logic has never been a leftists strong trying to argue logic is a waste of time

you just are making assumptions based on feelings when the facts are not in evidence
They are all run by the same government agency. The government tells them what to say on the news. None of them are reliable news sources, they are just regurgitating what the FCC tells them to say. I don't trust any of them. Tell only tell us what the government wants us to think.
Whirly, you can tell, by the response from our liberal wing, that they just don't get it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
They get it. They just put their own slant on things. Fox is slanted a bit to the right. That is healthy because the others are completely biased to the left. I think Fox was the only place who thought Romney had a chance to win. It would have been difficult for them to support him and to report real numbers and predictions. Let us not forget that the dominant party right now is the Democratic party. That happened because people believed the garbage of the main stream media. May I suggest that despite what you hear on MSNBC that you take a personal 'fair and balanced ' approach. Listen to both sides and make intelligent decisions. You know Fox is to the right and you know NBC and CBS are to the left. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Regardless of who won the Presidency, are you happy with what he is doing? Are you happy that the government is more in your life than ever? When you take a balanced look at things, you'll see that people are exiting NY and California and they are moving to places like Texas and Florida. Many numbers in the economy look much worse and Obama has been in for five years. Please look at the stupidity on both sides. The most recent report on Keystone is that it is better to have the pipeline than the cost and pollution of bringing in fuel in other ways. Will it get approved? I doubt it. That is just one example of illogical stupidity. Use your heads. Take a close look at the Tea Party. Are they the fanatics you think they are? What about the other side 'Occupy Wall Street'. Which are the fanatics? The city of Oakland California (not exactly right wing terrorists) had to clamp down on the occupy people because they were out of control in Oakland. When was the last time you heard about a Tea Party protest being violent. It is true that if you listen to Fox, you will see more Republicans and Tea Party types. It is also true that you will get information there that you won't get anywhere else. Furthermore, just as I was surprised that Bill O'Reilly supported increasing the minimum wage, and not surprised that he is interviewing Obama before the super bowl, you would be amazed at how much common sense is on Fox. You'll also discover when comparing Fox to MSNBC how blatantly biased MSNBC really is. If you really want to be progressive, you must take in to account opinions that differ from your own. I don't see that happening. I don't see people working together. What I do see is a President who talks as if he were going to be "King Barach" if he doesn't get his way. It is no wonder that the opposition digs in it's heels and also acts stupidly. I teach Kindergartners with better sense than our leaders are showing. I lost my Doctor due to Obamacare. There is compromise out there. Why was it necessary to take over 1/6th of the economy to make changes to our health insurance system? Stop blaming Fox news! Mr. President, you have a phone and a pen. I have fingers to move the dial against your policies at the voting booth. When many of my more liberal friends also see that their situation grows worse and not better and they see that your party passed a law that at no time was ever popular with the people, we'll see who has more power. Is it your phone or our ballots? What you sign can be undone by the pen of your successor. Personally, I think even Hillary would undo much of your policy. Use common sense. Don't believe politicians with a record of standing with the party line on both sides. It isn't Fox news. It isn't NBC. It is just plain stupidity at the ballot box that has made most Americans want to change things.
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  • BJerk
  • 02-01-2014, 07:46 AM
According to PPP......

Public Policy Polling finds that MSNBC is now America’s least trusted news source, tied with its parent NBC and–wait for it!–Comedy Central. PPP asked respondents which network they trust the most. The results:

Fox News: 35%
PBS: 14%
ABC News: 11%
CNN: 9%
CBS News: 6%
NBC News: 3%
Comedy Central: 3%

Fox is more trusted than PBS ( no brainer - PBS is government funded progressive media )......................MSNBC and NBC are at the bottom with Comedy Central. It is hysterical that all of the left of center channels are considered so untrustworthy by the public !

BTW...I don't have cable/satellite. I pulled the plug several years ago.

Everyone should consider the same - get a smart TV, subscribe to a couple of channels that package programming and you will never look back. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Is this a parody?
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  • WTF
  • 02-01-2014, 08:01 AM
logic has never been a leftists strong trying to argue logic is a waste of time

you just are making assumptions based on feelings when the facts are not in evidence Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
And scientific data has never been your strong suit, could you show data that supports your bullshit?

Actually, my logic pointed out the logical fallacy.

If there were 7 long-term "conservative" options in that poll, the 35% would have been split up over the 7 choices.

Not hard to understand. Yet, you all don't understand.

