Encounter: Birthday start off

Plastic Man's Avatar
Because women are all worthless cunts whose only purpose in life is to make me a ham sandwich and bark like a dog while she’s bent over with something inside her. Yes I’m misogynistic. Originally Posted by coffeedrinker
wells it dones seems likes ...ya an yer ...plastic man ...justs becames ...brothers

great review an great ...thread so ...thanks ...fer sharin!
Hes filled this thread with butt hurt drivel novels. LOL
My mom was tasty. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
FYP. Hopefully this gets me the Ban Hammer. This way I can use review boards that aren’t filled with White Knights, trolls, or women pretending to be men so they can call their hooker friends and narc on the guys. And at the same time get actual reviews from reputable people who don’t have a horse in the race.
FYP. Hopefully this gets me the Ban Hammer. This way I can use review boards that aren’t filled with White Knights, trolls, or women pretending to be men so they can call their hooker friends and narc on the guys. And at the same time get actual reviews from reputable people who don’t have a horse in the race. Originally Posted by coffeedrinker
I am not an expert on board rules, but I’m pretty sure you don’t need to get banned to use the other boards you mentioned. Maybe one of the mods can weigh in on that.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen you have been asked to stay on topic and continue to ignore these request.

This thread is closed
The Dr