Stay Away From Shreveport Casinos-- My opinion

Surely you shoved first reesec and had four callers when you had the gutshot str8 draw. if you were last to call all in....please come back soon...

Lady poker players never fold... Four outs is Good enough.

Have fun ladies.
Wow, it's crazy to see a thread like this that's been around for 10 years! First off, Jenica, I totally get your frustration about your experience in Shreveport. It must've been incredibly disheartening to have everyone cancel on you, especially if you were at an upscale casino.
On the subject of casinos, they do have a certain reputation, whether fair or not. While the vibe and the atmosphere can be super thrilling, they can also sometimes carry a stigma.
Slot Gacor, for example, brings a lot of people joy and excitement when played responsibly. It's one of those games that can really light up an evening and make for some unforgettable memories.
Just a normal guy's Avatar
I'm waiting for MM to handle
MuffinMan's Avatar
Especially 10 year old ones. If new information presents itself, we’ll then start a current thread!
