Questions about the clock

I really don`t know with which escorts you have been before, and i heard that in the USA the levels are different since its for time only and no services can be rendered (only the ones that are guided by happenings between two consenting adults and their decisions) . That is a problem, as you encountered it yourself. We europeans usually tend to prefer americans since they are way more easy going and not so spoiled (sorry, at least i am honest). In Europe escorting as being a sexworker goes with certain standards. Cities are smaller, so you cannot perform like a ripp off and have people come back to you.
SO its extremely important that you perform well, that is a first. I got taught by an older lady and introduced into the business, which helps a lot too. I was very young at that point.

To the click stuff: On some level you have to click with people to be able to spend a longer amount of time with. I do 4 hours minimum. I screen carefully, i check the vibes. There are a lot of people i don`t even answer, because their emails are too superficial. Or they are too much about sexual performance and details and want kind of cybersex. And then there are the ones (typical europeans - no american would do that) who completely misunderstand my homepage, and ask me specifically if i do that and that and that and that. These are the gents i get annoyed with even via email becuase they do not get the chemistry part. If someone encounters me only because "travelling to the greek islands" might be on the menu then he is not the right person for me. Period. I cannot say what i will do with one person and what with another. And that is BECAUSE of the chemistry part that is important.

Besides i am very much into kink and BDSM on some part, so its hard to tell upfront what you do and what you don`t do too. Its an experience.
In my escort life i did not have it at all that a client was not ok with me.

But - i used to work for agencies in London for example, who booked me with a guy who beat me up and almost raped me, held me down and hit me with a leather belt so hard that i could not sit anymore for days. Neither did i offer "that service" and i was even begging him to let me go, which he wouldn`t, and "boy was i glad to get out alive". I got so shocked that i could not even talk about that for a long time. So - yes - rest assured, i did not enjoy my session with that gent. And i certainly would not have repeated. I left London the day after and have not been working there ever since. So - believe me - i avoid shitty clients like the devil avoids the holy water.

So? I think you are a bit unrealistic. Just because the client is happy does not make it a good experience for me. And you can be VERY sure that i try not ever to get into an unhappy situation like the one above anymore. Oh, and i did not have time to check the watch because i was busy fearing for my life. Oh and did i do it for the money? Hm.. I don`t know. was a little too much effort i guess. I^d certainly not repeat :-)) (and actually it was not funny)

