I've Been Called On the Carpet

burkalini's Avatar
Stop saying that!!! He is hung like a tree and I have a 6 inch rule! Originally Posted by London Rayne

She went down an inch.
I could use a good tree right about now! haha

Burk are you packing a Fat Pine?
burkalini's Avatar
Back so we don't get the hijack message. This guy should ignore her completly. It's just fucked up if they call for business.
London Rayne's Avatar
She went down an inch. Originally Posted by burkalini
Oh no, that's Naomi not me. I can barely do 6...just ask someone, anyone lmao!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Chica after all the crap thats been going on the other threads with me in the middle of it I think Ciao's fun thread is a good thing. We know it's all bullshit but it's the kind of thread we have fun with. Better than London and I going at it. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Agreed, all counts.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Well DUH, had to keep the trend going!! I think Ill pair up with YOU! Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
Back off! Chica is mine! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Ladies, there is enough to go around!
awl4knot's Avatar
Now that the kool kids have exhausted their banter, we can get back on topic.

I sent the email saying I was an independent guy, that I was low volume and selective and that I just wasn't that attracted to her crew. Here's her response, "lol". That's it: no drama, no come ons, nothing but "lol".

I thank you for your willingness to help. I regret that my situation wasn't more dramatic for our jaded moderator but I couldn't jazz it up and expect helpful replies.

I hope to start more provocative threads. I am wondering if bright colored condoms are sexier than the drab, ordinary ones? Thoughts?
"LOL" now thats one professional madame. You know, a good one would have asked you what your looking for and told ya in the future if she knows of or recruits what your heart desires she would give you first dibs at it. Told ya she was just looking for some green to get her light bill paid. Might not have been drama, but it sure did cause you to have a few concerns on how to deal with it, and bring it to the small minded, useless board here and got ya a serving of DRAMA.
awl4knot's Avatar
CB, You are way over thinking this. Focus on that condom question.
Knot...your just mad your not one of the cool kids

and you know Im right just admit it
awl4knot's Avatar
Sounds like Drama! Id stay away, she sounds desperate and one of the crazy bitches whom after you see will stake claim on you, stalk you, get pissed if you see others, and harass those you see. ...
Sounds like a PSYCHO! Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
]"LOL" now that's one professional madame. [/color] Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!;1580058[COLOR=Red
Yes CB dear, you were sooo right; you are always sooo right. Women are always right, that's their prerogative, right?

I know it is too late for me to be cool, kool, kewl or even kuhl. I'll just stay on the other side of the lunch room and watch with awe and envy.
Aww Knot, bring your tray over to our table, we always welcome a new friend. Your so damn interesting, gets me super excited to read your posts. Are you single? if so, how is it that your not taken. Such a keeper.
Still Looking's Avatar
I love how both of you guys have stayed on topic. For viewers who have joined late, they are playing out the honesty thing right now! Stay tuned!

Awl4knot, in another thread I felt like you sided with some one who was ridiculing my threads. It was said they were boring, mundane and meaningless. Well this thread here you started may have been a great example of that kind of thread. But it doesn't look like it will finish that way! You know you can request the mods close it. One things for sure, being on the receiving end of the securitization isn't nearly as fun when it’s you! But, my hats off to you. Most guys could handle the abuse! Give them hell, I'm cheering for you!

Be nice now CB for he know not what he do! LOL
burkalini's Avatar
Oh no, that's Naomi not me. I can barely do 6...just ask someone, anyone lmao! Originally Posted by London Rayne

With proper foreplay and some patience one size fits all. It doesn't blow out your shit either. It snaps back. Your only using that little pussy to half of it's ability. Plus a guy with a larger cock doesn't have to ram it all in. If it's that tight 5 or six inches should be plenty although most of the gals I have been with that are really tight usually end wanting a little more after they get used to it. No pain need be involved at any point.
Still Looking's Avatar
Let's see now. So far we have solisitations, shit slinging, being cool and dick and pussy size! Yah, I think we just about covered everything! All we need now is Naomi to give us a Hot Damn and we'll be done! Or will we?