BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-18-2022, 03:41 PM
So who is this old main fat drama queen keep talking about
keep seeing this like old broken record for ever now and I'm just can't think of who it could be ? Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Everyone knows who she is LMAO 🤣 now get back to OH2 to your daily gossiping. You should have the same energy on this site as you do over there. That's right, CK isn't here pulling the strings
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-18-2022, 03:49 PM
Since ya'll acting like lil B***ch's on here. the girl who BB is referring to is Karissa aka Foreign Becky. Who I have seen several times and reviewed. I had no issues with her, it's just some of you snitches mofo's who are constantly getting banned and talked about on OH2 have to eat your own medicine for doing the same fucking thing and getting people banned because they talk shit to you or about you.

Secondly this site is made for all people with all types of fetishes. Taking shit about someone being old and fat may not be your cup of tea, but it may be someone elses so respect that. Especially since you haven't written a review of a credible lady in like 3 years and the last ones you did write write were of some BBW most people have never heard of of from list crawler.

Maybe if some of you actually focused on fucking ladies and having a good time actually doing it, you'd have more fun in the hobby. If your main purpose is to get on her bashing ladies (some of which are too attractive for you to fuck outside of this) then take a step back and re-evaluate yourselves. Some of you act like you pulling civilian pussy from dime pieces on a regular and in all reality the only interaction you get from the opposite sex is from the hobby. Humble yourself Originally Posted by txboi817
I know you're proud of being a trick, next time don't be scared to address me with my name before ranting a chapter, I do have a issue with a Old fat whore over there for getting me banned with off site comment ( I called her fat on Twitter), you don't worry about what I say, fuck, don't review. Worry about keeping the simp image TX boi
must have struck a nerve
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-18-2022, 04:09 PM
must have struck a nerve Originally Posted by txboi817
Kinda like you long emotional rant, difference is I don't beat around the bush or act like a pussy when I address anyone . You gotta a problem with anything I post, address me directly next time
I thought i did.....but if you really want me to say your name. I'll edit it since I still have time.

Edit (there you go)

you're a clown dude. your main focus of being on here is to troll. your go to is to throw around the words "simp" and "tricks" like its insulting to people like we really give a fuck about some broke ass want to be hobbyist gives a shit about your dumb ass opinions. Stick to $60 street walkers and let the real men handle business.

Funny you want me to say your name but you won't put a name to the "fat whore" you constantly talk about. Pot meet kettle?
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Actually, there are a more than just a few drama queens who seem to target people without any prodding, because they follow those individual's posts. IMO, the definition is those who try to stir the pot by a few methods: One, insulting those who have a different opinion on a supposed opinionated board. Two, they throw out assumptive theories and lies, stating them as facts, looking for a response, AKA, a baiting post ( also known as a troll). Three, likes to argue about how truthful they think reviews are and they were not even there. Four, let's not forget about those who talk about other people to hopefully get others not to see them for sessions. No names need to be mentioned, but if one or more of these sets of boots fit, feel free to strap those babies on.

These P4P websites, Eccie, OH2 and even PacePro, are supposed to be where you log on to the site(s), read and get some opinionated, but honest intel, then make contact to with whom you wish to possibly see for a session, easy peasy. But as the well-documented history of the sites indicate, it is all about playing one-upmanship games, being a bitch drama queen ( both ladies and guys) and picking on others who you feel can be easily ganged up upon and will not fight back, because everyone else is doing it so you want to fit in with the popular crowd. Or, maybe they will defend themselves, but playing into your hand, making the sites all about bickering. Feel free to strap those boots on as well should they fit.

That is why the vast majority of providers and hobbyists who do enjoy the hobby do not participate on the sites.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Right he want's his name out there and be addressed but wont say who he calls Old Fat Drama Whore ..... Interesting !

I thought i did.....but if you really want me to say your name. I'll edit it since I still have time.

