ESPN pulls Asian-American announcer from Virginia football game because he has a Confederate general's name.

LexusLover's Avatar
from whom would robert lee be at risk? all those non violent antifa football fans? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Twitter messages!!!!

(I'm not shitting you!)

Freeze frame for a second .... What is he doing TO YOU?

MT Pockets's Avatar
So now that you know it didn't actually happen do you'guys feel like idiots?
By the way who can say if the threats made on his life came from a Lib or a Chickenshit conservative? Them Libs normally show up shooting with no warning don't they? LOL I guess you would have rather him be put in harms way since he was a minority and it would further your agenda if he did get shot. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You'd be lying again, M T Brain Socket. You said ESPN didn't pull the announcer because of his name, M T Brain Socket.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I did not say that dumbass. You posted that I did you Trey Gowdy looking motherfucker LOL!
You are so lazy or stupid you do not even know how to make a fake quote. Next time edit muscleups name out of it LOL!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I did not say that dumbass. You posted that I did you Trey Gowdy looking motherfucker LOL!
You are so lazy or stupid you do not even know how to make a fake quote. Next time edit muscleups name out of it LOL!
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You did say that, you stupid, lyin' mutha fucker! The OP posted that an Asian sports announcer was pulled from his job announcing a game because his name was "Robert Lee", and your lying, mendacious ass said it didn't happen, M T Brain Socket.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You did say that, you stupid, lyin' mutha fucker! The OP posted that an Asian sports announcer was pulled from his job announcing a game because his name was "Robert Lee", and your lying, mendacious ass said it didn't happen, M T Brain Socket.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You copied and pasted to make it look like it. Everyone can tell by the way you did it plus they can read the text and know you are lying. You need another drink or something LOL!
Yeah, those unintended consequences always get in the way. Originally Posted by bambino
I wouldn't say always. But sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone.

If anyone ever has any doubts: See "ESPN"

To "protect him from ridicule" they subjected him to ridicule.

Had they kept quiet we wouldn't even be posting/talking about it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Talk about being brainless...

I would love to see him sue them.

I wouldn't say always. But sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And with libtards, i wouldn't consider the consequences we often see from their insane ideas, as "unintended".. PEOPLE warn them time and time again of those consequences coming up, yet they are shot down as "fearmongering".. THEN when those actually come into play, the left rails about "Opps, we didn't intend for these things to happen"..
I B Hankering's Avatar
You copied and pasted to make it look like it. Everyone can tell by the way you did it plus they can read the text and know you are lying. You need another drink or something LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Absolutely nothing was taken out of context, M T Brain Socket. The OP made a statement, and your lying ass blatantly lied when you claimed what he wrote in the OP didn't happen, M T Brain Socket.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Absolutely nothing was taken out of context, M T Brain Socket. The OP made a statement, and your lying ass blatantly lied when you claimed what he wrote in the OP didn't happen, M T Brain Socket. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Here is the difference between you and a normal person. Had you been able to hold a cognitive thought for more than a nano second you would have asked yourself" Hey he said it didn't happen and then commented about some of the events that occurred. Maybe he meant it happened but not in the way first thought." Then you could choose between the options or simply ask " hey you seem to say it happened and did not happen I am confused." Then I could have said well let be a little clearer, You guys implied that ESPN is ran by Lib's I pointed out it was a measure of safety that all involved felt would be prudent. Then of course they did all they could to keep a lid on it, or maybe not. Either way it hit the press as a spin. And we all know how you like to get on a spin and run wild.
So all that for you to understand what pretty much everyone else understood already.
As for taken out of context, you copy and pasted a clip out of the article and posted it like I said it. WTF? no one is that stupid. LOL!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Here is the difference between you and a normal person. Had you been able to hold a cognitive thought for more than a nano second you would have asked yourself" Hey he said it didn't happen and then commented about some of the events that occurred. Maybe he meant it happened but not in the way first thought." Then you could choose between the options or simply ask " hey you seem to say it happened and did not happen I am confused." Then I could have said well let be a little clearer, You guys implied that ESPN is ran by Lib's I pointed out it was a measure of safety that all involved felt would be prudent. Then of course they did all they could to keep a lid on it, or maybe not. Either way it hit the press as a spin. And we all know how you like to get on a spin and run wild.
So all that for you to understand what pretty much everyone else understood already.
As for taken out of context, you copy and pasted a clip out of the article and posted it like I said it. WTF? no one is that stupid. LOL!
Originally Posted by MT Pockets

Your post is there for all to see, you congenital liar. Your lying ass denied that it happened, you inveterate liar. It's too late for you to change what you posted, M T Brain Socket, and your disclaimers are not going to make your obvious lie disappear.
Talk about being brainless...

