just checking my scorecard to see if I'm missing anything.

I'm curious to know if the new forum idea has received any traction from ownership.
OneHotMale's Avatar
TO RECAP: this thread was about VictoriaLyn's thread getting closed and her perception/accusation of unfair moderating in this forum.

Somewhere along the way a postive suggestion was made to create a new forum for all the chest thumping, pissing matches, shitstorms, namecalling, whining and personal insults that currently float at the top of our serene, limpid little pond of love.

Then all that flotsam and jetsam quickly found their way into THIS thread.

Just checking my scorecard to see if I'm missing anything.

I'm curious to know if the new forum idea has received any traction from ownership. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yeah you missed the fact that some are now reaping what they have sown in the past.