Edit (there you go)

you're a clown dude. your main focus of being on here is to troll. your go to is to throw around the words "simp" and "tricks" like its insulting to people like we really give a fuck about some broke ass want to be hobbyist gives a shit about your dumb ass opinions. Stick to $60 street walkers and let the real men handle business.

Funny you want me to say your name but you won't put a name to the "fat whore" you constantly talk about. Pot meet kettle? Originally Posted by txboi817
Bald Bryan's Avatar
You are definitely right about this drama queen that moved out West. She does not even post much if it all on Eccie, because whenever she does, she usually gets put in her place. However, she did post frequently on PacePro (and she's not even in Texas). Her and another co-hort drama queen, who also is as not in Texas, have bitched and moaned about people starting discussion threads on there and if you have an opinion that is different than theirs, then you are demeaning all providers and will do grade school drama and insults, as they have so much free time, because they do not have any clients to see. Due to the that fact, PP is currently a ghost town save for a handful or so of providers who will post ads.

Speaking of insulting others for no reason, Bald Brian, you fit that mold perfectly. Eccie thrives on members like you and remember to not name names whenever you are insulting others because on this site, there is supposed to be zero tolerance for insulting others. Then obviously, you are a totally different person whenever you see providers. Too bad the ladies do not seem to realize that and see you for what you are. There is a term for that which described you to a T by its very definition, but if I say it, then I'll probably get points from the mods.

OH2 will continue to go on and off line as it seems their technical support people do not know how to overcome the glitches that keep happening. Eventually, that site will be gone for good. I think pacepro may stick around, but it is run by a provider who is friends with the two drama queens on there you are allowed to insult others as they see fit with no repercussions. And as long as it has been online, there still are no rules posted on that site. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Post #45 of this thread can be applied appropriately here as a response to the quote above as it gives a basic summary of what me and so many others think about the two trick trolls of eccie. But yeah, @WEC, the "drama whore" who moved out west isn't even on eccie or pacepro but go ahead and make it allllll about you and your lack of success on the boards, how you're always the victim and then spin it like I'm referencing someone I'm not. Every time one of the boys here chimes in on an OH2 thread they tend to bring up Foreign Becky/Karissa as either "sugar britches" or "drama whore" or whatever, like she's running the "drama" over on OH2 or something when she hasn't had a presence there in like 5-6 months. Again, the drama isn't on OH2, it's on eccie. It was flaming up for a bit on pacepro but said flame was extinguished. You guys come on here flailing your jaws like you know what's up but the truth is that you're way behind the times and just look silly.

Now in regards to being insulting or whatever....IDK, whenever I post an opposing viewpoint or opinion, I don't think that should be interpreted as an insult. But I notice a theme with you that you consider anything that isn't in line with your own narrative, you play the "insult" card.

And then there's this other narrative of yours....I'm going to DM you about it so that you can be more direct in your accusation as you've always been vague in public. What I'm talking about here is that you've said that I'm somehow different in person than I am here on the boards? And that ladies can't see me for who I am? No clue what you're talking about but the invite is here for you to go ahead and expand on that. The ladies I see tend to like me, I get repeat requests from them, they accept my repeat request, I don't have to choreograph their IOP, so on and so forth. So lol, what are you even talking about? You make these weird and wild claims and I'd be interested in hearing where they originate. There's also the one about me threatening a provider's business? Wild how delusional some people can be when trying to advance an agenda. Jealousy of sorts perhaps? IDK, I'm asking...

Oh, and another thing...If you want to call me a specific name/term that would fetch you mod points or whatever then I'll go ahead and wlecome that here. I'm cool with giving you a freebie and formally request that mods don't issue you any points this one time. But my condition would be that you back it up with like some reasoning or examples, none of which you've provided in the past.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-18-2022, 05:32 PM
I thought i did.....but if you really want me to say your name. I'll edit it since I still have time.

Edit (there you go)

you're a clown dude. your main focus of being on here is to troll. your go to is to throw around the words "simp" and "tricks" like its insulting to people like we really give a fuck about some broke ass want to be hobbyist gives a shit about your dumb ass opinions. Stick to $60 street walkers and let the real men handle business.