Using logic with you guys is like trying to use logic with a 7 year old. Originally Posted by Doove
The right always talks about competition and rightly so...competition is good, yet they have none in the fight for viewership in their segment. I wonder if they understand that , it appears not.
And scientific data has never been your strong suit, could you show data that supports your bullshit?
. Originally Posted by WTF
you are an idiot, you are believing things not in evidence not me..the data is required of you not me

so maybe there is data to support the assumption that no one selecting some other channel other than fox would never select fox as an alternative in the "most trusted" category but it hasn't been presented in this thread

what I am saying is the "analysis" of dove's to which you an you bring the data you incredibly dense dullard

trying to explain it is a mistake but:

the assumption you are making is all the respondents that selected as "most trusted" some channel other than fox can be added together and oppose that total to fox's total and not any person who didn't select fox as "most trusted" would never select them as an alternative.

what basis is there for that?

bring the data it might be available
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  • Doove
  • 02-01-2014, 08:58 AM
you are an idiot, you are believing things not in evidence not me..the data is required of you not me Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The data supporting my original comment is in the poll itself, you dullard.

Oh? Add it up and what you get is:

Liberal Media: 49%

Fox News: 35%

Just sayin'. Originally Posted by Doove
Refute it.
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  • Doove
  • 02-01-2014, 09:01 AM
Let us not forget that the dominant party right now is the Democratic party. That happened because people believed the garbage of the main stream media. Originally Posted by heinz5710
But, but, but.....i thought the whole point of this thread was that FOX was the most trusted news source?

Keep slinging shit you guys. Eventually something will stick.
as the lunatic intransigence is overwhelming we will let the American people decide
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  • WTF
  • 02-01-2014, 09:44 AM
Nevergivesitathought seems to be having trouble with the concept of one side with many choices , splitting their vote. The conservatives only have one choice. Some how they think that is a win.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-01-2014, 10:23 AM
Beck apologizes to the nation for spreading lies when we was with Fox, and the simpletons still believe the station is a credible source for news .. he called the Fox audience "fragile"

Fox being #1 only proves more people with weak minds frequent the network

finally the morons excel at something , be proud simpletons, you're #1
Nevergivesitathought seems to be having trouble with the concept of one side with many choices , splitting their vote. The conservatives only have one choice. Some how they think that is a win. Originally Posted by WTF
not only are you dense you think I have trouble conceptually...which calls into question your ability to conceptualize

I understand that the more choices there are the more difficult it is to determine Americas ideological bent..but not the single most trusted channel, that was shown by the poll and was the poll's question's intent

you don't understand that America's ideological bent was unproved. you assume that all the choices other than for fox swing totally to the leftist side and therefore America agrees with you, for why else are you adding up the percentages if not for some feeling of self worth and confirmation of your beliefs? the poll was merely to find the single most trustworthy, not an assessment of America's ideological bent. y'all are trying to prove something not in evidence and not part of the poll and have adopted an illogical methodology as if it was some brilliant enlightenment to the great unwashed

your assumption is the one that requires data or are making the assumption...I am merely pointing out its an assumption..and your retort is I have to prove your assumption is incorrect?

you assume that all respondents to the poll that didn't select fox as their first choice would never, not one single one of them, and certainly not enough of them to maintain fox as the single most trustworthy channel, if their first choice were eliminated, choose fox as an alternative. in addition, by extension, you think that it shows Americas ideological bent

you think all the middle or as you called them in a post above, the "moderates" would never choose fox and would only choose the left.
that's pretty radical of you don't you think? and unsupported by any fact in evidence.

well that does say something... that even you think that all the media save fox is totally left wing and therefore unfair and unbalanced and that any person so selecting them as trustworthy must either be likewise unfair or dumb
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  • CJ7
  • 02-01-2014, 11:04 AM
not only are you dense you think I have trouble conceptually...which calls into question your ability to conceptualize

I understand that the more choices there are the more difficult it is to determine the single most trusted channel

you don't understand that, you assume that all the choices other than for fox swing totally to the leftist side

your assumption is the one that requires data or are making the assumption...I am merely pointing out its an assumption..and your retort is I have to prove your assumption is incorrect?

you assume that all respondents to the poll that didn't select fox as their first choice would never, not one single one of them, and certainly not enough of them to maintain fox as the most trustworthy channel, if their first choice were eliminated, choose fox as an alternative

you think all the middle or as you called them in a post above, the :"moderates" would never choose fox and would only choose the left

well that does say something... that even you think that all the media save fox is unfair and unbalanced and left wing and that any person so slecting them as trustworthy is either likewise unfair or dumb Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

so whats your excuse for being a simpleton, genetics?
LexusLover's Avatar
The "assumption" of the liberals is ... that each person polled only had one vote.
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  • CJ7
  • 02-01-2014, 11:19 AM
The "assumption" of the liberals is ... that each person polled only had one vote. Originally Posted by LexusLover
and your assumption was what?