What i want to say with that story is that you underestimate reality in that business. No lady is interested in having a bad experience, and with the variety of clients people have a choice. I for example choose not to work in Austria, because i simply don`t like the system how its done. Period. I have a choice. Europe is big. Switzerland is great. The USA is even greater. My choice of clients. Period. My choice of life. Period. Originally Posted by ninasastri
OK, there's a lot of meat in this post, so I can't comment thoughtfully to every point (especially with the trouble I'm having with ECCIE). First of all, I'm sorry for the beating you endured. No one should be violently attacked no matter how much someone believes it is deserved or earned. It is just inappropriate behavior. Second, based on this frank post, it is apparent to me that you like to enjoy your time with clients. And you are willing to go the extra mile to screen not only for safety, but also for compatibility. Third, although, as you state, no lady is interested in a "bad" experience, I do think some ladies become jaded, especially with one hour clients. And that, I think, makes for a session where she is "going through the motions." At least that perception exists among men, and (as they say) perception is reality. Fourth, I agree there are some ladies who definitely promote that they are looking for a good time. And I believe they are. They are as much interested in being entertained as to entertain. But I think those are a minority of ladies out there. I think by far, most ladies (especially those that advertise, "it's all about you") are the jaded ones I mentioned above. Finally, I will recognize the attitude of one of our male members (Laurentius, where the hell have you been). I think he basically says that escorts can be found the run the complete spectrum of women. It's just a matter of finding what you like in the spectrum and connecting.
coast_encounter's Avatar
Sound like anyone we know? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Thx, I needed a good laugh.
[Favorite Profession?] Hooker. So I could disappoint Chuckie. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Sound like anyone we know? Originally Posted by pjorourke
PJ, you never cease to more ways than one.
So let me guess, you think that sounds like you? Interesting! I was thinking someone else, but I guess it might fit if you say so.
So let me guess, you think that sounds like you? Interesting! I was thinking someone else, but I guess it might fit if you say so. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Once again you disappoint...
OK, there's a lot of meat in this post, so I can't comment thoughtfully to every point (especially with the trouble I'm having with ECCIE). First of all, I'm sorry for the beating you endured. No one should be violently attacked no matter how much someone believes it is deserved or earned. It is just inappropriate behavior. Second, based on this frank post, it is apparent to me that you like to enjoy your time with clients. And you are willing to go the extra mile to screen not only for safety, but also for compatibility. Third, although, as you state, no lady is interested in a "bad" experience, I do think some ladies become jaded, especially with one hour clients. And that, I think, makes for a session where she is "going through the motions." At least that perception exists among men, and (as they say) perception is reality. Fourth, I agree there are some ladies who definitely promote that they are looking for a good time. And I believe they are. They are as much interested in being entertained as to entertain. But I think those are a minority of ladies out there. I think by far, most ladies (especially those that advertise, "it's all about you") are the jaded ones I mentioned above. Finally, I will recognize the attitude of one of our male members (Laurentius, where the hell have you been). I think he basically says that escorts can be found the run the complete spectrum of women. It's just a matter of finding what you like in the spectrum and connecting. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
There are so many variables that play a role so you can`t quite judge it all by one standard. for example age matters a whole lot. Young providers tend to be more submissive. Older providers more experienced. It can be a matter of choice what you want.
I think what you say can happen with any escort. Its not just particular ladies that behave that way. Its a routine standard. It depends on how you work.
Agency or independent. High or low profile. Some young women are sometimes way too submissive because they think a good session is to do what the guy wants. That leads to frustration or unprofessionality. I am old enough to know and perform different. I am not saying i never had a bad attitude ever about a client, to deny that would be a lie. I believe that ladies that pretend to only be with people (or to only have been with people) they really are into and enjoy the sex immensely, are liars (no offense - its just my experience ). I try to find guys with whom the chemistry clicks and the sex develops further with further meetings. Sometimes it happens that you have the wow effect at once. Those are people i have almost always fallen in love with and dated afterwards or developed long term arrangements with. One i dated officially for 7 years and the other one was married. I believe that escorting is something you have to learn. And after a while you develop the right skills to do what is good for you and for the client. There are people out there i simply don`t click. I know collegues of mine who are way better because they are way more flexible than i am. I am a "love me" or "hate me" provider. I am pretty upfront. I don^t play games. Besides , i believe that european escorts get a proper schooling on business attitude. All of us have to offer services that have a broad variety. In switzerland its normal to also offer BDSM services, as part of your session. If you want to work there and succeed, plain vanilla does not get you anywhere, so if you are not really into that stuff - forget it. In the USA due to the illegality of the prostitution you can`t really "demand" services, that is when slob attitude and carelessness fall into play. That is what reviews are there for.

Feel free to PM me. I don`t censor my PMs and i want to hear what is your opinion no matter what the board thinks of it. We are having an interesting discussion here. I am curious.
The guy did not attack me violently , he is just some pervert that gets off when women are in pain and fear. That is all. The agency apologized and said she will blacklist him. Fact is that they knew who he was and what he was doing and they sent always one girl (new ones) to him for one time. I heard afterwards of numerous collegues to whom that had happened. Lousy bullshit so to speak. It was all premeditated.
Once again you disappoint... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Charles, I'm not surprised that you are "disappointed". From what you write on this board, disappointment seems to be a major part of your life.

Have you ever seen a half full glass?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Charles, I'm not surprised that you are "disappointed". From what you write on this board, disappointment seems to be a major part of your life.

Have you ever seen a half full glass? Originally Posted by pjorourke
When are you guys having lunch?

I bet it will be interesting when the check comes....
To be a fly on that wall.
When are you guys having lunch?

I bet it will be interesting when the check comes.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Well i invited them already to me for lunch, they got along quite well with me as mediator in between. I think i have to fly over soon enough to make them brothers in arms again
So let me guess, you think that sounds like you? Interesting! I was thinking someone else, but I guess it might fit if you say so. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Oh come on, you did not think of me, did you ;-) ? (How does she say: I feel underwhelmed ;-)...)
phatdaty's Avatar
Why not keep it simple? In my mind a clockwatcher is a woman you catch stealing glimpse at the clock during the session.

The ladies can can sugarcoat this all they want, but they have colleagues out there that actually do that or otherwise strike a posture that reminds guys we are paying for their services.

Call a spade a spade.
Why not keep it simple? In my mind a clockwatcher is a woman you catch stealing glimpse at the clock during the session.

The ladies can can sugarcoat this all they want, but they have colleagues out there that actually do that or otherwise strike a posture that reminds guys we are paying for their services.

Call a spade a spade. Originally Posted by phatdaty
And thank you for sugarcoating the accusation regarding sugarcoating the facts in your post by removing my name from it.

I don't see why considering "clock-watching" an attitude precludes the situation you described. Why would those actions not contribute to the attitude that many of us consider the clock-watching attitude? Are you saying that other actions or words would not contribute to your idea that a lady is counting every second she is with you?