Funny you want me to say your name but you won't put a name to the "fat whore" you constantly talk about. Pot meet kettle? Originally Posted by txboi817
What are fat whores worth? Maybe 40 if that, you're a joke for paying more, who's the clown now. Let the real tricks handle business, I'm impressed trick. You don't like what I say here, do something about it or STFU. Calling out the fat whore directly would cost me points, addressing me in your rant would not make you look like a Pussy. Learn some game instead pimping with your wallet boi
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-18-2022, 05:37 PM
Right he want's his name out there and be addressed but wont say who he calls Old Fat Drama Whore ..... Interesting ! Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Are you a old fat whore that feel attacked? Let us know, I thought you disabled your account because you couldn't take the heat? Back during my ban LMAO, I didn't know I had that much power over you.
@BLM you're beneath and broke...thats why you always bringing up money and what people pay. probably why you haven't written any reviews of anyone worth a damn. Even the "ugly" ladies I have seen won't see you and are probably better tham the best ones you have ever seen. "do something about it or stfu" what would you have me do? you can't get escorts to see you...you think I'm gonna come meet you lol I got better shit to do. Like I said humble yourself and stay in your lane. I used to think BLM meant Big Latin Male but I think it means Broke Lil Mexican
Bald Bryan's Avatar
must have struck a nerve Originally Posted by txboi817
Yeah you did...You have him cross pollinating his attacks against you on multiple threads now. That's when you know you got him where he wasn't wanting to be gat. Lol, been there/done that.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-18-2022, 06:35 PM
@BLM you're beneath and broke...thats why you always bringing up money and what people pay. probably why you haven't written any reviews of anyone worth a damn. Even the "ugly" ladies I have seen won't see you and are probably better tham the best ones you have ever seen. "do something about it or stfu" what would you have me do? you can't get escorts to see you...you think I'm gonna come meet you lol I got better shit to do. Like I said humble yourself and stay in your lane. I used to think BLM meant Big Latin Male but I think it means Broke Lil Mexican Originally Posted by txboi817
Listen to this Karen, do you discuss me with your whores? Every whore you pay to fuck you? They won't see you woohoo, what a little Bee you turned out to be, only people with little money call others broke, what a classy trick you are. You drive around with spinners and gold teeth player trick? I'm not Mexican clown, try again

You're not beneath me player, you're a trick just like me, FYI: half the whores here started on BP/CL they don't become pros for posting on hooker sites, stop looking like a fool thinking you're gonna clown me, you're exposing your fake image rich boi

BB: you're worst than BOI, stay on your lane simp. I'll clown this trick wherever I choose to, you tricks are in my net now LMAO
Bald Bryan's Avatar

BB: you're worst than BOI, stay on your lane simp. I'll clown this trick wherever I choose to, you tricks are in my net now LMAO Originally Posted by BLM69

Sheeeet.....online boards ARE my lane as I'm an actual hobbyist who hooks up with the online ladies. You wanna talk about staying in a lane, your lane leads to the back of a gas station on harry hines where you get your dirty ass action. And pffft, you ain't got no net..All you got is a bunch of keyboard talk that consists of the same few buzz words you like to throw around while thinking you pull the strings around here and set the rules for the hobby. Spoiler alert, you're just as insignificant as the rest of us when it comes to dictating how the hobby works, but you keep pounding clouds and spittin teeth like you some "top dog" or some shit, laughable.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-18-2022, 07:14 PM
That would be a WK ads update for OH2 and PP, I always know when OH2 is down, we get them sites ambassadors and drama hookers back active on eccie 😂 Originally Posted by BLM69
Boy did I call it, they will SIMP and WK no matter how stupid they look, you tricks know why I'm correct with what I post? Because there's a lot of different tricks that have posted the same but are scared or don't want the drama.

IDGAF what you 2 SIMPS say, prove me wrong with what I post here, you may not like my direct raw style of posting, but we all know it's true. I don't do HH BB, get your facts straight