I would love to see him sue them.

And with libtards, i wouldn't consider the consequences we often see from their insane ideas, as "unintended".. PEOPLE warn them time and time again of those consequences coming up, yet they are shot down as "fearmongering".. THEN when those actually come into play, the left rails about "Opps, we didn't intend for these things to happen".. Originally Posted by garhkal
Libs don't plan ahead. No forethought in their actions at all.

You copied and pasted to make it look like it. Everyone can tell by the way you did it plus they can read the text and know you are lying. You need another drink or something LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
For you, it must be hard to read or think and impossible to do both with just a brain stem. However, I will attempt to convey a simple thought.

I.B.H. is correct. You are wrong.

Hopefully, all of the dollars spent on OBOMBACAREless by productive disciplined individuals on worthless insurance can go to pay for your FREE simian cerebral cortex transplant.

That would be a major step forward in your evolutionary sub-human transition.
MT Pockets's Avatar
So now that you know it didn't actually happen do you'guys feel like idiots?
By the way who can say if the threats made on his life came from a Lib or a Chickenshit conservative? Them Libs normally show up shooting with no warning don't they? LOL I guess you would have rather him be put in harms way since he was a minority and it would further your agenda if he did get shot. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Your post is there for all to see, you congenital liar. Your lying ass denied that it happened, you inveterate liar. It's too late for you to change what you posted, M T Brain Socket, and your disclaimers are not going to make your obvious lie disappear. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I agree, all can see where I made a comment about what happened. You can try to divert what I said but the fact I commented about what really happened and how proves you are full of shit. I think the issue is you read one line and skip over the rest. Must be that 3rd set of the 21st chromosome flaring up again.

For you, it must be hard to read or think and impossible to do both with just a brain stem. However, I will attempt to convey a simple thought.
Since you and I do not have a history I wonder why you went for the insulting. Or maybe we do have a past. LOL So let me convey one for to you. You most likely knew the truth and chose to stir the pot. If we do have a past it will not be hard to figure out who is hiding behind the key board.
I.B.H. is correct. You are wrong.

Hopefully, all of the dollars spent on OBOMBACAREless by productive disciplined individuals on worthless insurance can go to pay for your FREE simian cerebral cortex transplant.

That would be a major step forward in your evolutionary sub-human transition. Originally Posted by Muscleup
Well since I have added the post where I commented about what really happened, maybe you are the one with cerebral cortex problem.
Just because mine (Cortex) has more folds in it does not mean there is a problem. By the way I am not on Obamacare, then again no one is on it. Now you on the other hand may be getting it from the exchange. Thanks to Krute and Burdette you may have other options.
Looks like we have another libtard Rocket surgeon/brain scientist on our hands. LOL Originally Posted by Muscleup
And, don't forget, he's seArgent shitburner's # 1 WK !
I B Hankering's Avatar
I agree, all can see where I made a comment about what happened. You can try to divert what I said but the fact I commented about what really happened and how proves you are full of shit. I think the issue is you read one line and skip over the rest. Must be that 3rd set of the 21st chromosome flaring up again. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
What "really happened", M T Brain Socket is that ESPN pulled an announcer off of a game because of his name and you stupidly said that didn't happen.
First off, M T Brain Socket, it wasn't my OP, but I understood from the OP that ESPN did pull an announcer from reporting a game because that reporter's name was "Robert Lee" and that ESPN justified that decision by saying they were afraid of some kind of backlash from lib-retarded thugs on the left, M T Brain Socket.

Then your lame, stupid-ass came in here and said none of that happened!

So, M T Brain Socket, in your attempt to dishonestly reframe the narrative you were proved to be either a sad and pathetic liar or a sad, pathetic and brainwashed jackass who is oblivious to everything remotely related to the truth, M T Brain Socket.

Unplug Rachel Madcow and move quickly away from the lame-stream media, M T Brain Socket. You're obviously suffering from lib-retard Kool Aid syndrome, M T Brain Socket.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
MT is demonstrating why he and Lubed Wide Ass are so inseparable and a constant lurking presence at the HEB parking lots ! No wonder he's Lube's # 1 WK ! Reckon this is MT way of " throwing his hat in the ring " for the DOTY award ?