pyramider's Avatar
Al is not smart. Fucktards do not banned for being nice fucktards. Plus, at 90 days it would suggest that Al has been banned before ... being a repeat offender is really not smart.
They are going to throw some bad voodoo on ya' three sides... Heh
pyramider's Avatar
I do not care if Al reads anything I post. If the modtard was just being a "dick head" there are avenues he could have taken to get the ban reversed. Has he reached out to the admintards? Probably not or he would have been posted a response rather than you.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Unfortunately...we can't protest in many chicks...saying. p.s next asshole that touches that rpm button should look down at their fingers whilst doing ...consider broken..saying.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Just free him so the shits,over and I can do the raffle. Xxoo annie
Carguy350's Avatar
Doesn't say banned under his name on his posts.
Has his ban been lifted?
annie@christophers's Avatar
Well then ban the fucker for causing our Lil hearts to bleed for him. HE BETTER NOT BE DOING THAT FAKE BAN SHIT. Smoke and mirrors is funny.(I guess to pathetic fucks like dog kickers) however...some of us would adore to be able to trust anything about this place again ...ban them then..not that they don't have 20 handles. Fucking A..ban me. would never have to stand up again. Take your Sammy's and go home. Fucking weirdos lately. So much for a fucking cash flow. My.o2 cents. (Literally) lol annie
pyramider's Avatar
Hey, I only have seven voices in my head but I am just one voice in the Padre's head ... and its crowded there ...
The masses are speaking

annie@christophers's Avatar
Then tell the Padre to free al.
pyramider's Avatar
The Padre enjoys bondage. Al is the Padre's bitch boi.
annie@christophers's Avatar
I am still rooting for Al Bundy....Set my people free.....