HPV / Genital Warts

Why the hell would you put this on a national board. It is private to you. It's like going on Jerry friggin Springer. Man some things you should just take care of with a doctor Originally Posted by burkalini
Yeah, cuz we all know eachother here right....
some of you are plain mean. others (including several health care professionals) have written me very kind and informative and helpful private messages.

first, thankfully, i have now been seen by two doctors who say i have no symptoms of any std, but there is not test for hpv in men, so i may or may not have it. he said considering the number of sex partners i've had, i probably had contracted at least one strain of the virus, but that i had no symptoms. the bumps i was freaking out about are not genital warts, but irritated hair follicles in my pubic area.

second, i said i was exposed 8 years ago, meaning after i had sex with a woman while wearing a condom, she called and told me that she had a positive pap smear for hpv, and that i had therefore been exposed, and that i needed to be checked. i went to a dermotologist and was checked, but (like i said above) there is no test for hpv in men, and i never developed any symptoms, and i never thought i had anything wrong with me. but i know i was exposed, since condoms don't protect from this virus. exposed to the disease is not the same as contracting the disease, and if the cdc's statistics are correct, I now believe that most of the people who read this board have also been exposed, irrespective of whehter they contracted it.

if i had thought i could transfer anything to anyone, i would have told my wife and abstained from the hobby.

third, i always wore a condom with providers, but apparently that isn't enough to protect against hpv or crabs. bbbj or cbj doesn't matter. condoms help, but since the disease is frequently transmitted from pubic area to pubic area, outside where a condom would cover, you can't rely on condoms. hpv and crabs are the two stds not transmittted by human fluids, and therefore the 2 stds that condoms can't prevent.

fourth, i think everyone should read the facts and statistics about hpv for themselves on the cdc website. http://www.cdc.gov/std/hpv/ i am not going to try to argue with all of you. i feel like i was trying to get some advice, and all i got was criticism. sorry if i hit a nerve.

fortunately, i have now been to two doctors, and have been cleared. but i will say that the stress and fear and depression i felt when i though i might have an std was something we should all consider.

read the cdc's website. hobby as safely as possible. Originally Posted by asstronaut
theres no test but they can search for warts on you
Naomi4u's Avatar
I have been keeping up with this thread and just cannot resist posting my two cents.

I had an ex gf who started providing in June of this year. I was paying all of her bills (supporting her, etc.). She told me she wanted to get a job and earn her own money. She started travelling out of town for one week a month to different locations throughout the US. Well, in September, I accidentally discovered what she was doing. I read her reviews on TER and read where she had a lot of unprotected encounters during the same time she was with me. I am a big boy. If that's what she wanted to do, then let me know. Do not disrespect me and put my health at risk. That is truly reprehensible. Now I am going through periodic testing and am clean so far, but the pain and stress has been hard to bear at times.

Asstronaut, I never read at any time where you are truly concerned about the safety and well being of your wife, who also happens to be the mother of your 3 children. You may not love her anymore, but she is the mother of your children and for that reason alone, she deserves better. I am not an expert on what all you might have, but I suspect she could have something hence there is a remote chance it could be passed on to your children. Maybe by sharing a glass of Kool Aid. I don't now. But from what I read, it is apparent to me that you are only concerned about your own but. I suggest you man up, grow a pair, get your life in order and stop putting others at risk. Originally Posted by FatBastard
+100000! Very well said!
yourpcrepairguy's Avatar
Well I will say one thing these kind of threads remind you of your priorities in life and you question if the hobby is really worth it.... esp since I am new and have no references and really do not want to risk seeing just anyone.I have seen a girl or two that welcomed newbs that peeked my interest, but then thoughs of priorities start juggling again. Thank goodness for porn.
anywhy, back to lurking.....