Unusual encounter

BlondeLexi's Avatar

To anyone that got offended that I didn’t lead with *Trigger Warning* before giving accolades to a male for being respectful & doing the right thing by calling him a “good boy”. If you got offended or think it’s a derogatory term, then I apologize that you are a pvssy!

Good boy?!
Now I’m confused about your level of respect,? Originally Posted by sin.di.vine
OK comeback king. Calm down and lay off the cheddar bay biscuits. Originally Posted by TJneedsaBJ40
lilylivered's Avatar
Then it’s on..
Lilly! Glad your here,
Since you are here, what words do you have on “ different “ encounters for the OP

Kill him with kindness?
Or lay down there fucking law words? Originally Posted by sin.di.vine
lol, Im layin low on this one....
lol, Im layin low on this one.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Good idea lily, I almost got in trouble earlier just for being a “good boy” lol

Poor bufferdean hasn’t gotten much solid feedback. I’d suggest go with the flow, take it one step at a time, and always trust your gut. I’ve been there with an AMP provider, fortunately for me, mamasan sent her away before it got as far as yours did. We got too close for mamasan’s comfort before we were able to take it outside the AMP. Damn shame tho, I’d probably be married by now lol
Plastic Man's Avatar
lol, Im layin low on this one.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
good ...idea

...checkers withs funnels obviously ...requires far too much mental ...dexterity
Dr-epg's Avatar
Members back on topic please
Amber Does's Avatar
Just because someone is a sex worker doesn't mean every sexual interaction is a business transaction. Sounds like you guys have gotten to be pretty close friends after talking for so long. To her, your friendship is payment enough. I'm not an AMP worker but I gather that the conditions are considerably more difficult than being independent, so she might appreciate being simply treated like a person.

Some ways you can treat her without outright "paying her" - Take her out to dinner at a really nice place, email her gift cards to Amazon/Wegmans to help her with necessities periodically (groceries are expensive!). Take her to one of the summer festivals. Check in on her, be an ear for her to talk to, present her with new experiences she might not have experienced otherwise.

Don't fall in love, it's a trap. Or do. Life is short. Don't let someone's past scare you away from their future.

Good luck! Originally Posted by valkyra
You said it so well ESPECIALLY the last bit. ♡♡♡♡

But to these boys we will always be just a whore no matter what we do in our life or how we carry on. Unfortunately.
its a term of endearment AMBER
Amber Does's Avatar
its a term of endearment AMBER Originally Posted by JONBALLS


You said it so well ESPECIALLY the last bit. ♡♡♡♡

But to these boys we will always be just a whore no matter what we do in our life or how we carry on. Unfortunately. Originally Posted by Amber Does
I don’t think that is true. I can’t believe you haven’t met some truly nice guys. I know I have met some ladies whose company I very much enjoy. Of course if you say that on here you get attacked and called names 😂. Whore is a harsh term mostly reserved for ex GF’s 😁
Good advice. When we parted at our last meeting, we came to an intersection when I would turn right to return to my hotel and she would turn left to walk to her house. She declined my inquiry about walking her home (I had a long drive and was running late on the hotel checkout) so, we hugged said our good byes and promised to see each other again. As we both walked away, I turned to see her and discovered she had done the same. We smiled at one another and waived. Further down the block, I turned around again and once again saw her watching me as I was walking towards my hotel. We waived once more at one another. I found this behavior a little odd for a sex worker and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. But, I think your observations are on target.
You are incorrect about the motive. I was not bragging at all. I found the encounter unusual and sincerely wondered if anyone had a similar experience or wished to contribute an interpretation or observation about my experience. I left out details about our talks during the day and a half we spent with each other: highly personal and emotionally charged. Perhaps that is why she did not feel comfortable asking for money. Bottom line is we still communicate and I hope to see her again. If it’s an act, it’s a damn good one and, as another person said, sex workers are people too and they like to be treated as such.
We did not meet at a AMP but at a library as I was visiting the city where she lived. Consequently, there really wasn’t a convenient way to exchange money and, quite honestly, I did not know if we would have sex or not. We agreed to meet and spend time together. We went for long walks, visited a zoo, went shopping and went out to eat. It wasn’t until hours into our visit that I realized we would probably be intimate and she wound up spending the night with me. I hoped to have a real experience with her and that’s how it turned out. I offered her money because I am aware how deeply in debt she is (pay off those who helped he get into the US) and, like many sex workers in the US, they have family back in China that they are supporting. So, it didn’t seem right that I shouldn’t contribute. I just hope I didn’t insult her. She told me she wasn’t and appreciated the $.
Haha! No problem here. My friend is not looking for marriage and I already have a wife!

. Originally Posted by Amber Does