Not nonsense. Your Youtube video is from 2015 -- four years ago. The 2017 article in The Daily Wire reported how Odumbo facilitated the sale of enough uranium from Russia to iran to construct ten nuclear weapons. the November 2018 -- just two months ago -- Foreign Policy article reports that Iran is only seven to twelve months from fielding a nuclear weapon and that earlier reports of ten years were wrong. Then four days ago, an Iranian engineer admits and reports that Iran never abided by the terms of Odumbo's treaty and that Iran persisted in its nuclear program. Originally Posted by I B HankeringThe Youtube video is 4 years old. The science does not change. In order to have an Atomic Bomb one would need U-235 to be enriched to a concentration of 97%. Before the deal Iran cut with Obama they did have weapons grade U-235 which is 20% concentration. Iran was only allowed to keep enough u-235 to heat their homes. If they did not comply with the deal how come they don't have an atomic bomb right now? Why do they need Russia to send them back slightly enriched U-235. If they did not get rid of their enriched u-235 and did not turn off their most efficient centrifuges then how come they don't have a bomb right now? Did that engineer say it exactly what is the concentration of enriched u-235 that they have and how many KG's of it do they have. Again the scientist in the other article that you posted said it DEPENDS on how efficient their enrichment process is. This is the one sentence that you try to ignore. If Trump had not backed out of the deal Iran would not be anywhere near getting an atomic bomb. The inspections committe said Iran was complying and Trump announced publicly that Iran was complying with the deal. General Mattis you know the best general since Patton (minus the pearl handled pistol) had advised Trump to stay with the deal that Obama cut with Iran.