Look who's not above the law today....

elghund's Avatar
The Supreme Court established 40 years ago that presidents are immune from civil prosecution.

Before today, it was never required for the Supreme Court to weigh in on criminal prosecution, because presidents never went after their predecessors in this manner.

Joe Biden changed that forever.

And the Supreme Court dealt a significant blow to his lawfare against President Trump. Originally Posted by Flair4Drama

Yup, looks as tho the Biden Admin Lawfare against Trump is coming to an abrupt end. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

If you get rid of the political blather, and simply look at the core issues written in our laws of the land, there are many acts that Trump is certainly guilty of, and the current Justice Department would be negligent in ignoring.

There are also some instances where politics played into chasing bad cases against Trump. The NY State case as an example. But this has nothing to do with the Federal government…because certainly no one at the Federal level wanted that case brought to trial.

Bottom line..if any of us took those documents, we would already be behind bars. All the other stuff is subject to partisan politics, unfortunately.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
elghund's Avatar
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
But but but…how would he know what he is immune from?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
But but but…how would he know what he is immune from?

elg….. Originally Posted by elghund
whew for us ????

Yup, looks as tho the Biden Admin Lawfare against Trump is coming to an abrupt end. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
noah the left never stops cause

its their whole life

their religion and they actually practice

their religion unlike republicans and conservatives

who generally try and do something ineffectively

after all the damage has been done ..

how do you think they captured all forms of education

all forms of mainstrem media, including fox

all the institutions of government

they actually believe in their religion and enforce it
If you get rid of the political blather, and simply look at the core issues written in our laws of the land, there are many acts that Trump is certainly guilty of, and the current Justice Department would be negligent in ignoring.

A lot of truth to this, but putting aside the political blather, Biden should be held accountable for having possession of confidential documents from when he was a Senator. DOJ is saying now he’s an old man that can’t stand trial because he’s a forgetful old man with good intentions. Biden was certainly not a forgetful old man when he stole confidential documents while he was a Senator taking documents from the SCIIF 20 years ago. DOJ is currently being negligent by ignoring these criminal charges…because he’s too old and forgetful to stand trial. Release the hounds and the tapes from Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Hur and let us, the people decide.

There are also some instances where politics played into chasing bad cases against Trump. The NY State case as an example. But this has nothing to do with the Federal government…because certainly no one at the Federal level wanted that case brought to trial.

Again I agree that the Feds refused to prosecute due to lack of evidence in the NY State trial. But, I will disagree that the Feds had nothing to do with it. Matthew Colangelo who was #3 at the DOJ in Biden’s Admin took a demotion to move to the NY DA’s office to focus on taking down Trump. This to me is an obvious Lawfare by the Biden Admin. Fortunately they’ve not been allowed to get away with this BS.

Bottom line..if any of us took those documents, we would already be behind bars. All the other stuff is subject to partisan politics, unfortunately.

elg….. Originally Posted by elghund
elghund's Avatar
[/B] Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
I agree Biden and Trump both should be prosecuted equally for document theft.

As far as “lawfare”, it’s hardly a new concept. It’s been that way as long as I can remember, from both parties. And it will continue as long as the DOJ is under control of whoever wins the Presidency.

elghund's Avatar
SCIF* Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
I am also of the opinion that Biden needs to step aside in the election, and even the Presidency at this point.

Flair4Drama's Avatar
If he steps away from the election -- he would necessarily have to step away from the presidency.
He won't, and that makes my day.
noah the left never stops cause

its their whole life....
Originally Posted by JONBALLS
They would say the same about you. Good old GOP...calls themselves the "party of freedom"...beats down every opponent in the most hateful and spiteful way. Gaslights everyone especially their fans. You all are so drunk on the koolaid you can't see how much they laugh at you behind your backs. Your vote is their license for more oppression and to make more money.
If he steps away from the election -- he would necessarily have to step away from the presidency.
He won't, and that makes my day. Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
This is a perfect example of how selfish and small-minded the GOP has become. Instead of saying "we deserve a better candidate that this" you hope that the old man stays in the race because that is the only real hope you have. Trump cannot win office on his own. He only wins if there is no one clearly better. You deserve a better candidate than him also. But you are going to put this despot back in office and then celebrate it. Likely not for long, though.

Enjoy your tax cuts when Trump gets back in office. You're going to need them to pay for the inflation he causes. You ain't seen nothing yet. Treasury yields have already spiked due to the belief by investors that Trump's odds have greatly increased. That is not a reaction of confidence.

SCOTUS tossed Chevron. That is much more significant than the immunity decision. You have no fucking idea. Hannity and Bannon tell you it is to end the problem of the "deep state" and government over-reach. Yup. All of it. The same over-reach that brought you clean air, safe food, and seat belts. Gone. Soon.

Let's defund the DOJ and FBI! The same folks who have stopped only-God-knows-how-many potential terrorist acts behind the scenes while you all swallow the lies that they "target" Trump and have been "weaponized."

And exactly WHAT effect do you think raising tariffs across the board and deporting cheap workers will have on the economy?

None of you have really thought any of this through. You are all drunk on populist, simplistic lies. Lie, after lie, after lie. All of it okay with you. That's the new norm now, a POTUS who lies unchecked. Unreal.